A Note From Jeff Pries


It is safe to say that fall is here. How do we know that? Well, football is back, the temperature has cooled, the kids are going back to school. It’s also the perfect time for me to remind you how important it is to be in community at Mariners Ocean Hills. And, one of the best ways to find community is through Rooted.

When you jump into Rooted for ten weeks, you will experience new relationships with people at the church, and a deeper relationship with God. You will begin to experience some of the key values of our Church: community, serving, openness and authenticity. Rooted is a foundational part of the life of our church, so if you haven’t done Rooted, now’s the time.

I’m excited to be back this weekend. Growing up it seemed like every time my grandmother made us dinner, or cookies, or cakes, she always raved about some special ingredient that went into it. The problem was she would never tell us what it was, so we would try to guess, but to be honest, I never had any idea so I would say “vanilla.” She would say “no,” but would never tell me what it was. This weekend, we are going to learn about the secret ingredient to having an intimate relationship with God. And the exciting part is, I am not going to keep it to myself! I am going to let you know exactly what it is. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Are you running on empty or full?! What a great time we had in our REFUELED series in August, remembering that God is powerful, loving, close, personal, and always available to fuel our lives. Last weekend was such a beautiful finale as we celebrated with over 50 people who said “I believe,” choosing to trust and follow Jesus with their lives! And many of you decided to get in the game and use your giftedness to serve our kids in Port Mariners (as opposed to watching from the sidelines)! The opportunity to serve our church family (including our kids) along with many other opportunities are available every week, so I want to invite you guys to continue to develop as mature followers of Jesus by living a life of character, unity, and service.

It’s September! Fall is here, kids are back in school, football is back, and this is a great time to look back – did you have the summer of your dreams or was it a disaster? Do you feel rested and ready for this season or are you already exhausted just thinking about what the fall season brings and all of its demands? This weekend, we will look at God’s Word and discover that it is possible to have a life of rest at the speed of life. What could it look like to move through life not overwhelmed or burdened, but with a sense of freedom? The world is desperate to hear we don’t have to live exhausted, crushed by the demands of life, burdened by the weight of performing and pleasing God or those around us.

Invite your friends and family to join us this weekend as we gather together to remember that a life of rest is possible, even promised, in God’s Word. And, we’ll slow down, taking communion together as we remember our identity in Christ. Looking forward to being with you all and saying hello to you and your friends this weekend.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Did you know…

Labor Day—celebrating the first Monday of September since 1894—honors the workers of the industrial revolution. In those days, men, women, and children as young as 5 years old were put to work in mills and factories under brutal, unsanitary conditions. Today, employees throw a fit if they can’t bring their pet iguana to work in its diamond-studded collar.

Work is part of life. It’s not punishment. It’s always been the plan.

The first instructions that God gave to humans was to “care for the earth.” That’s work with purpose. And work with purpose is satisfying.

Consider how your work is purposeful. How does it make the world better? How are you contributing to the lives of others? How are you able to use your God-given talents for the sake of a bigger story?

If those questions are difficult for you, hope is coming. The FAVOR WITH KINGS series (starting 9/18) will be powerful.

In the meantime, don’t miss the opportunity to rest and reflect this weekend. And don’t miss your 60 minutes with us on Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p.

May God bless you as you work.


PS: Listen to past messages here. We’ve fixed the podcast problem from earlier in the week.

PPS: Put September 24th in calendar and don’t miss the ALL IN night. It will be a defining evening for our whole church.


Military Ball Gown Drive



As the Annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball approaches, Mariners Church looks forward to assisting the young Camp Pendleton wives of the 5th Regiment by collecting gently used ball gowns and cocktail dresses. (This year, we are only collecting dresses. No shoes, purses or jewelry needed.)

Drop off donations no later than Sat, Sep 10, Life Development Building 3rd floor reception area. For more information, please contact Nicole, ntait@marinerschurch.org



Come join us for an informational meeting about our upcoming Egypt Faith Adventure, Oct 31 -Nov 12. We will be sending a team to serve alongside our partner church in Egypt and experience all that God is doing through their amazing ministries. Search “Egypt” or click here for more info.

Sun, Sep 4, 12:30p, Life Dev Bld r206

Serve in Mariners Kids



Mariners Kids depends entirely on gifted and caring volunteers like you! Find out more about serving and investing in the lives of the future generation. Come to the service this weekend or click here to sign up!

Saturday: 5p | Worship Center
Sunday: 9 & 11a | Worship Center

Relationship Foundations

relationship_foundation-2015-compassPreparing for a Successful Marriage

Relationship Foundations is a six-week interactive program for couples who are seriously dating or engaged. Reading material and a light lunch included. Search “relationship” on our website or click here to register.

Sun, Sep 11 – Oct 16, 12:30-2:30p
Cost: $60/person