Mariners Resource Center

Meet needs and change lives by making the Resource Center a warm and caring place. Donations are accepted every day. We are especially in need of warm coats, blankets and sleeping bags.

Volunteer Orientation
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30a

Volunteer opportunities available Tues-Fri, 9a-2p

Contact us with questions, 949.769.8131 or find out more

A Note From Caleb


Merry Christmas! It must be Christmas time in Orange County–it drizzled today!

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but Jesus is kind of a big deal. The whole world pauses, puts up lights, gives gifts, smiles more, and sings old songs… all to commemorate a baby born in a barn. Oh… turned out He was God and saved the world. Kind of a big deal.

On a lesser note, I witnessed one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen yesterday. It involves two elves–one 6’8″, the other 4’11”. We shot two videos yesterday. We’ll put the first online next week–as a TEASER for Christmas Eve.

You also may have missed the FLASH MOB last night. It was a great success! Special thanks to all the people who participated and brought Christmas JOY to Main Street.

And more thanks to all of you–the generous people of our church who are buying gifts, delivering Christmas trees, and meeting needs for people in our community. That’s who we are, and I’m proud to be part of this family!


This weekend, we have a guest artist coming. He’ll be painting during the services. I’m also going to give people a very clear opportunity to trust Jesus with their lives. If you know someone who’s been exploring the faith, this is a(nother) great Sunday.

But, in addition to that, I’m talking about the Christmas story in a way you probably have never heard it. See you Sunday!


P.S.: Don’t forget to sign up for ROOTED… And volunteer at one or two of our Christmas Eve services!

A Note From Kyle

I was so encouraged as I heard stories this week of how our church is helping our community experience the truth of Christmas. Many of you stepped up to love and serve the 40 families in need we adopted this season – delivering Christmas trees, gifts and meals around Orange County. Stories have come back of seeing faces light up as you unloaded trees and helped string lights. You also shared about praying over families with sick children and family members.

Many of you sent postcards to friends, neighbors, family members, inviting them to join you at Mariners MV for our Christmas experiences. I love how we are finding Christmas together

Join us this weekend as Doug Fields will be back aiming us toward the truth of the season, and the kids will be in our services helping us experience the joy of Christmas.



A Note From Kyle

“On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…”  Oh – My – Goodness!…what an amazing time it was launching the Christmas season with you all last Sunday night at Tree Lighting. Snow, a lounge for the students, crafts for the kids, food, warm beverages, carols, the Grinch, and of course, plenty of laughs.:) Experiencing something like this with family and friends is truly the only way to find all the joy God has in store for us during this season. (BTW, I’ve heard it’s going to be snowing on the patio again this Saturday night – be sure to join us – and bring your kids and friends.)

Speaking of joy, how’s that going? Are you receiving the comfort and joy this season promises? Or, are you still chasing it? Are you embracing Jesus as your Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and the promises those names provide? Invite a friend with you this weekend as we continue our journey of Comfort & Joy. Doug Fields will be back, aiming our hearts at the depth and truth God has for us this Christmas.

