A Note From Maher Salhani


This past weekend the call went out to “Celebrate Differently” in order to stand in the gap for the poor, the marginalized and those that have no advocates in our community. It was beautiful to see our church respond with such excitement and fervor. The patio was full of families gathered around Christmas trees (yes, in the first week of November) choosing how to serve our community.

The response on last Sunday’s launch weekend was larger than all six weeks of the campaign in previous years. We had more people than ever choose to serve – a 40% increase – by picking serve opportunities through our “Serve Tree.” Your financial generosity and commitment to our outreach efforts has also been amazing, and I’m quickly beginning to understand that in order to build a great church, we must have the foresight to help build a great city. This six week “Celebrate Differently” Outreach campaign has come at an interesting time in our country. At a time when our nation is divided down the middle, how are we to respond as the church? It is easy to get caught up in the emotions of either side, but I’m reminded of the Sunday message from a couple of weeks ago where Nehemiah tells the Israelites to go and celebrate in the truth that “the joy of the LORD is your strength.” The people had started to mourn and grieve after listening to the Word of God for six hours straight because they were sad that their identity as the children of God had been taken from them for so long. But Nehemiah would not let them stay in their grief, they had great reason to celebrate. And so do we.

It is because “the joy of the LORD is our strength,” that we will continue to Celebrate Differently. Over the next five weeks, we have an opportunity to make an incredible impact in a variety of ways in our community. I’m excited to see how God will bring transformation to our lives and the lives of those we serve.

See you on Sunday,

A Note From Joe Hays


What happens when the most important things are interrupted by the Most Important Thing?

I loved the challenge last weekend from Christian Mungai, our Global Outreach Pastor, to embrace compassion and justice. Because of the message, my family is committing to Celebrate Differently by taking a Christmas gift TAG; joining a SERVE opportunity; and choosing to GIVE to our Outreach Team’s work in the community. I am grateful for our church and the opportunity we have to step out and serve others with the love of Jesus this holiday season. If you haven’t jumped in yet, there’s still time! Head out to the patio after services this weekend or visit our website.

This weekend Kenton finishes our Favor With Kings series in the Book of Nehemiah. We will also take another step in our BEYOND campaign with Commitment Weekend, where we’ll celebrate God’s faithfulness to our church throughout the years, and look to the future to see how we can better serve His heart by meeting the needs of those around us through the Community Resource Center. Bring your commitment card and envelope – it’s going to be a powerful time together.

This is a week when your friends and neighbors will be glad you invited them to church!

Joe Hays
Experience Pastor

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, we have arrived safely in Israel and I am so excited, but I wanted to send a quick note thanking you for jumping in last Sunday for Outreach Weekend. Once again, your generosity not only proved to be an encouragement to our church but also a blessing to our community in exciting ways. I am looking forward to our upcoming projects and opportunities – serving people locally here in San Juan and also globally with our Mexico house build trip and food packing event! Be sure to check out the Celebrate Differently serve events below on ways we can be a light in our community!

See you guys soon!
Jeff Pries

Favor with Kings


God’s Purpose, Your Passion, and the Process of Doing Great Things

You have a unique contribution to make to the world around you. We need you to be you and do what only you can do. Discover how, based on the legendary journey of Nehemiah.

Join us this weekend!

Sat: 5p Worship Center
Sun: 9 & 11a
Worship Center & Chapel
Sun: 7p Community Center

Watch past messages on our website.

HSM: Comic Bowl and Del Taco


HSM is heading to Saddleback Lanes for a night of hanging out at Del Taco and then Cosmic Bowl! You don’t have school the next day, so it’s the perfect way to start the long weekend. More info and register here.

Thu, Nov 10, 7:30-10p, $10 for bowling & shoes
Bring $$ for food at Del Taco depending on your appetite!
Drop off and pick up students at Saddleback Lanes

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I can already feel it. Things are about to get moving at a pace we’re ill-equipped to handle. We’re already growing tired of our pumpkin spice obsession, longing to exchange its orange hues and fall tones with hints of nutmeg for peppermint flavors adorned in green and red. Already. It’s here. The low-level anxiety of what we can’t avoid causes in us a uneasiness we aren’t quite ready to take on this early in the season.

But, before we get to that state, before that predictable moon-sized marketing asteroid locks into its gravitational collision course, streaking through the outer atmosphere, and crashing into our laps with thunderous explosions and bright, blinding lights, we’ll need to consider something for the sake of our humanity. Because we could lose it — our humanity, that is. For so many of us, we feel like we’re barely keeping things together. We wonder how that became OUR job. The pressure is immense. The tasks are many — almost all of them are worth our time, effort, and energy. We take on so many critical things. We do good work. We try hard. We expect a lot from ourselves. We feel that pressure.

But, what if all the things we’re doing for the sake of other people, can potentially cause us lose sight of those people? This Sunday, we’ll step headlong into one of our DNA standard bearers at Mariners MV. We’ll talk about our church in our communities. We’ll give a picture of how, in the early stages of peppermint, inflatable snowmen, and temporary exterior lighting, we can maintain our humanness. We call it “Celebrate Differently.” Every year, I forget how much I need it. It’s a great weekend to bring friends who wonder about the kind of stuff we do here: locally and globally. We’ll give you a chance jump in, step up, and go big in a number of really practical ways. Don’t miss it.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Reminder from Sunday…

“What good would it be to gain the whole world and yet give up your soul?” —Jesus

Guard against the dangers of success by passing blessings through and empowering capable people to advance the cause.

What will you “pass through” this week?

This Sunday, join us for a very special service as we kick-off the holiday season by considering what it means to CELEBRATE DIFFERENTLY. For the past seven weeks we’ve been talking about how to find and live out your purpose—your mission from God. This Sunday will help you think through more next steps and celebrate some of the great things already happening in our community.

I’m excited about this service. Bring someone with you that cares about their community. Service times: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p. (Don’t forget about the time change – we gain an hour!)

See you soon,


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Visit our StepInHB.com website and give toward our church’s future!

A Note From Jeff Pries


I’m a man torn-  as amazing as the Harvest Carnival was, I continue to lick my wounds over the drubbing I received in the chili cook-off. At this very moment, I am scouring the Internet for a new and improved chili recipe. But fortunately, my pain from the chili cook-off is offset by the satisfaction that the church, with the help of incredible volunteers, pulled off an amazing Harvest Carnival. It continues to be one of my favorite things we do during the year, and if you were there, you can certainly see why.  It was a picture of our church being a family while at the same time reaching into the community and blessing our neighbors.

Speaking of reaching into the community, this weekend we will be celebrating all of the ways we made a difference in the lives of others through Outreach Ministries. Whether building houses in Mexico, feeding the homeless during Thanksgiving, painting a local school, or providing baby showers for single teenage moms, those are just some of the things we are going to celebrate and reflect upon this weekend. We are certainly a church whose vision is to be connected in community but at the same time, reach out into the community. It will be a great weekend, you won’t want to miss it.

Take care,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


How do you feel about interruptions? Sometimes they may not feel like interruptions if it’s great news or comes at the perfect time, but more often than not, it seems like it’s bad news and comes at the worst possible time.

What if God interrupted your life with great news? What if this were news that could develop in you the foundational character attributes that would change, shape, and transform your relationships as well as the world around you?

This is the heart of the message this weekend as God interrupts our story with great and challenging news from His Word. This weekend is the perfect weekend to invite your friends, neighbors and family members who don’t know Jesus to come hear and see God’s heart on display and witness the beauty of who The Church is called to be.

Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!

