Aloha Summer at Mariners Ocean Hills



Fri, Aug 5, 6p–Sat, Aug 6, 10a
Come get the camping experience here on our very own campus! Bring your tents, sleeping bags, and your hungry stomachs for a night of food, games, s’mores, a movie, and the beautiful outdoors! It was a blast last year so don’t miss out! More info here.

(New date!) Sun, Aug 7, 10a–1p, Worship Center and patio
Join us as we gather for one service to celebrate and spend time in community! For one Sunday only, we’ll meet at 10a and then head out to the patio after the service for a BBQ! More info here.



Please join us during your lunch hour to worship and pray in an unstructured, unhurried environment. Learn to listen to God’s voice and interact with His Holy Spirit. You are welcome to come and go as you please. More info here or search “prayer” on our website.

Wednesdays, 11:45a-12:45p
in the Chapel



Join the Mexico ministry as we return to Ribera Del Bosque Church and continue to improve upon their church building. It will be a day of building, fellowship and crafts/games with the local children. No experience needed. Older children welcome!  More info here or search “Mexico” on our website.

Sat, Aug 13, 6a-9p
$40/adult and $20/student under 16 years

A Note From Jeff Pries


Summer weather is in full force around here and even in this heat wave, it’s been great to enjoy this time with my family. I don’t often get to slow down to their “summer” pace, but I love it when I do. I hope you are enjoying time with your family as well.

We had a great service last weekend with Deanna Ramsay leading worship and Jared Kirkwood teaching for us. It was also fun to see all of you helping pack up care packages for Nykiea and his battalion. You guys were so generous. We packed enough so we can send a package once a week until they come home. I love that we are able to care for these men and women, while they put their lives on hold to protect our country. It’s a blessing to do ministry with you all!

Just a reminder that our Summer Camp Out is coming up next Friday (Aug 5th). It’s a lot of fun, so we would love to have you join us. I’m excited for the fire starting competition! You know me- any competition, I’m in! So start working on your fire starting technique and you can RSVP for the Camp Out here. And then that following Sunday (Aug 7th) is our Sunday Together, which means we will be meeting all together at 10a, rather than our 9 & 11a service. It will be great to worship as one community, and as always, eat a delicious BBQ meal after the service.

Looking forward to Sunday with you. See you soon.


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I hope you’re getting the most out of summer and enjoying the long sunny days, warm water, cool breezes, beautiful sunsets, beach bonfires, BBQs with friends and neighbors…summer is such a beautiful time to create space to connect with family and friends! I love the way we take advantage of this season as a church with VBS, day camps, serve trips, and of course, our Summer Saturday Nights! It’s been so fun seeing many of you jumping in and joining us on Saturdays after the 5p service, building relationships together through activities, food and fun on the patio. If you haven’t tried Summer Saturday Nights yet, bring someone with you and join us this weekend as we experience some of the best of summer together!

This weekend, we will conclude our series in James, Faith in Action. We’ll close it off in chapter 5, looking at the practical wisdom James gives on prayer – when to pray, why to pray, and most importantly, how to pray together in community for God’s healing. Then, we’ll take time to live this out together in a healing service! This is a perfect weekend to invite your friends, family and neighbors to come, see, hear and experience firsthand the beauty and power of Jesus and His Church.

Looking forward to seeing you, your family and friends this weekend!




A Note From Graeme Cowgill



This phrase seems pretty applicable in every area of my life right now. Personally, my three mobile kiddos are disappearing and popping up everywhere in the house… (think “Gremlins”), and if changing a diaper while fishing belly button lint out of a mouth while giving a piggyback ride ever becomes an Olympic event, everyone else will be competing for second place.

In our Student Ministries, we had a “Pokémon Go” meetup last Friday which turned into a sea of junior highers and high schoolers trying to suppress eye rolls while teaching me how to exist in today’s world. After 15 minutes of confusion and frustration, one junior higher politely told me some random positive qualities about myself… which is when you know you’re beyond hope. I did learn a lot from these students. I learned that you can have community in anything. It doesn’t look the way it used to, but those who try to lasso youth culture and keep it in the past (or present) will become irrelevant before they have a chance to be impactful. If we believe that God’s Word is alive and active, then it has to be applicable in the shifting of youth culture.

Finally, “gotta catch ‘em all,” has been my war cry for this area. Huntington Beach is such a youth driven city and it kills to me to think how many young men and women are without hope in this area. I know it’s not possible to have EVERYONE in our student ministries, but that is still what we’re shooting for. I want every junior higher and high schooler to hear how much God loves them and to begin to walk in the incredible journey that He has for them. If you are interested in joining our Student Ministries team, we are DEFINITELY looking for energetic people who care about the next generation knowing Jesus.

I’ll be teaching in the services this Sunday and we’re going to look at an interesting view on confession. For most of us, the idea of confession is about as exciting as passing a kidney stone, but we’re going to discuss how confession is actually one of the most freeing, compelling parts of life. How is that possible?! Come find out on Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p!


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Tim Keller


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. 
His love endures forever.
– Psalm 136:1

I don’t know about you, but for our family, this summer seems to be flying by. Samantha and I keep grasping for opportunities to connect with each other, our kids and our friends and family, as the precious summer moments pass. Before we know it, our kids will be heading back to school and fall will be upon us.

I’m excited about all that God has been doing in the Mariners MV community this summer; the annual Men’s Retreat, Serve Day 3.0, and our Summer Fun Nights VBS, just to name a few. God is so good! And I am equally excited to embrace all that God has in store for us this fall! Here are some things we are looking forward to as a community:

  • We are growing! You may have heard Jeff announce last weekend that we will be adding a new service time: Sundays @ 5p! You have been such a great community of inviters and this new service time will give more people in our neighborhoods opportunities to encounter Jesus. The new service time begins the Sunday after Labor Day.
  • We have a new High School Pastor! With a high school student of my own, I am thrilled about Jeff Bachman joining our staff team this September.
  • Our volunteer leaders are getting ready for fall! We believe that life is lived out best in community. Our Community Kick Off will happen on Wed, Sep 14 where everyone will have an opportunity to get connected through Rooted, Life Groups and Financial Peace University. Click here to sign up for any of the groups.
  • MOPS! We are starting a new Mothers of Preschoolers community here at Mariners MV on Fridays this fall. MOPS seeks to provide support and friendship during a fun, yet challenging, season of parenting. For more info or to register, click here.

These are just a few of the exciting things coming our way! I love what God is doing and look forward to what He will do as we continue to seek Him in our lives. Thank you for making this community so great to be a part of. It is really you, the people of Mariners MV, who make it such a great reflection of God’s love for His people.

Don’t miss this Sunday at 9 or 11a as we continue in our JAMES series with guest speaker, Josh Griffin, co-founder of Download Youth Ministry! I will see you there!

Tim Keller
Community Life Pastor