A Note From Caleb Anderson


I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are settling into a hopeful and intentional New Year!

REMEMBER: No services January 1st! We don’t have access to the Library Theater because of the holiday. So… we will kick off our new series, SOCIAL RESET on January 8th.

Kick off 2017 by rethinking your relationships. All of life (and the entire Bible) is ultimately about relationships. But in our culture of speed, social media, and artificial connections, what God says about how relationships flourish or fail might surprise you. Don’t miss this provocative teaching series.

Sunday, January 8 (through February)
8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p

Bring someone with you! Come early, connect with humans.


P.S.: Give your year-end gifts here.
P.P.S: Listen to and share recent messages here.

A Note From Erin Kerr


My name is Erin and I am the Mariners Church Life Groups Pastor! I can’t wait to be with you this weekend… I’m ALL about community!

Are you ready for 2017!? I know, I know, most of us are in a post-festive fog but the New Year is upon us and with it, all kinds of exciting plans, hopes and even fears. I think back to 2016 and there is much I am thankful for but there is also pain, discouragement and disappointment. God never promised we wouldn’t have difficulty or trouble, but He did promise He would be with us.

What if we could find strength to face whatever fears we may have in 2017 with God’s help? How different could our lives be if we were FEARLESS? No matter what unknowns, confusion, financial challenges, health problems, loss, conflicts and doubts threaten to sap our soul – what if we could find strength from the Hope, Joy, Peace and Love that we just celebrated? It’s available, we just need to be reminded how to access it.

Please invite a friend and join me this weekend as we look at how God can give us strength to be FEARLESS heading into 2017 together!

Erin Kerr
Life Groups Pastor

A Note From Erin Stone


My husband and I are still finding scraps of wrapping paper under furniture and around the corners of the family room, evidence of some very exuberant gift opening on Christmas morning. Today, as the kids in the neighborhood are trying out new bikes, skateboards and other newly given wheeled contraptions, there is an unexpected and welcomed sense of stillness.

While for kids – and many adults – the anticipation during the weeks leading up to Christmas is palpable, the anticipation of the New Year is more subtle. There is a pause that allows us to reflect back upon the Advent season and the celebration of God’s pure love by sending His son Jesus to earth; and there is space that begs consideration of what’s ahead.

One of my favorite things about my role at Mariners Church Mission Viejo is working with the amazing volunteers who serve generously and faithfully to bring Sunday and holiday worship services to our community.  During this time between Christmas and the coming of the New Year, I am thankful for and inspired by the servant hearts of all of our volunteers. I find myself with a moment to look ahead with anticipation to the year ahead and trying hard to not to fill this space, but instead give it over to God.

I came across a quote recently from Dag Hammarskjöld, a Swedish diplomat and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. He said, “For all that has been, thank you. For all that is to come, yes!”

Wherever you find yourself in this interim season, I encourage you to embrace the space.

Our family and student ministries teams have prepared an at-home tool kit of activities, recipes and readings to do with whomever you find yourself among as this year winds down. You can download it here.

Our first Sunday gathering of the Near Year will be Sunday, January 8, and we will be launching into 2017 by celebrating together! Bring your neighbors, invite your friends and join us for service and a hosted breakfast following services at 9a, 11a and 5p as we step in to what God is calling us towards in the year ahead.

See you then,

Erin Stone
Worship Experience Coordinator

Annual Read


The Mariners One Year Study Bible features a daily passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, along with insightful study notes. This limited edition Bible is available for purchase at the Welcome Center.

$20 (includes tax)
Reading begins Jan 1, 2017
Limited quantity

A Note From Jeff Pries


From the entire staff here at Mariners Ocean Hills, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas. We consider it an honor to walk through life and do ministry with you. It has been an amazing year for us as a church, and we certainly pray that it has been a special year for you as well. We look forward to all that God has for us in the coming year.

We invite you to join us for our Christmas Eve Services at 3p or 5p. It will be a great time to celebrate all that is Christmas and a special service you will most certainly enjoy.

Merry Christmas,


A Note From Jeff Maguire


By now (especially, if you have kids), a search expedition to locate whatever gifts you’ve tucked away in the secret drawers and hidden closets is being contemplated by their eager eyes and curious minds. As we age, our role reverses from seeking hidden good things to hiding good things. We want the “reveal” to be something truly special. So, we work hard to outsmart the would-be searchers. Then, at Christmas, we’ll get out our cameras and record whatever moment we had hoped to see unfolding before us as gifts and gift-givers celebrate.

In most cases, the one receiving gifts knows at least vaguely what they’re looking for, they just don’t know where to find it.

This is essentially the story of people in the world. We can assume, with a fair degree of confidence, that most people are searching for the same things. Nearly everyone can point to the necessity of meaningful connections with others, the value in making some kind of contribution in the world, seeking change, and identifying personal value. What separates people is how those things are discovered.

For those who made their way to the manger at Christmas, they seemed to understand that the one thing they were looking for was hidden in a place and wrapped in a package that was far different than anyone had imagined it would be. But they knew upon seeing Jesus,  they had found that thing they had hoped to find — what their souls were seeking. While there wasn’t a new YouTube worthy kid-freaking-out-over-cool-present-reaction, the shepherds, the wise men, Mary, and Joseph celebrated that in some way this baby was the gift for which the world was longing.

Who are those people in your life who are actively, albeit haphazardly or even irresponsibly, searching for their soul’s deepest longing in places that cannot provide what their hearts truly require? Perhaps, this is the year you invite them to join you at Christmas. Consider that the greater offense is always in the not-asking someone to join you than in the asking. People want to be wanted — to be included and invited —  even if they can’t make it.

Merry Christmas,
