A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


One of the greatest joys and privileges of my life is to see and experience life transformation. Wednesday night was beautiful as hundreds of us gathered in the Worship Center for a night of worship and healing prayer with Mike Pilavachi.


What an amazing evening as we worshiped in freedom, remembering who God is together, being anchored in the truth of His Word, and responding to the love, grace and redemption found in Jesus. It was so encouraging to see people step forward in humility and faith, trusting and acknowledging that Jesus loves us so much and desires to heal, restore our joy of relationship with Him, and bring life and hope to our darkest places. It was such a powerful night and in the midst of it all, I was reminded that this is God’s heart for us every time we gather in His name. It gives me so much anticipation as I look forward to this weekend knowing we get to come together again in the name of Jesus, acknowledging who He is, and believing that He wants to restore and redeem.

I’m excited to start our new series in the Book of James. As Jesus’ younger, half-brother, I can only imagine what James’ perspective of Jesus must have been like. (talk about sibling rivalry:) What did he think about having Jesus as an older brother? What did it take for him to believe that Jesus truly was the Son of God? James is going to walk us through what it looks like to live a profound life of faith, walking in the full, abundant life that can only be found through a relationship with Jesus.

This is a perfect weekend to invite friends and family who want to learn more about who Jesus truly is and who He calls us to be as His followers. Invite a friend and we’ll see you this weekend!



A Note From Caleb Anderson


I think June and July are going to be important months for you.

A. We live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world. As visitors flood our streets and beaches, choose to be grateful that you live here all the time!

B. I’m kicking off a brand new message series this Sunday based on the Book of James. I think James is the most underrated hero in the Bible. His practical insights for everyday life will inspire you, and, if you let them, lead you further in the right direction.

IMPORTANT! Read this:

When you come this Sunday, expect a little extra traffic during the AM services (8:30, 10, 11:30a). There will be a car show taking place, but we are blocking off as many parking spaces as possible. Please enter on the Goldenwest side. If you’re willing—or forced to—you can park in the Sports Complex lot. (Just remember to buy a ticket from the machines in the lot for $1.) You can also take this opportunity to bike, walk or carpool to church.

Don’t let the potential parking inconvenience deter you. This is will be a special Sunday.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

Until then,


P.S.: Visit our StepInHB.com website and give toward our church’s future!
P.P.S.: Listen to past messages here


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
– JAMES 1:22

I’m always curious about the person driving next to me. We all are. Who drives that kind of car? I wonder if they’re listening to the same song on the radio that I am (When that happens, it feels like it should be accompanied by a rainbow in the sky or a free dinner at Chili’s. Somehow, we feel mystically bonded, one driver to another — like we were meant to be there together). Driving around last Saturday afternoon, I was struck by a handful of cars whose drivers held striking similarities in their appearance. All the drivers were young and over-dressed. Hair was done. Make-up was perfect. The occupants were visibly nervous with each other. I took particular notice of one guy who drove with hands firmly on the 10-2 position on the steering wheel of his family’s high performance minivan, and whose lapel was adorned with a tiny white rose and baby’s breath. It dawned on me that he, like the others I had seen, was on his way to prom.

I started to think back on the holy terror that accompanied asking someone to a big dance. Of course, all dances are big — the specific mass of any dance can always be measured by the degree of fear associated with the asking. I clearly remember the build up to one particular junior high school dance. While it lacked the pomp and formality of the dances that would later arrive in my high school years, it still held a particularly terrifying trait: not in the asking someone to the dance, but rather, asking someone to dance. I had made the task even more painful by announcing to my friends that I was going to ask a specific girl to dance with me.

She was, like so many girls, a distant galaxy away from being in my “league.” My friends mocked. But, I was resolute… at the lunch table. I fully believed, with unparalleled conviction that I would ask her to dance. I felt confident, sure, solid. Besides, she was kind. She lacked the arrogance befitting someone of her beauty. Then, I saw her… at her lunch table, with her pretty friends, and her perfect sandwich, days from the dance itself. Whatever nerves I had at the thought of asking, despite my momentary surge in self-assurance, now took on a new energy of uncontrollable trepidation intent on destroying me. The reality of what I had just declared punched me in the gut with crippling power. I knew then that I had given myself my own impossible standard. My friends would hold me to what I believed and declared to be my intended future. And on Friday night, somewhere between Milli Vanilli, Roxette, and Bobby Brown, Richard Marx’ “Right Here Waiting” would clear the dance floor of all the fearful. At that moment, all my stupid friends would be glaring at me to see if my words of confidence and my predicted actions would converge in actually dancing.

With their relentless gaze my friends stared and challenged my burgeoning manhood. I asked her to dance.  I nearly died. (NOTE: My memory of this moment was almost perfectly captured by the short-lived television show, Freaks and Geeks here. See if you can find yourself in it, too.) But, she said “yes.” She was kind. I don’t think we ever really spoke again. I guess my “Blue Angels” t-shirt and my over-sized retainer were just too much for her to handle. She let one get away. Her loss.

That idea, however — not the dance, nor the music, but the marriage of belief and words and action — is the central, guiding notion of our next few weeks worth of messages. We’ll look at a book of the Bible written in the infancy of the early church that called people to do more than listen, or hear, or learn, or speak about what they believed. Instead, this letter called people to act, to live, to demonstrate the power of their conviction by the way their faith was set in motion. It is one thing to declare an intention or a belief and another to live it. Together, let’s see what challenge lies ahead for us. It’s going to be a great series.

See you soon,


Mexico Child Sponsorship

Outreach-Compass-2016Stop by the Spotlight Table after services this weekend to find out how you can be a reflection of God’s love, and stand alongside one of our partner churches by providing education opportunities for children in Mexico. Search “Mexico” or click here for more info.

Sat, Jun 4 & Sun, Jun 5
on the patio after services 




VBS-Compass-2016A week long, half day camp for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade by Sep 1. The Mariners Irvine campus will turn into a SUPER POWered, superhero adventure with Bible stories, games, drama, crafts and opportunities to serve others. Live music with Tim Timmons. Search “VBS” or click here to register.

Mon-Fri, June 27 – July 1, 8:45a – 12:30p
K-5th grade, $60/child
Registration closes Sun, Jun 5


VBS-Compass-2016A week long, half day camp for kids entering kindergarten through 5th grade by Sep 1. The Mariners Irvine campus will turn into a SUPER POWered, superhero adventure with Bible stories, games, drama, crafts and opportunities to serve others. Live music with Tim Timmons. Search “VBS” or click here to register.

Mon-Fri, Jun 27-Jul 1, 8:45a-12:30p
K-5th grade, $60/child
Registration closes Sun, Jun 5