

JHM students – enjoy one last time to load up on candy, have fun with friends and wear your costume. 3 HOURS of epic fun, our yearly Sugarfest is better than ever. This year, our friends from Thousand Pines are coming down to run the event. Click here for more info or search “Sugarfest” on our website.

Fri, Nov 4, 7-10p
Cost: 1 bag of candy
*Winter Camp sign ups start after Sugarfest

A Note From Caleb Anderson


The Revolution

Some years ago I was invited to go on a retreat with a dozen younger leaders. There were a few men from a generation above us that wanted to invest in our futures. One of those men was Os Guinness.

Os is a philosopher and author with global influence who follows Jesus. He is also an heir of the Guinness beer family.

One evening on our retreat, Os was speaking and he said something that has stuck with me for the years since.

He was describing his friendship with another guy – a business leader from New York. They had been friends for years and both were committed to their respective missions in the world – leveraging their influence and expertise to make Jesus known in the larger culture.

The two men have committed to meeting together twice a year somewhere in the world – given that the two live in different countries. Whether a restaurant in the states or a pub in Europe, when the two connect they catch up, they share stories, and they always ask each other one question:

“Is the revolution still on?”

This question represents a lot of other questions:

  • Do we still believe in what we’re doing?
  • Is God still in control?
  • Is Jesus still the answer?
  • Are our sacrifices for the cause still worth it?
  • Will we keep going and persevere?

Their answer every meeting so far… YES.

Stay the course.

It’s worth it.

Good wins.

God is love.

Love finds a way.

God is with you.

You’re on a mission from God. His grace is sufficient for you. Stay the course.

The revolution is still on.


P.S.: More FAVOR WITH KINGS resources here.

P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here and give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


We just bought two new cabinets for our workroom in the offices. The good news is we don’t have to put our supplies on the floor anymore. The bad news is that the furniture is from IKEA, which means it’s in boxes and needs to be assembled. I will do what I always do with IKEA, try to put it together on my own and then, after a time of frustration, find the instructions. It’s always easier when we bring out the instructions. But unlike IKEA, life doesn’t always come with instructions.

In our series on Nehemiah, we’ve been talking about being people who follow our dreams of becoming difference makers. This week, we’ll see how Nehemiah gives us some bread crumbs to follow for success–instructions on how to be a great leader and people who get things done. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue to discover more truths from Nehemiah.

A great part of the series is what is happening on Tuesday nights. Community Nights have been a great success and a ton of fun. So many of you have jumped in to experience community. Let’s keep it going and finish strong in our last two weeks together. If you haven’t jumped in, it is never too late. And of course, I know this isn’t your motivation, but the taco truck will be back. Additionally the Dodger game will be on prior to our meeting, if they are still alive. :)

Now as much as I love Community Nights, I love the Harvest Carnival even more. Don’t forget, in two weeks (Oct 30), Sunday Together will be happening followed by Harvest Carnival. It will be a great time for all with a petting zoo, games for kids, fun food, and of course, our 3rd Annual Chili Cook-off! It will be a great day, so plan on being there and invite some friends. (FYI, the festival is immediately after our 10a service on Oct 30.) 

As always, it is great doing ministry and life together.


A Note From Mariners Mission Viejo

Mark Twain once said, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” Our Orange County version of that witticism is probably that some of our hottest, summer-like days fall smack in the middle of fall.

Shorts and beach weather aside, make no mistake – fall is here – and this weekend we will be celebrating to the fullest:

Friday night, we’re hosting Date Night to give couples an opportunity connect while the kids stay with our Children’s Ministry for fall-themed activities. Kids are invited to wear a costume, although nothing scary or gory, please.

On Sunday, Pumpkin Fest will be taking over the patio with games, photo booth and a pumpkin patch after each of our three services at 9a, 11a, and 5p.

Read on for more information about Date Night and other ways to get connected or visit


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”  Matthew 22:37-39

I love the way Nehemiah reminded us to live out this verse in our daily lives through our FAVOR WITH KINGS series last weekend. What a great reminder that it’s about the people and NOT the project. My prayer for you this week is that you are seeing people first, loving and and serving others in your workplace…at your school…in your neighborhood…allowing God to demonstrate His love through you. This is a great series to remind us who we are called to be as the Church. Let’s continue to invite our friends and neighbors to come and hear the heart of the gospel, experiencing first-hand who the Church is called to be.

This weekend, we have the opportunity to hear from our very own Caleb Anderson. Caleb pastors our Huntington Beach campus and is the author of the book FAVOR WITH KINGS. He is passionate about Nehemiah and the lessons God has for us. I can’t wait for you to hear from him! Be sure to invite someone to come with you to the service.

It was so great to meet many of you at our Beyond spotlight events! I’m excited to be on our BEYOND prayer journey together, and I look forward to seeing how God will speak to us in the coming days and weeks. Be sure to stop by the BEYOND spotlight table on the patio or visit the Beyond website for more information or to sign up for the daily prayer reminders.

Thrilled to be following Jesus and changing the world together!



Dream Event


We want our life to count for something. We desire to make a difference. God is inviting each of us to partner with him to fearlessly change the world, but we don’t always know how. We need help to discover our unique dream and to find courage to take our next steps. We believe the answers lie in how God has created us and in our life experiences. The Dream Event is your invitation to activate your dream to change the world. For more info click here or search “Dream” on our website.


Wed, Oct 26, 6-8p
Community Center

Child Dedication


Raising your children in a God-honoring way is the beginning of their journey toward the life God intends for them. We want to encourage you in this important commitment. Parents are invited to go over all the steps involved with dedicating a child. For more info and register, click here or search “dedication” on our website.

Sun, Oct 23, 11a-12p
Dedications are Sun, Oct 30