Greece Trip


Have you ever imagined what it must have been like to walk where the Apostle Paul built churches and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ? Join us for one of the most unique and amazing experiences that enriches our faith, deepens our understanding of our Christian roots and explores the cultural foundations of the land where the church took root and launched around the world.  Search “Greece” or click here for more info.


Thu, Oct 20 – Mon, Oct 31

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’m reaching the end of an area of dad-knowledge. I can see it. There is a “horizon” for what I know. I think my oldest son is beginning to realize it, too. Where once I knew virtually everything (in the minds of my children, at least), I have begun to reach a plateau. When faced with the question: “Can you help me with my math?” I’ve never really thought, “Well, I’m not sure if I can.” Addition? Yes. Subtraction? Oh, I can talk to you about borrowing from the tens column like nobody’s business. Multiplication? Anything below the number 12 and I’ll make Mrs. Huntsberger, my 3rd grade teacher, proud. After 12, big numbers? Well, I’m a little rusty. Division? Sure. Mostly. Kind of. Ok. But, I can handle math.

Only now, as this year is underway, I’m finding that handling math is no longer a foregone conclusion. Credit my son with wanting to work at it with me. We spent about two hours last night going over a ton of it. In all of what falls into the category of  “I ought to know this,” I’m having to double check everything on a calculator. I’m watching YouTube clips and visiting tutorial websites to jog my own memory. Over the course of the time spent pouring over seemingly endless and unnecessary geometric proofs and a smattering of “solving for x” I could see something happening both within me and my son.

It was as if both of our minds needed a kind of old-timey crank start, like an early Ford Model-T. You’ve seen footage of this kind of thing: a driver has to stand in front of an old car, insert an elongated z-shaped wrench into a tiny hole in the hood and upon fastening it to the motor, start the engine by making a few energetic revolutions until the engine sparks to life. The math-machine was in its early, albeit rough, stages of warming up. But, it was going to get there. We were going to get there. We could feel it. Things were beginning to come together. What was initially a journey into a world of apparent nonsense, started to become something, a working system – actual math.

My faith-journey is not all that different. I allow a lot of stuff — good stuff — to go neglected and unattended over the course of time. In looking at this fall season, I have to clear away the rust that accompanies some lack of use, and machete the weeds of summer distraction to clear a pathway forward. My own attentiveness to God has grown a bit less acute than I’d like. I find that my ability to live with compassion and understanding is likewise somewhat lacking in their performance expectations. So, I need a jump start. I need to get things moving again — even if the initial stages are a bit effort-laden.

For us to become the people God intends us to be, we’ll have to consider there are very few great things that come about without some degree of effort. We’ll have to face the deeply introspective questions about what things have been abandoned in us (usually, at an imperceptibly slow pace) over the course of time and a thousand tiny “yes’s” to really good things. We’ll have to examine why good things possess a hidden tyranny over the things that matter most — the greatest things. And, what we’ll find is that we need outside help. We need someone to help us turn the crank, to tell us to stick with it, to remind us how things are supposed to work. We’ll need each other. We’ll need to re-up our life group. We’ll need to finally join a ROOTED group. We’ll need to work through all of our good excuses on the belief that there is a fuller, richer life and a journey of great adventure ahead if we could just get it started.

This Sunday, as we launch our first-ever 5pm service, it’ll be as great an opportunity as any to re-jumpstart our lives and give fresh energy and attention to the things that matter most. For a little extra motivation, we’ll provide free IN-N-OUT (5pm service only) to help in fueling that process.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


You may have heard me say this before (ok, I say it a lot), but a vital component of Mariners Ocean Hills is being in community with one another. It’s one thing to come Sunday morning, but being in a small group of people is essential for growth and makes a big church feel smaller. And after all, we all want to walk through life with people who understand us and encourage us in our faith journey. It is oftentimes in a small group where we find real friendship and experience God in powerful ways.

In the coming weeks, we will be giving you the opportunity to jump in. We have all kinds of commitment levels for you and we want to make it easy for you to find the perfect group. So whether it’s Rooted, or Life Groups, or jumping into Community Nights, we have some great options for you. You’ll be hearing more about all of these over the next few weeks, so get ready! I think you’ll find being in a group will be a meaningful experience that will change your life.


Rooted Fall 2016


Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected life-changing ways.  Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story. For more info or register, click here.

Tuesdays 6:30-8:30p, $50
(Launches Tue, Sep 13)

A Note From Caleb Anderson


“I have a dream.”

Martin Luther King Jr. made that phrase famous, but the concept has stirred in hearts since the beginning of time.

Even now, in this moment, you have a dream, don’t you?

Maybe it’s to raise kids that don’t self-destruct. Perhaps it’s to start a business. Maybe your dream is to find the love of your life and live happily ever after.

A friend of mine just told me his dream is to work in an area of his passion and gifting so it doesn’t feel like work. All good dreams.

Dreams and visions for the future are part of life—part of the good life, at least.

Without vision, the people perish…  Prov 29:18 (KJV)

But what is vision?

Here is my simple definition:

Vision is…

Seeing what God has done
Sensing what God is doing
Anticipating what God might do next

If you do that, you’ll have vision.

And if you line up your observations with the way God has uniquely designed you, you might just get a glimpse of your future.

We’ll be talking more about vision, purpose, and doing your dream in the FAVOR WITH KINGS series starting 9/18. It will be awesome! Get your books this weekend. And sign up for a series group if you’re not in one.

But don’t miss this Sunday. It’s a unique message that I think will stick with you for a long time.

And, perhaps most importantly, don’t miss the ALL IN night of vision and celebration Saturday evening September 24th. It’s an all-church thing, and it will be special. (More details here)


P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!

Rooted FALL 2016


Rooted is a 10-week journey with the goal of deepening your connection with God, His Church, and your purpose. This experience is held on campus and is your first step into community at Mariners! For more info or to register, click here or search “Rooted” on our website.

Sundays, 11a-1p (Launches Sun, Sep 11)
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30p (Launches Tue, Sep 13)