Summer 2016


Sat, Jul 16, 6:05p, $20 per ticket, available at the Welcome Center

Bring your friends and family for tailgating and enjoy the game and fireworks afterwards. More info on our website.

Sat, Aug 20, 11a – 1p, location TBD
Enjoy summertime fun with friends, food, fun, beach volleyball and more. Bring a favorite dish to share. We will provide hot dogs and burgers.

Pick up our complete Summer Calendar at the Welcome Center this weekend. Contact Neil with questions,




Come be encouraged, empowered and equipped as God’s women to serve, to lead & to become Spirit-Fueled Women of Influence! Come discover how, because of God in your life, you are an influence in your world. Register online or search “Women” on our website.

Sat, Jul 16, 9a-12p, $10/person

LCC Kids Camp Volunteers


Volunteer as a camp counselor and help provide a memorable summer camp experience for kids (grades 2nd-6th in the fall) from our Lighthouse Community Centers! For more info search “LCC” or click here to register.

Fri, Aug 5 – Sun, Aug 7
Volunteers must be 18 yrs or older

Sun, Jul 24, 12:30 – 2p
Life Development Bld, r206

JHM Summer Camp


Incoming 6th-8th-graders of Mariners JHM and their friends are invited to the BEST WEEK OF THEIR SUMMER at camp where they can have fun, hear God’s Word and discover who He has made them to be in a completely new and different way. Search “Camp” or click here to register.

Mon-Fri, Aug 8-12
Registration closes July 24 at midnight

A Note From Hilary McCullough


“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 COR 2:9

Over the past two weeks, I had the honor to vacation with my wonderful husband. It’s a rare occurrence that I would leave all my responsibilities behind to focus on rest, and it was a welcomed opportunity. As I toiled beforehand to prepare everything for my volunteer staff (who handled everything like the pros they are), I forgot to prepare myself for rest. It’s a funny thing, the necessity to prepare for rest. Isn’t rest supposed to be natural? Don’t we “fall into it”? I sure don’t.

As we spent time with family and friends in our native mitten-shaped state of Michigan, I was good. I was “on”. I was connecting with people like the pro connector I am! Productivity! Purpose! Connection! YEAH! Except I was not resting.

Later on, we built in some time for just the two of us. It was glorious. WE LIKE EACH OTHER, you guys. I forget that sometimes. Suddenly I was faced with the fact that I do not know how to rest. I just don’t. I wasn’t prepared to turn “off”. Here I was with my husband of seven years with no responsibilities other than to enjoy each other and our time, and I couldn’t do it.

As part of our travels, we went to a state park to explore the coast. There were rocky shorelines, cliffs, waterfalls and flowers. It stopped me. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and awe. It was so overt. “Okay, now I’m starting to rest. I’m good. Take it all in.” TRY. I was still trying to achieve a goal. I was not resting. I was checking off the “rest” box.

We stopped at some tide pools. Boring. There is nothing happening in these tide pools. I see specks and lumps and a shiny surface. What a waste of time. Next, please! Then I saw movement: a crab. A cute little sideways-walking buddy. Some shells started moving and I stopped in my tracks. The closer I looked, the more I saw. I saw colorful rocks, little tiny baby-sized mussels, and fish – so many intricate details. There was no purpose, only taking in the awe of what I could have missed if I kept trying to “achieve” rest. I almost missed this! My husband had to come over and ask me if I was okay because I stayed so long at that tide pool. I was okay – I was more than okay. I was resting. I was reminded in that moment that we have such clear expectations of what we SEE, what we HEAR, and what we KNOW. That tide pool was “boring”. There was “nothing there to see”. Yet in that moment, I started to experience true rest in God’s glory and in His creation. Don’t we have so many proverbial tide pools in our lives? Things we are so sure of as we glance by, trying to achieve something else?

The church verse always pops into my head in those moments. No one has seen, heard or even imagined what God has in store for us. We assume. We rush. We strive. But we have no clue how or when He will reveal what He is doing. Moments of grief become richer, joy becomes multi-faceted, and people’s stories become more valuable when we remember this. There is so much more beneath the surface of our assumptions, and sometimes we get precious moments where we are faced with it and God reveals his goodness. I’m so thankful for my tide pool moment.

See you soon, and keep an eye out for your tide pools.



A Note From Jen Epperson


What a celebratory weekend it was! I hope you enjoyed the long 4th of July weekend and were able to celebrate with family and friends! In our weekend services, we were able to celebrate and remember all God did through VBS.

It was so great to have Tim Timmons back with us, leading us in worship and giving us a glimpse of what our VBS kids got to experience all week long. It is hard to summarize all that happened at SuperPowered VBS….but picture this: 2000 kids, 1100 volunteers, courageous superheroes, wild games, fun crafts, God’s word, giant water slides, joy filled worship with Tim, boat races on the lake, glow sticks, dance parties, collectable superhero trading cards, and kids walking away from the week knowing that with God all things are possible! (Can you imagine the fun?! In case you want to see it for yourself, check out our highlight video on our Facebook page here.)

In just 5 days, we also saw our VBS kids raise over $26,000 to support a village in Egypt. I am so proud of their generous hearts and how they courageously stepped into our church partnership with Healing Grace ministries. God moved powerfully throughout VBS week, and we saw 378 kids say “I Believe” and 54 kids choose to be baptized. Seeing kids make significant next steps of faith gives us plenty of reasons to celebrate! God is good!

Don’t forget that Summer Saturday Night kicks off this Saturday, July 9th with our Art Fair. There will be local art displays, face painting, music, food trucks, and more! Join us after the 5pm service. Parents, if you haven’t tried Saturday nights, summer is the perfect time to check it out! Summer Saturday Nights are so much fun to bring the family to!

See you this weekend as we continue in our James series!


A Note From Jeff Pries


From all of us here at Mariners Ocean Hills, we hope your summer is going great!  Just a reminder, VBS starts next week, if you haven’t signed up, now is the time to jump in.  We are setting up right now and it is going to be great!  This year is an epic SUPER POWered, superhero theme with lots of fun times planned for the kids. Additionally, 60 people have signed up to volunteer, way to go!

I look forward to being back this week and jumping into the book of James.  If you have ever felt like something is missing in your walk with God, this week just might be that missing ingredient.  See you Sunday!


A Note From Caleb Anderson



I’m home from Africa, and it was a great trip. I’ll give some highlights on Sunday. I’m looking forward to seeing you!

Remember the Summer Calendar of activities and remember to pause and reflect and keep first things first this summer.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT


P.S.: Visit our website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.

Children’s Day Camp

We are partnering with Forest Home for kids to enjoy a week of faith and fun. Kids from across Orange County will come together and enjoy a week of community, fun, and laughter. Volunteer opportunities include hosting Forest Home staff for the week or helping as a Day Camp Volunteer! Junior high, high school, college students and adult volunteers needed.

Sign up to volunteer here. 
Register for camp here (K-5th grade).
Mon, Jul 11-  Fri, Jul 15, 8:45a-4p
Mariners Church Irvine,  $250/child



Student Ministries Parent Night

Join us as we will be outlining the rest of the calendar year as well as introducing some of our Student Ministries leaders. We’re excited to see you guys and answer questions as we head into this exciting next season and year of Student Ministries!

For more information, please contact Julie:

Student Ministries Parent Night
Wed, Jul 13, 7-8p
Church Offices
2124 Main St., Suite 260
Huntington Beach, CA 92648