A Note From Jeff Maguire


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
PSALM 107:1-2

Try to remember the last time you got really good news. Was it:
…A raise?
…A promotion?
…A check in the mail — a bigger tax return than you planned on?
…A marriage proposal?
…Did you find out you’re becoming a parent?
…Or, are you becoming a grandparent?
…That your meal got comp’d at Chipotle because the manager had seen you there so many days in row (that may or may not have happened to me)?
…That the team of doctors told someone you love that “it’s in remission”?
…That you got the “big envelope” from that school you were trying to get into?

More than likely, you told someone about it. You had to let someone know. This news, whatever it is is too good to keep a secret. Maybe, you announced it to the world on any number of social media platforms. Maybe, you called someone you care about. Maybe, you worked really hard at hinting in both verbal and in nonverbal kinesthetic cues so that someone else may beg you to tell them what’s happening. Perhaps, you waved a newly adorned ring finger unnecessarily, gesticulating with greater energy and emphasis than before, so that your left hand was waving a not-so-subtle banner that screams “I’m engaged now!” Maybe, you cleverly announced the news with a symbolic gift (i.e.: a picture frame that says “world’s best grandma” to someone who is not yet aware that they are about to spoil some unnamed child with too much ice cream, and trips to amusement parks, and late nights, and pancake breakfasts). You get the idea. Some things are so good, they can’t be contained.

The Bible tells the story of God releasing people from captivity of all kinds. He released people from slavery in Egypt. He overwhelms the powerful with his power. Jesus conquered the oppression of physical illness with a compassionate healing touch. Those in the grip of  localized evil, harassed by demonic forces find themselves unshackled from the mysterious darkness that held them down. And, in most every instance, even when Jesus told people NOT to tell the story of what God had done, they couldn’t help it.

Last Friday, at our ROOTED experience graduation, I was reminded of the ongoing story of God-at-work in our midst. Some of the attendees gave voice to that personal narrative by publicly putting it on display in baptism. Others told their stories in succinct “before and afters” on the two sides of a piece of cardboard, spelled out in big block letters. On one side were the implicit words: “I once was…” And the other side, was the unspoken: “But, now I’m…” Something had clearly happened between the two sides of that cardboard. God had stepped powerfully into their lives, reversing the irreversible, and re-imagining their futures that up until that moment, felt like fate. Those kinds of stories need to be told. They can’t be kept secret. They’re just too good.

We get “weirded out” trying to put words to the story of God’s miraculous work in our lives. Sometimes we’re longing for a bigger miracle than the one we got (or didn’t get at all). Sometimes, we’re so deeply overwhelmed by the circumstances of our present situation that we can’t see God at all. The Psalms repeatedly remind me of that reality — that the most faithful people cry out to God: “where have you gone?” But, occasionally, without too much over-explaining there is a story too good not to be told — a story not fully completed for people like you and me. It’s a story of God bringing us from “there” to “here” and perhaps beyond. That story ought to be told… Because all stories of redemption are good stories.

See you soon,


A Note From Jeff Pries


Every summer we do some fun activities to stay connected as a church and to give you the opportunity to spend time with family and friends without breaking the bank. This Sunday is our first event –  our Summer Luau. Join us at the church this Sunday, from 6-8p, for a great night. We’ll have fun things for the kids, a live band, and of course, no luau is complete without fire dancers. Dinner is going to be delicious, catered by Nalu’s Island Grill. Cost is $5/person for adults, and kids eat free. You can’t beat that! And for dessert, we will have our favorite island treat, shaved ice. It will be a fun night, so wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring someone. The winner of the most ridiculous Hawaiian shirt eats for free.

Just a reminder, VBS is July 11-15. This is a can’t miss event for the kids. It is also the perfect place to invite a friend. We have a great theme this year, Super Heroes! It’s going to be a fun environment for all involved. Also, Tim Timmons will be leading worship. If you know Tim, you know he’s great. If you have never met Tim, your kids are going to love him.

These are just a couple things happening at our church. It’s going to be a great summer together, so if you are around, join us!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Summer is upon us!

School’s out, sun’s out, and my two little guys–Jack and Henry–are out in the backyard playing in a cheap plastic tub filled with three inches of water.

Wherever your summer adventures take you… Beach, mountains, or further still… I hope you embrace the adventure. Life with God is an epic adventure and this summer can remind you of that.

Sunday, we’ll be continuing our series in the Book of James and talking about three things you can do–straight from Jesus’ brother’s mouth–that will ensure you make the most of this summer. Don’t miss it! (8:30,10,11:30a & 6p)

We have fun things planned on the patio in July and August – especially at 6p, so invite some friends and join us. (Just allow for a possible 30 second delay at 6p for parking this summer.)

See you soon!


P.S.: Visit our StepInHB.com website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.



When a crisis strikes, many of us rely on relatives and friends for support. But for some families, there is no safety net. We have the opportunity to show our hospitality to children and families who are in trouble and in desperate need of help.

Visit the patio after Sunday services and learn about Safe Families Ministry. Introduce yourself to our volunteers and find out how you can become involved! Get more info or search “safe” on our website.

Sun, Jun 26, after services, on the patio

Financial Peace University

financial peace

Applying God’s Word To Your Money

This nine-week Dave Ramsey class will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and more. For more info or to register, click here or visit the Welcome Center after services.

Sat, Jun 25-Aug 20, 10a-12p, $99/family (includes membership kit)
Registration required

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Allure is just a lure.” What a great reminder from James last week about how shrewd Satan is, knowing exactly the type of bait to tempt and entice us towards evil. My prayer for you today and this week is that you are like the “big fish,” able to spot the lures that Satan puts in front of you. Continue resisting temptation and standing firm in the truth, love, and life that God has for you.

This weekend is always one of my favorites at Mariners Church! I love all the fun we have for our dads and families, especially the patio with the cars, trucks, root beer (and bacon:) and spending time with one another. We’ll celebrate all of who God is as we worship and look at God’s Word together, remembering that He is good, He is perfect, He is present, He is encouraging and loving, speaking to us with truth and grace. I had a chance to sit down with a couple of great leaders, husbands and fathers (USC football coach, Clay Helton, and legendary UCLA coach, Terry Donahue) and you’ll get to hear some great thoughts from them on fatherhood. This promises to be a special weekend, so invite the men in your life: your friends, your neighbors, your teammates and your classmates to come and join us.

