A Note From Jeff Maguire


She reached into her backpack, past the dogeared pages of homework and yet-to-be-completed crayon masterpieces. When she found the creased postcard sized paper adorned in bright colors, she held it aloft parading it around with glee as only a 9 year old could do. Outlined on the paper were the details of a birthday party to be held in a few weeks. Foremost among the details: rollerskating.

Her excitement was unmistakable. Her smile, unrelenting. We inquired about our daughter’s plans to attend. She looked at us as if any notion of not going to the party was as absurd as asking her to hold her breath for a week. It was, after all, her friend who invited her. It was something she wanted to do. So, plans to attend were unstoppably set in motion.

I failed to realize that part of these plans not only included a gift to be purchased, transportation logistics to and from the event, but also what particular outfit ought to be worn. Evidently, this last piece of party attendance is among the most time consuming and labor intensive. How we look while skating in the all-skate direction (counter clockwise for the uninitiated) and lip syncing top 40 hits is as critical to the party as cake and ice cream.

So she went. She had the time of her life with her best friends. She looked the part. And, in review, it occurred to me that the appeal of the event was as much about the anticipation stemming from the invitation as anything else. The mere fact of being invited created something within my daughter — something good and undeniable. The invitation alone gave her a sense of being connected to someone and to their most important day. Those invited were a part of an in-group made special by merely receiving an invitation. Even those who couldn’t attend could still count themselves as part of that inner circle of valued friends because they too, received a brightly colored roller skate card from a classmate.

If ever there was a time to invite anyone to anything, it’s this week. While we won’t feature rollerskating as part of our celebration of Easter (Sat. 5pm, Sun. 9am and 11am), and top 40 hits will be noticeably absent from the solemn commemoration of Good Friday service (Fri. 7pm), the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection are wrapped in a mystery and a power that are worthy of an invitation. People are often longing for something they can’t name directly. People want what they see in Jesus, but are unclear in how to access it. This week, consider who you’ll invite to Easter services, remembering that the invitation alone communicates a deep level of care and inclusiveness.

Happy Easter,


A Note From Jeff Pries


If ever there was a week to celebrate, this is the week! If ever you question whether God loves you, this is the week to remind you that He does! Good Friday service is a powerful reminder to reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross. It’s also a great experiential opportunity to go to the cross in response to His sacrifice for us. And Easter is going to be an amazing celebration! It is the defining moment of our faith, where Jesus proved that He is God and overcame death. Don’t forget, it is the perfect opportunity to invite family and friends. You won’t want to miss this Sunday.

Just a reminder, Good Friday service is tomorrow at 5:30p and Easter is at our regular service times. I look forward to celebrating with you. He has risen!!


Easter at Mariners


Celebrate how Jesus conquered death and made it possible for us to have a future and a new life. For more info, click here or search “Easter” on our website.

Sat: Mar 26, 3:30 & 5:30p (worship center)
Sun: Mar 27, 8:15, 9:45 & 11:30a (worship center)
Sun: Mar 27, 7p (community center)


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Easter is for me!

For a pastor, Easter is the pinnacle of the year. At the same time, the week or two before Easter can also be the most stressful—for me, my family, and the staff (and staff families).

When you and I get stressed, we tend to take our focus off the main thing and obsess about lesser things. Some of which might be out of our control.

At Easter, the main thing is that all people recognize that God isn’t angry with them. In fact, He died for them. And then He rose from the dead, conquering death forever. Not just for Jesus, but for all of us.

Death is not final.

Sin is not fateful.

Life to the full is possible.

And it’s for ME!

Yes, it’s for you, too. But it’s for me. I need resurrection as much as anyone has ever needed resurrection.

And, so do you.

Easter is for me, and Easter is for YOU.

Invite everyone you know. Make plans. Buy dinners. Paint eggs. Hand out fliers. Whatever you have to do to engage people and draw them toward the God who saves.

But, whatever you do, don’t forget that Easter is for YOU.

Resurrection is what you need. Not just 2,000 years ago. Not just when you prayed that one prayer or said “I Believe.”

Resurrection is what you need TODAY. And everyday.

You—not just “them”—need the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing. (Romans 4:17b)

May you experience life and new things this Easter!


Easter Service Times:
Saturday, 5p, HB Central Park, behind Library
Sunday, 8:30, 10, 11:30a, HB Central Library Theater

P.S. Listen to recent messages here.
P.P.S. Give online to Mariners HB here.