REFRESHING YOUR MARRIAGE is a two day conference for couples looking to take the next steps in their marriage. Featured speakers include Doug Fields and Jim Burns
Friday, Feb 22, 7pm-9:30pm Saturday, Feb 23, 9am-4pm
Azusa Pacific University
$99 (use promo code MVrefresh)
*Cost does not include meals and lodging.
Set-up, greet, and care for guests at a free Farmers Market for low-income families. Fresh and healthy food will be given to families shopping. Sign up online.
Learn about becoming a special friend to a child or teen with special needs. Hear from parents about the impact you can have on the spiritual development of their child.
Sun, Feb 24, 12:45-2:30p
Port Mariners Room 237, free
How’s your week going? Are you submitting and serving one another in your relationships like Jesus? I’m loving this series on relationships and how it has challenged me (and all of us), to become more like Jesus in the way we view and interact with one another. By stripping off the desires and behaviors of the world that distract us, we are more easily able to use our words to build up and encourage instead of destroy, and serve one another in love.
I’m excited how this series is helping shape our lives and relationships. I believe it’s changing us and I can see how it’s changing our church, our families, and the way we live in our community. This week, I’ll be back looking at the power that drives our relationships as we conclude our Relationology series, and I’ll be giving an update on how God has been speaking on the search for our next lead pastor.