Military Ministry BBQ

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Help host hungry Marines! Get to know them and hear their stories. Volunteers needed to assist with set-up and tear-down; providing side dishes is appreciated but not required. Feel free to stay for the 6p chapel service. For more info search “Military” or click here.

Sun, May 22, 4- 7p, Camp Pendleton



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What an amazing Mother’s Day weekend we celebrated together! It was so much fun to meet your moms as well as the friends and family you invited to join you. I loved the energy and joy around the photo booths and enjoyed seeing your families take pictures. I love how you all chose to hang out and be together while eating macaroons, drinking lemonade, sitting on the patio and picnic tables, and enjoying everything God has given us. Many of you expressed how beautifully the experience reminded you of who God is and how much He loves us – and that the blessing encouraged and inspired women in every stage of life. God uses women to shape our lives and it was so wonderful to take the opportunity to bless and honor them and the gift they are to our community.

This weekend, we continue in our Things I Wish Jesus Never Said series and I am so passionate about the passage that I get to teach! This is a crucial biblical moment where what Jesus said startled people so much that hundreds, if not thousands, of people chose to turn and walk away from Him. Come find out how something so controversial can be so inspiring, inviting and encouraging. This is a great weekend to invite your neighbors, friends and family to join us as we look to God’s Word together, and invite Jesus to transform us so we can become everything He created us to be.

I’m looking forward to being with you guys. See you this weekend.




A Note From Caleb Anderson


Hilary’s dad and step-mom have been in town and staying at our home this week. Dad has been a heroic handyman–updating our garage, hanging a new gate, covering our back patio—while step-mom has freezer-sealed 30 home-cooked meals for our next month of dinners. Amazing! And generous.

Generosity is powerful.

Don’t miss this Sunday. It will be an important day for many. And I’ll give you some new and old information about the Step In campaign process and our journey to our next home. Visit if you haven’t seen the latest renderings.

See you Sunday!


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.


A Note From Jeff Pries


As a church, I love how we celebrate. And this past Sunday was no different as we celebrated Moms. It was a time to pause and give notice to the women in our lives who make a difference. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made Mother’s Day special.

This Sunday, we will continue in our series, “Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.” And this week is a great passage of challenge and hope.  We will hear something Jesus said and will think to ourselves, “I could never do that. Impossible.”  But wrapped around that interesting challenge is the most powerful reminder of hope and freedom. There are two life-changing proclamations from Jesus, a message that we all need to hear. If you’re wondering if this is a good weekend to invite someone to church, I would say this is the perfect weekend.

This Sunday, we’re having an information meeting about our upcoming Israel trip. We’ll meet at the end of the second service (around 12:15p). If you have any interest in going to Israel, please join us. This meeting is for everyone who is either already committed to going or thinking about going. We will meet in our offices for a brief 30-minute meeting.

Finally, last night we had a great Community Night together.  We were challenged by a Talbot Seminary professor to think about our faith and why we believe what we do. Next week is our final Community Night for the season. We would love for you to join us, whether for the first time or the fifth time.

As always, it is great doing life and ministry with you. We have a great church family that is always looking to reach our community. Way to go!


A Note From Jeff Maguire


“…Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side! [The king of Assyria] may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!”
– 2 CHRONICLES 32:7-8

The other day, I was helping someone move their office. A lot of the things deemed worthy of the move needed to be left in the dumpster, forgotten forever. I knew, and so did they, that the trash was the inevitable end for much of the stuff we had worked so hard to “Tetris” into place inside the moving van. During the unpacking process we disturbed a handful of spiders who scampered by committee, out from the recesses of these long-forgotten pieces of furniture (further clarifying that these things belonged in the “throw-away” or “donate” piles. But, deciding the fate of things that were clearly not used was not my role on that day).  As the panicked collection of little legs and segmented bodies ran for cover in a panic, a similar reaction ensued in the people around me.

In a flurry of swearing and fear-induced limb-shaking as if suddenly every spider ever lept onto the on-lookers’ bodies, my fellow movers likewise panicked. Then, as if it were a part of my own destiny as a guy, I grabbed the spiders by their spindly limbs and held them aloft (think Simba being held up by Rafiki in the Lion King) and then I mocked the spider, declaring my power over it and all of the rest of the animal kingdom (that may not have happened exactly as I have written it). I threw the spiders onto the road and crushed them under the weight of my awesome power (read: I squished them under my Nikes).

Up to that point, removing a bevvy of daddy longlegs from old furniture wasn’t an act meeting minimum qualifications of an act of “bravery.”  But, based on the reaction of everyone else, I must be that — at least a little. Everyone retreated. Except me. I don’t retreat (unless it’s a rat, racoon, scorpion, angry squirrel, ferrell hamster, or a clown) because guys don’t retreat…

They camp.

This is the year we stop retreating. This is the year we go to camp. In the first weekend in June, we’ll host our annual Men’s Retreat MAN CAMP in the local mountains. It’s definitely not a time of hyper-emotionalism and craft-making, leaving our guy-ness at home. It’s not a time of loincloth nature over-exposure either. It’s a collection of guys from all the Mariners churches seeking to extend the scope of their friendships and deepen their faith. I’ll be joining the speaking team for the event. I can’t wait. It’s always a hit. Don’t miss it. Sign up here.

See you soon,


Community Nights


We will gather together at 6p for food and connection, then head to the main sanctuary to hear from an engaging speaker and group interaction. This is a great place to connect into the Mariners Ocean Hills community. Invite your friends and join us. Click here to register or search “community” on our website.

Wednesday, May 18, 6-8p,
$5/adult (includes dinner)
childcare available, Mariners Ocean Hills

Men’s Monthly Breakfast

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Come hang out with men from HB and hear an encouraging message, Success without Losing Your Soul, from our Lead Pastor, Caleb Anderson.  Also enjoy the “best breakfast in town” while getting to know other guys from Mariners HB.  For more info search “Breakfast” or click here or contact John with questions,

Sat, May 14, 8-10a, $10
Surf City Church (2721 Delaware Street, Huntington Beach)