JHM: Glitter and Gold


8th grade students – we have one more BIG chance to celebrate you before you move on to High School Ministry. Dress up, come hungry, make sure your 8th grade friends are there to celebrate with you. Share stories from your time in JHM and be celebrated by your leaders and the JHM Team who thinks the world of you.

To RSVP, text “GOLD” to 949-267-3131 or click here.

Sat, Jun 25, 7:01-9:01p, Student Center Courtyard


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Last Sunday, I had the privilege of speaking to our high school students during their weekend service. I was so encouraged after seeing and experiencing first-hand what our students get to experience every single week – joyful energy, relationship, honesty, freedom – all the things that are found in Jesus and His Church! I loved the welcoming environment and intentionality of helping each student be seen and known. I’m thrilled as we continue to become more of who God calls us to be as an intergenerational and intercultural church in Orange County.

This weekend, we’re concluding our series, Things I Wish Jesus Never Said. I’m looking forward to sharing a radical, challenging idea with you that also comes with one of the greatest promises in the entire Bible! You do not want to miss this! I love that it’s a holiday weekend which means it’s a great weekend to invite friends and family who are in town for a visit. Take the courageous step of inviting someone to the service with you, so they can experience the depth, truth and the hope that is found in a relationship with Jesus and His Church.

Can’t wait to see you and be with you all this weekend!



A Note From Jeff Pries


We have some fun news to share with you about our children’s programs here at Mariners Ocean Hills. This past Sunday, we had one of the biggest mornings in Children’s Ministry yet! It’s so exciting to see this ministry thriving and how Maranda, our new Children’s Pastor, is working to make it a warm and inviting experience for all of our families. In addition, summer is right around the corner which means VBS is coming! With a super heroes theme that kids love and worship lead by Tim Timmons, it’s going to be a great week! We also just received all new furniture in our children’s rooms this week in Port Mariners. Be sure and check them out this Sunday.

I’m thrilled we are going public for the first time with our new Ocean Hills Preschool opening in the fall. We also will be rolling out our new electronic check-in for families. As always, we are placing a high priority on convenience and safety. Last but not least, here’s a big thank you to all of the volunteers for blessing our children!

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. We will take a moment to honor and remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. And of course we will be celebrating Jesus, who paid the ultimate price, so we may be spiritually free as well. It’s going to be a wonderful weekend.

I love doing life and ministry with you,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Memorial Day Weekend 2016

I’m so very grateful for the people who have served our country, so we can enjoy the freedom that we have. Let’s be sure to remember and honor them and the sacrifices they’ve made on our behalf.

I’m also so grateful for our church and especially this week, for our staff. We have been on Staff Retreat the past few days and returned rejuvenated and excited for the season in front of us.

Enjoy this three day holiday weekend. Enjoy family and friends. And get some rest.

Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


P.S.: Stop by our Step In table on the patio this Sunday. We’ll have some fun surprises there over the next month. StepInHB.com.

P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“Then Job replied:  ‘Listen carefully to my words; let this be the consolation you give me. Bear with me while I speak, and after I have spoken, mock on.’”
– JOB 21:1-3

When someone we care about is in the midst of great tragedy, we all ask the same question of ourselves: “What should I say?” We inherently know there’s nothing — no words that are ever enough to salve the deepest wounds of loss. The trouble is, we believe that there ARE some words that are adequate and we’re certain that because we can’t locate those words, that WE are inadequate. So, we choose to avoid, neglect, or try to minimize the loss.

But, that action (or, more accurately: inaction) winds up being about us. The hurting person then, lives with the experience of a double-loss: the impact of the tragedy itself and the sense of abandonment by those who can’t find the words. For Job, as the great sufferer of the Bible, he has endured loss. His friends come to him with a number of words in an attempt to bring his suffering to a kind of resolution that makes THEM feel COMFORTABLE. They talk. They blame. They believe their words are the answer Job is seeking.

Job has this insight for all of us: “LISTEN carefully to my words; let THIS be the consolation you give me. Bear with me while I speak…” I’m still learning, in the midst of being a pastor — one expected to have answers and reasons — that the great gift I can give is the use of fewer words, not more. I’m learning how to skillfully replace the question: “How are you?” with this: “It seems like it’s been really tough lately” and then waiting… and waiting… and waiting until they speak. I’m learning that a hug given in silence is a far greater gift than perfected words of wisdom.

In a world intent on expressing every thought with clever diction and winsome wordsmithing, silent support stands uniquely among all the ways in which we can care for the hurting. So, to those who hurt: the ones who have come in pain, the ones whose sorrow could not be undone in a single conversation, for those who have felt as if no one could ever understand, I apologize for failing to embrace silence with greater affection.

For as long as we dwell among other people, we’ll encounter pain — their pain and ours. Perhaps, we’ll continue to learn with greater and greater compassion and skill how to truly “be there” for those who hurt.

See you soon,


Mike Pilavachi


Join us for a very special night of worship and healing prayer with Anglican Pastor, international speaker, author and founder of Soul Survivor Ministries, Mike Pilavachi. Together, we will journey through God’s Word, powerful worship and a time of healing prayer. More info and register.

You can also text “worship” to 949-267-3131 to RSVP.

Wed, Jun 1, 7p, Worship Center

Man Camp


Spend time with the “Men of Mariners” at this year’s “MAN CAMP” at Forest Home. Speakers include Kenton Beshore, Kyle Zimmerman, Jeff Maguire and Eric Heard. GET OUTDOORS, EAT, BE KNOWN, HAVE FUN, MAN UP! Details and register here or search “man camp” on our website.

Fri, Jun 3, 3p – Sun, Jun 5, 11a
$199, Forest Home