Military Care Packages

Outreach-Compass-2016Come help put together care packages for our Military Ministry. We are sending these to our friend, Nykiea, and his battalion while they are overseas in Okinawa. If you want to donate items to be sent, you can deliver them in the foyer this weekend. More info here or search “care packages” on our website.

Military Care Packages 
Sun, July 24
Meet on the patio between services

A Note From Susan Hulse


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26

As I am preparing for Summer Fun Nights VBS that begins this Monday, I am finding myself reading and rereading this verse which is our Theme Verse for VBS week. How is God speaking to me through this verse? Do I really believe it’s true or have I been trying to use my own strength? I have been praying through the things in my life that are impossible for me but are completely possible with God. Every time I get overwhelmed with life or start to feel weary or tired, I am reminded that WITH God ALL things are POSSIBLE! I cannot do anything without Him…or outside of Him. He gives me strength and courage. I simply just need to lean on Him. Sometimes, I forget this truth and try to do things on my own. This verse is such a great reminder to us as adults and what I love is that during VBS, children will be encouraged to lean on God for strength. They will learn that in their own lives, WITH God ALL things are POSSIBLE. They will hear about true heroes of the faith from God’s Word and how they too leaned into God. They allowed His power to help them do the impossible. What an incredible truth these children get to learn about at such an early age. We can all be continually reminded of God’s love for us and how we can seek Him to do the impossible in our lives.

I am prepared for God to amaze me during Summer Fun Nights VBS! He will bring those children who have never heard of Him into a relationship with Him. He will provide friendships and community as they get to know more kids from their schools and neighborhoods. And to those who have grown up in the church, He will speak to them in new ways as they continue to learn more about Him. Children will learn what it looks like to serve in their communities and in the world and to put others’ needs first. I believe God will show His power to both student and adult volunteers as they serve during Summer Fun Nights VBS. Prepare to Be Amazed because God is going to show up!

As I am reminded of God’s great truth in my own life, I wonder… where do you need God to do the impossible in your life? Only He has the power to change, heal and redeem. Let’s commit today to lean into God as He transforms our lives by doing the impossible. Let’s stop doing things out of our own strength. There is freedom and peace when we allow God to work.

I can’t wait to see all that God will do during the week of VBS! Please join me this Sunday, July 17, as we commission, pray over and bless all the VBS volunteers at our services. If you are volunteering during VBS, you will want to be there! We will be asking God to show up the week of VBS in a mighty way as He changes lives like only He can!

Susan Hulse
Children’s Ministry Pastor

A Note From Jeff Pries


If you’re like me and had the privilege of coming to the campus this week, what we saw was amazing! There were hundreds of kids laughing, playing, and learning at VBS. The superhero theme played out in so many ways.

There were more than 60 volunteers that truly were superheroes. You would have been so proud of your church staff, as they were nothing short of heroic. And all of the kids learned that if we rely on ourselves, we often fall short, but if we lean on God, He will give us the power to stand tall, to overcome, and to do things we could never do in our own strength. What an amazing week!

This Sunday, we will celebrate VBS with some great songs by the kids. It is a perfect weekend to see the life of our church in action! I will be continuing in our series in the Book of James and talking about the key to so many of our relationships.  What the Book of James shares with us this weekend may be the insight that opens up the box to our relationship success. It’s a weekend you don’t want to miss.



A Note From Shelly Juskiewicz


There are so many reasons why I love our church and I even like to think of it as an extension of my own family. As I entered into this week, I found myself struggling. If I’m completely honest, I would admit that part of me wants to stay numb, because I’m not sure I want to feel the pain of the violence and loss surrounding us. Yet, as I sit with those I love on staff in their pain, I too must acknowledge my pain and not make the mistake of pushing it away. What a great reminder it is for me that we are not only hurt in community, we are also healed in community.

Left to my own devices, I think I would not have chosen to share or discuss the tragedies of last week. But, I am blessed to be part of a community at Mariners that makes it safe to not only talk about our pain, but to also pray and support one another through difficult times. I hope you were able to be with us last weekend when we experienced true community as we heard from Gerardo and Christian as they shared, prayed and worshiped with us during the service. I have included the prayers (here) we prayed together; May they encourage and sustain you as you move through the days ahead. I am so grateful for our church family and for the hope we have in Jesus!

What will this week bring? I don’t know…but I take comfort in knowing there is One who does and He is with us! I hope you will join us this weekend as we launch into our second week of Summer Saturday Nights. Please plan on joining us on the lawn (right after the 5p service), where you’ll find fun activities, food trucks, music and of course, great community!

If you need someone to talk with or to pray for you, we are here… because we are a church that believes in community. Think about someone in your life or community who might need to come with you to church this weekend!

Blessings of God’s healing love,

Shelly Juskiewicz
Community Life &
Leadership Development Pastor



A Note From Caleb Anderson


FAITH FLOWS…from our heads, to our hearts, and out through our hands. That’s faith in action. What does faith in action look like for you this week?

Sunday we are continuing our conversation (inspired by James) about faith in real life. This week: WORDS.

Who do you know that needs encouragement? Who needs words of life breathed into them? Bring them to one of our services: 8:30, 10, 11:30a or 6p.

Summer is in full swing. The Angels game is this Saturday. Come and tailgate with us! Say YES to connecting with others and building relationships. Don’t miss out on our other summer events—pick up a calendar at the Welcome Center after services.

I love you and I pray that your summer is refreshing and fun…


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.

Summer Fun Nights: VBS 2016


Kids entering K-5th grade are invited to this SUPER POWered adventure hosted on our MV campus for the first time where they will experience Bible stories, games, drama, crafts, dinner and opportunities to serve kids and families in need around the world and in our community! Click here to register or search “VBS” on our website.

Mon, Jul 18-Fri, Jul 22, 5:30-8:30p, $60/child, MV Campus

We offer childcare and a preschool program for volunteers who serve during the entire VBS week. Contact Susan for details,