Epic All Nighter



Think back to the best night of your life. What did it consist of? Maybe food. Maybe friends. Maybe late night pranks. Maybe all of the above! It’s time again for our EPIC ALL NIGHTER. That means you can stay up ALL night, having what will be remembered as…”The NEW Best Night of Your Life.” Sign up here, or search “epic” on our website. Open to all junior high students.

April 22-23, 9p-9a, $39.93

A Note From Jeff Maguire


A friend of mine, a business owner in the area, asked me recently about my thoughts on his enterprise. I don’t get asked for my thoughts on businesses all that often. This is, of course, an area for which I have very limited expertise (seeing as how I’ve worked in the church for most of my adult life). His concern was over the potential threats to a great culture of community and relationships he’d built with his clients (of which I’m one) in his future plans for expansion. He asked me about how I deal with it in the “church world”: “Aren’t you worried you might lose something in the church — that intangible connectedness — as it keeps adding people?”

I said,  “I never really thought about our church like that. We work really hard to create a community of people who are warm and welcoming. We want people who call Mariners their home to constantly include people who are longing for a kind of transformation in their lives that they cannot give themselves. We want people who come to visit us to feel, whether or not they agree with us, that they were treated with respect and dignity and that we did our best to communicate Jesus in way that was both unpretentious and as free from ‘Christian-ese’ as possible. I want people to know that while we’re serious about following Jesus, we don’t take ourselves all that seriously. No matter what size we become, we’ll always work toward that end.”

I continued, “It sounds like you believe that what makes your business good, is that it is appropriately-sized. But, what makes your business good, is that it is good. You serve your people well. Your staff is amazing. The other people who make up the client-community here make me feel like I belong. I think it’s because of your DNA — that stuff that makes your company uniquely great — that people choose you guys over others… That’s what you’ll want to preserve with the greatest intensity as you grow. Who are the people who bear your DNA best? How do you celebrate and empower them? Because, no matter how big or small you become, people will continue to come back because of the culture you’ve crafted.”

In the interest of celebrating and empowering, I want to let you know how grateful I am to you who call Mariners Mission Viejo your home. You embody the best of the church. While we’re far from perfect, the people who come for the first time can’t help telling me, as I stand at the door, that they felt like Mariners’ people “went out of their way to make [them] feel welcome.” Over the past few weeks, as people had come to visit us from out of town, they said the same thing: “I wish my church back home felt like this. I love my church, but the people here are great — this is the most welcoming church I’ve ever been to.”

That’s what people remember — how they felt. Occasionally, people remember what they learn. But, that thing they can’t explain that feels somehow right and good, that’s what they remember. That’s the thing people who are new to Mariners say to me about their experience here. If Mariners MV is your home, you make it a great place for people to find their way to Jesus.

See you soon,


A Note From Jeff Pries


April must be here, because yes, it has brought rain and showers. And that means we have made it past the Easter season, and now we have started our new series, “Things I Wish Jesus Never Said.” Jesus always said things that are in our best interest, the problem is, they are often difficult to hear. This week I will be talking about a topic that affects all of us and I believe what we’ll find is while it maybe challenging to hear, it will also be freeing. I look forward to seeing you this week.

Here are a couple things to consider. We will have information available for you this Sunday about our upcoming trip to Israel. Also, we have hired our new Children’s Pastor! Maranda and her family are amazing and I will be introducing them on April 17. Many of you asked what we are going to do with the painting from Good Friday. Well, we have given it some serious thought and we are going to put it up for sale. All proceeds from the sale of the painting will go into our Outreach Ministries budget. It’s an amazing painting, and I’m sure someone would love to have it in his or her home. So please let us know if you are interested.

Finally, Community Nights are starting up Wednesday, Apr 20. This is a great time to get together and discover genuine community. It is an event for all ages ranging from kids, youth, and of course, adults. Come hear Dr. Buddy Mendez as he will be kicking off our first night. I can’t wait to see you there!

Blessings to you,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Good news: We signed the Theater lease!

Now we’re praying for…
– CUP speed at the city
– Move out speed for the Regency
– Generosity toward the Step In campaign

More here: StepInHB.com

Our theater circumstances inspired the following thoughts about, “What to do when stuff is taking too long.” Hopefully you find this useful.



Sometime stuff takes too long. “Stuff” like new jobs, better circumstances, restored relationships, new theaters for your church… you get it. Generally speaking, we’re talking answers to prayers.

One interesting, mind-bending thing to consider is that God is outside of space and time. We’re bound by the clock, day, and limited focus of “now.” God is not. He lives in the every-now. For God, now is back then, right here, and up there. That being the case, his timing is not always our timing. And his perspective is much bigger than ours.

So, even though God, at times, seems late, he isn’t. His perspective is bigger and better than our own, and his story is so much more elaborate than you or I can imagine.

The question, then, is: What do we do when there’s nothing to do but wait? Or, how do we stay sane when stuff is taking too long?

The short answer is: Trust, and try and enjoy the journey. But here is a bit more about that…

When stuff seems to be taking too long it’s likely one or more of the following reasons:

You’re learning the virtue of patience. You are not God. Forced patience reminds you that not everything submits to your sense of urgency. Learning to be patient makes you a better human being. God can use “waiting” to make you more like himself. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience…

You’re learning something more. There are subtle skills you need to develop. Pressure that leads to patience has a way of forcing learning you might not otherwise invest in.

There are invisible things that need to be dealt with. Fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons. (That means pray.) Our fights are not against human adversaries, but the enemy of God who is still tampering with outcomes on earth. Spoiler: that enemy doesn’t win.

It’s time to listen. When you’re desperate you pray. When you’re still desperate after praying you tend to listen. When you’re still desperate after listening, you’re more likely to embrace the path to which God leads you.

Be patient. Learn the lessons. Pray the prayers. Listen for direction.

Breakthrough is coming.

A friend of Mariners took my recent sermon series, “Listen” (how to hear from God) and made it into an ebook. You can download it here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What a beautiful beginning we had last week to our Things I Wish Jesus Never Said series! I love the invitation and challenge Doug reminded us of from God’s Word – the challenge to never settle for “religion”… never settle for “church” or a “program”… but to wholeheartedly follow Jesus. It was so encouraging to hear your stories and meet your friends as you came out of church inspired to listen to God, follow Jesus, and become everything God has created you to be.

And I love that so many of you are jumping into Rooted! Whether you are new to Mariners or have been around a while, Rooted is the place to get reconnected in community, discover who you really are, and experience the 100x life God promises when we follow Jesus. If you haven’t experienced Rooted or signed up yet, click here as we launch next week and we’d love to see you there!

We will see you this week as we continue walking together.



Rooted Spring 2016


Beyond a program, seminar or small group, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions and conversations and offers beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences designed to give you a glimpse of your story in God’s story. Search “Rooted” on our website or click here for registration info.

April 10 – June 15
begins on Sunday, April 10 at 9 or 11a
WEDNESDAY PM ROOTED begins on Wednesday, April 13 at 6:30p