A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Summer is officially over! (Well, at least it is for me.) My kids went back to school this week and I’m back to work re-engaging and running full-speed in the fall rhythms of life. But, I know for many of you, summer isn’t over! You still have another week or two, and as jealous as I may be, I want to encourage you to make the most of it! Take time to rest, be with friends, neighbors and family. Enjoy everything God has given us in this beautiful place we call home.

I love how timely and impactful our REFUEL series has been, regardless of whether we’re enjoying the last couple weeks of summer or launched into fall. I’ve heard from many of you how valuable this series has been for your life – the wonderful reminders that connecting with God is always available to us and how we can hear His voice in everyday life, making big and small connections in something as simple as a shopping cart (watch Doug’s message on 08/14/16). It’s possible to move from a place of spiritual emptiness to fullness as we rely on His incredible power and love for each one of us!

This weekend, we’ll bring this great series to a close and consider what it looks like to live a REFUELED life. What does it look like to be spiritually full? What are some of the indicators in our lives? And what are the implications of fullness (or emptiness) for our families, our church and our community? Invite your friends and neighbors and join me this weekend as we continue to embrace and become all God created us to be!

Looking forward to being with you all…



A Note From Jeff Maguire


“...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

People talk about “knowing their calling”, “discovering their calling,” or “living out their calling” all the time. Whenever we’re dissatisfied with our lives (particularly, with our jobs) we start questioning whether or not we were called to life as it is. It seems like people who live within the rough framework of that semi-illusive idea are few and far between. For a lot of us, we wish we knew what that felt like. People who talk about that kind of life exude the kind of confidence, generosity, beauty, and comfort within their own skin, we long for. In many respects, we imagine that a clear sense of our calling will answer for us the deeper questions of our lives. We assume that the massively successful — the geniuses, the flourishing, the conquerors, and the champions must know more about calling than we do. As recently as last Sunday we could see how NBC played upon this notion during their Olympics broadcast.

Even though the Olympics have quickly made the transition out of our consciousness (except, perhaps for the ongoing Ryan-Lochte-lying-about-being-held-up-saga), I was reminded today of a soundbite on the subject of calling from the Rio games. I remembered that somewhere in the midst of the media frenzy preceding and surrounding America’s most famous Olympians, an athlete said something that stuck. It came in one of the emotion-laden backstories aired in the pre-competition moments between commercial breaks and before the introduction of the competitors. Somewhere between the home video footage of young aspiration and nascent athletic dominance, and over the rich instrumentals, the much-heralded Kerri Walsh-Jennings, offered this succinct declaration of a calling: “I feel like I was born to have babies and play volleyball.” She didn’t use the word “calling,” but the impact is the same: “I was born to…”

Kerri believes that the more she lives her life within the scope of those two things (volleyball and being a mother), the more “Kerri” she’ll become. What she’s actually saying then, is that there is an overlap between the identity behind a particular calling and the actions which authenticate it — the one always requires the other. It’s easy for us to get this one wrong. Sometimes we’ll try to create activity pretending or wanting it to be “who we are.” Other times, we’ll declare a fresh, epiphanal affirmation of who God has created us to be, without any supporting evidence of action, eventually wondering why it doesn’t seem to fit right.

This Sunday, we’ll take a look at the idea of calling. While, the longview of calling may be somewhat individual and specific, we may also discover that it is something held collectively among us. So, though we won’t answer every question about every aspect of the issue, we’ll step into and see where God leads us.

See you Sunday,



A Note From Rob Fernandez


This weekend, Student Ministries takes over main service!

We’re going to share stories of ways God has moved in the lives of high school and junior high students throughout this summer and at camp! If you have a student, or have a friend whose kids are students–this is the week to bring them to services! We’re all together for music, games, celebrating life change and baptisms, and most importantly, hearing the truth of God’s Word.

See you there!

A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s almost the last Sunday in AUGUST! But don’t be sad. Conveniently, we live in a place that feels like summer 10 months a year.

Take a look at your calendar. Did you do everything that you hoped to do in the summer months? If not, put goals, events, trips, and meetings in your calendar for fall.

Speaking of calendars, last Sunday we talked about the catalysts for spiritual growth, the first two being, 1) Practical teaching, and 2) Private habits. Have you thought about your private habits this week? Have you scheduled any? I don’t know about you, but if I don’t schedule it, it doesn’t happen.

Remember, most of us have upward hopes but downward habits. We can change that.

And don’t give up your Sunday habit! Join us at 8:30, 10, 11:30a, or 6p to hear the other three catalysts for spiritual growth. It will be a great day!

See you soon…


P.S.: Put September 24th in your calendar for our all-church, ALL IN night. More details to come. StepInHB.com

P.P.S.: September 18th, we’ll be starting a new series called FAVOR WITH KINGS based on the book of Nehemiah and my new book, FAVOR WITH KINGS. We’ll have the books for sale on the patio starting 9/11. But, if you’d like to join me and my family for my book release party, you’re invited. It’s Thursday evening September 1st from 5-8pm (drop by any time) on the second level of Pacific City in downtown Huntington Beach.



During our series REFUEL you will learn practical and sustainable ways of putting God first. You’ll find that when you do, everything else falls into place–allowing you to experience the fullness of life that God has for you. Take some time to refuel!

Saturday: 5p | Worship Center
Sunday: 9 & 11a | Worship Center & Chapel
Sunday: 7p | Community Center


summer saturday nights

Stay after the Saturday 5p service for summertime fun for the family! Enjoy food trucks, music, family-friendly games and activities and other fun stuff. See all of our SUMMER SATURDAY NIGHTS!


Help us close out our Summer Saturday Nights by celebrating with international food, music, and games!

Outreach: Habitat for Humanity


Learn how you can be involved with Habitat for Humanity in making a difference in the community through Mariners Church! We will be hearing from the Habitat for Humanity staff about what they do, how we are partnering with them, and how to get involved. Register here or search “Habitat” on our website. Email Rob with questions, rtsuruya@marinerschurch.org

Sun, Aug 28, 1-3p
Upper Room (after the 11a service)