Women’s Easter Sunrise Breakfast & Prayer

When He came near…

All of his followers began joyfully to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderous miracles they had seen. “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the Lord!!”… But some Pharisees said, “teacher, rebuke your followers!” He replied, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”

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A Note From Kyle

What did you give up for Lent? How is God speaking to you in the space you have created? As we live out the journey of Lent towards the cross and the resurrection of Jesus, I continue to be amazed at how simple the act of giving up dessert has invited God into my life. He continues to remind me in new and profound ways to draw close to Him, to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, to focus on Him and serve others differently in this season. I love how we are being transformed by engaging on this journey of Lenten sacrifice that The Church has done for thousands of years.

I also love how the weekend series were in, Fearless Generosity, ties into the journey of Lent as well. It teaches and reminds us all how to become the people God has designed and created us to be, people who fearlessly follow Jesus and change the world around us. Last weekend we learned how to live fearless and generous lives by acknowledging the power of money and how to live as a steward without letting it control us. This week, we’re going to look at the one outstanding debt in our lives we should never even attempt to eliminate, and how it can change our lives and the world!

looking forward to being with you all this weekend…

A Note From Caleb

When I was kid I remember going to my grandfather’s church. The church was on the charismatic side, and grandpa Tommy could work himself up to a passionate frenzy. One Sunday, this time of year, I remember grandpa getting excited about Easter. “It’s Friday…but Sunday’s coming!”

It confused me at first, but I put it together. Friday is when Jesus was killed on the cross. But Sunday He rose from the tomb.

Those people in that church are similar to you and me. There are difficult things in all our lives. Just because someone follows Jesus doesn’t mean their life is easy. They live in the same world as everyone else. But they have a different kind of HOPE.

It might feel like darkness is winning… It might feel like you don’t have enough to go on… It could seem like God is silent… And you might wonder if He will come through…

…But Sunday is coming.

That’s what we celebrate at Easter. That’s why we make a big deal about Easter. Easter’s coming!

Join us as we prepare for Easter this weekend with a special message about generosity through hospitality. I’m going to introduce you to some special people and then give you a culture-changing opportunity. Don’t miss it.


A Note From Jeff

I am so excited to get this next chapter of my life and ministry underway at Mission Viejo. Last weekend, as I was announced as the Lead Pastor for the MV community, I was overwhelmed at the reception my family and I received. The church passionately and enthusiastically embodied what it means to be a family. While we ate our fill of macaroni and cheese, played together on the patio, and enjoyed Dr. Pepper, it felt like home. I felt like I was among aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews all playing in our dad’s backyard for an impromptu reunion. What a great statement that kind of family-life makes, not only to me, but to our community:

We’d love to have you here.
You belong.
This is home.

Now, as I pack up my office at the Irvine campus, I can’t help but smile, thinking about how much fun I had this past weekend. I’m looking forward to a great next season of serving alongside my new family at Mariners Church, Mission Viejo.


Pastor Picks

Each quarter, the Global Bookstore asks our Mariners Church pastors what books they’ve been reading and what they would recommend to our church community. Here’s what they said:

A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
Worship Pastor, Kyle Zimmerman:
“We’re all uniquely gifted by God and invited into His great story of redemption…to love and serve others, taking part in the restoration of creation back to its original design…”

The Covenant: A study of God’s extraordinary love for you., by James I. Garlow
Women’s Pastor, Shelly Juskiewicz:
“This book is  amazing. It is rich in the history of the power of our covenant making God and our covenant relationship with Him…”

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