Men’s Ministry Mexico Home Build Info Meeting


As Men’s Ministry, we want to be godly men who serve. One of these opportunities includes serving in Mexico alongside our church partner, Ministerios Transformación, to build several homes for deserving families in the church community. Come to our upcoming info meeting and find out how you can join other Men of Mariners on this faith adventure.

Sun, Jul 10, Life Dev Bld r207 (after services)
Trip goes, Fri, Jul 22, 5:30a-Sun, July 24, 7p
Registration open for 18+ only

A Note From Jeff Pries

How great was Sunday evening! You can now tell people you went to Hawaii this summer on vacation.  Ok, maybe not.  But still, the Luau was really a fun event for the church.  The dinner was great, the kids had fun, the band was really talented, the fire dancers did a great job and Chief Tama captivated us all with his Hawaiian song and flavor. I also love how everyone pitched in to clean up afterwards. It was such a great church event and I thank everyone who came out.

Speaking of church events, Vacation Bible School is almost here.  This July 11- the campus will be transformed into a Super Power experience.  One of the best things we do as a church is VBS. It is such a fun time for the kids as they play and learn about how much God loves them.  So if you have kids or grandkids or know some kids, make sure you invite them to VBS.

This Sunday we are starting our new series in the book of James.  James is a great book and written by the brother of Jesus.  It is a practical look at living the Christian life.  It will be a great series as we head into the summer.  We look forward to seeing you, and as always, be thinking about who you can invite to join us.


A Note From Joe Hays

MessageFrom-IR-joeHello everyone!

Summer is in full effect – and what a week it’s been here at Mariners!

We’ve received great feedback from so many of you about last weekend’s speaker Danielle Strickland. Danielle’s message on freedom from Galatians 5:1 is definitely worth checking out online if you missed it. Or maybe it’s time to watch it again if you’re fighting fear this week.

With over 2,000 kids from our community experiencing VBS, the campus has been electric as our kids build relationships and learn about God’s love and power! Each year over 1,000 volunteers [over half from our Student Ministry!] serve our kids by directing them to Jesus’ heart of love and redemption. Through VBS, the kids are raising money to support a village in Egypt – so make sure to donate or stop by a lemonade stand this week!

This weekend our friend Jud Wilhite from Central Christian Church in Arizona will be speaking. Jud is a tremendously gifted pastor, author, and speaker and we are looking forward to having him back at Mariners as we continue in our book of James series.

I hope you have a memorable July 4th with family and friends!

Joe Hays
Experience Pastor

A Note From Jeff Maquire


We hit a milestone in our family yesterday. Amid all of the “talks” we are necessitated to walk into as our oldest stands at the threshold of his teen years, one of the most critical was neither the conversation about some of the new vocabulary words he’s picked up at the playground at school, nor the ongoing chat about the proverbial “birds and bees.” Last night as we sat around our dinner table we gave our son his first cell phone. It’s an old iPhone we no longer use. And, after I had combed the internet for ways to responsibly limit the awesome power of this newfound porthole to freedom, we turned and faced our son and then drawing from a backpack we presented to him and his giant longing eyes and outstretched hands…

A contract.

Before any other steps were taken, we’d read the contract together, line-by-line. In addition to finding tech help on the phone, I stumbled across a contract used by a New England mom that she gave to her son upon receipt of his phone. It was brilliant. I downloaded it and edited a bit, re-forming it in the first person voice and allowing blanks for his initials for each of the points detailed in our new agreement.

Each of the 17 points in the contract enabled us to initiate a conversation with our son, impressing upon him that we trusted him with this new and exciting burden and that there were new expectations that accompanied it. At some points we laughed a little. At other points we clarified what was intended in the writing. We expressed that we believe in him and in his ability to utilize the phone as an intelligent, conscientious member of society.  I am excited for my son. I do believe in him. Our intent was to set him up to win, not to catch him failing.

While we say all the time at Mariners Church that we “don’t have all the answers”, never is that more apparent than in the parenting of our own kids.  I’m grateful to be in “this” together with so many of you in our community.

See you soon,


A Note From Neil Jansen

MessageFrom-Banner-HB-neilGreetings Mariners HB!

Are you getting rest?  Summer is the time for rest and relaxation, as well as activities and adventures! Making memories with family and friends is what summer is all about. Most of our Life Groups break from their normal meeting schedules, yet they don’t stop getting together. Summer is the time to create even deeper friendships through socials, outings, and by doing a summer serve project together. Keep living in community!

A great way to be in community this summer is by picking up a Summer Events Calendar from the Welcome Center. We’d love for you to join in on the summer fun Mariners HB is cooking up.

  • 4th of July Parade gathering on Main and Adams (breakfast will be served). Look for the Mariners HB flags.
  • Angels Game on Saturday, July 16 (hot dogs at the tailgate party)
  • Beach Days beach party on Saturday, August 20 (BBQ provided by Men’s Ministry)
  • Plus Kids Summer Splash and many other activities in between

One more quick note about Life Groups…we are currently working with Caleb on something special for the fall. Caleb has created Life Group curriculum for his new teaching series coming up in September. It contains teachings and lessons from his new book, Favor with Kings, taken from the Book of Nehemiah. If you are not in a Life Group, have no fear! We are creating new groups so everyone can join this 7-week series. It’s going to be great. More about that later!

Blessings on you and your family!  See you Sunday!

Community Life Pastor

Haiti Faith Adventure Info Meeting

005IR15-Haiti-Celebration-Compass (2)
Come and join us for an informational meeting about our upcoming Haiti Faith Adventure, September 30-October 8. We will be sending a team to serve alongside our partner church and experience all that God is doing through their amazing ministries. Search “Haiti” or click here to register.

Haiti Faith Adventure Informational Meeting
Sun, July 10. 12:30 – 01:30p
LDB, Room 209

HB Reads Fireworks Stand Volunteers


Mariners Huntington Beach is partnering with HBReads who has been selected by our city to be a retailer of fireworks for the 2016 holiday event. They are seeking support to work shifts at their fireworks stand to make their sales event a huge success. Proceeds will benefit HBReads and our community as we continue to promote literacy and diversity. They are also donating a percentage of their proceeds to our Step In building campaign!

Volunteer roles include: cashiers, stockers, sign-wavers, and sales people. Click here to sign up and find out more.

Volunteer Shifts:
Friday 7/1: 11:30a-3p |3-7p | 7-10p
Saturday 7/2: 11:30a-3p |3-7p | 7-10p
Sunday 7/3: 11:30a-3p |3-7p | 7-10p
Monday 7/4: 9:30a-2p | 2-6p | 6-10p
Five Points Fireworks Stand