Truthworks Spring 2016


Join this exciting two part series on Transhumanism as we consider attempts by science to move human evolution to the next stage with the hope of creating eternal life in a utopian world without God. Hear from outstanding guest speakers, including Dr. Scott Rae, Dr. Fazale Rana and Brad Dacus. To find out more, click here.

TRUTHWORKS: Transhumanism and the Future Man
Sundays, Mar 20 – May 1, 11a-12p, Upper Room

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I wish you could see what I’m seeing today as over 3,000 leaders swarm our campus to be encouraged and challenged to live out their calling at CatalystWest. Pastors, leaders, culture-shapers from all across the U.S. are gathering to hear from some of the best thought leaders and teachers as they aim their hearts toward becoming everything God has called them to be, leading their churches and organizations to transform lives. I love that the sacrifice by thousands of people throughout the years to build this campus is now an amazing blessing to the Kingdom in this way!

Last weekend was the finale of our Art of Relationships series and what a powerful time we had as hundreds came forward in humility, dependence and faith, believing that Jesus can heal and restore the brokenness in our lives and relationships. I love the courage and faith that was put on display. I believe that you’re walking in freedom in new ways this week and I’m praying that God continues to stir His truth in your life.

Tomorrow night is the last of the Building Healthy Marriages winter session. We’d love to have you join us as we focus on God’s heart for marriage and renew our commitment to God and one another. It’s going to be a great time as we celebrate God’s gift of marriage. I would love to have you join me there.

This week is going to be special as we begin our journey to Easter together. This is a powerful season as people are longing for redemption in their lives. Easter is the season where we remember the sacrifice and the power that raised Jesus from the dead – the same mighty power that restores the broken parts of us, bringing dead things back to life. I know that you, me, our friends, family and neighbors are desperate to hear this truth about the healing power and freedom of a relationship with Jesus. Let’s be courageous in praying about who God might have us bring to church these next four weeks.

Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!



A Note from Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday this past week. It is so fun to see our church grow. We were really close to having the most kids we’ve ever had in our Children’s Ministry.

I learned something this Sunday, our church loves taquitos!  Way to go, we raised close to $1,400 for junior high camp scholarships to be given to the Spanish speaking church on our campus.  We have a great partnership with them, and it is so fun to come together and bless each other.

I think we can all agree installing the turf was such a great thing to do for our church. It was so fun to see people just having a picnic right on the ground. I even heard someone say, “It’s really comfortable, and the kids don’t even get grass stains.”  I love it.  Also, donations continue to come in, and we are just about (3/4) of the way towards our $15,000 goal.  You all have generous hearts, thank you.

Finally, Easter is just around the corner.  Remember, this is the time of year that people who don’t normally go to church will get up and go.  All they need is an invitation.  So please be thinking about people you can invite.  We will have a great service for everyone.  I hope you had a wonderful week.  This Sunday’s message may stretch us all a bit, but trust me, if we listen to what Jesus has to say, it will be life changing.



A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy March! This is the month of EASTER, and we’re already gearing up. I’m so excited about Easter this year. We’ll have another evening service in Central Park, Saturday, March 26 @ 5p. Plus, the same Easter services on Sunday,  March 27 at 8:30, 10, and 11:30a. Start making plans to join us and invite your friends, family and neighbors.

This Sunday, we’re doing child dedications and I’ll be continuing our series the Art of Relationships. Be there! (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p)

AND NOW… the moment we’ve all been waiting for… Here is the link to the brand new website, dedicated to our journey toward the Regency Movie Theater as our next church home. On this site you’ll find vision, plans, updates, and the opportunity to pledge and give to the effort. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and family. We’re in this together…and we’re making progress toward our goal…one person at a time.

See you Sunday!


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

In my house, on nearly every morning someone forgets something essential on the way to school drop off: a lunch, a water bottle, shoes (Yes, we have been several blocks down the road before one of my kids might shout: “Oh no, I don’t have my shoes!”), a backpack, a jacket, a phone, keys, and so on. There are countless things that can be forgotten on the way out the door and into whatever adventure the day may hold.

God’s people, moving into the land of promise, are not merely reminded that God is with them. They are “commanded” to be “strong and courageous” BECAUSE “the Lord your God will be with you.”  In other words, the people may forget a lot of things. They may forget a cell phone charger, a granola bar, or a few bucks for the day. All of those things do matter. But, the most critical thing, the one thing that they must not under any circumstances forget is that they are to be “strong and courageous.” Later, in the passage, the Bible will reiterate this command, bolstering it by adding the word “very.”

Apparently, the work ahead will not be easy. It will be good. It will be beautiful, ultimately. But it will challenge our capacity to endure fear and loneliness. It will confront within us the very things we hoped to avoid. The journey forward will be through trial and difficulty. We won’t merely be able to make it if we forget to take with us, that great courage that overcomes.

This is our future as a church community. There is a great future ahead. Make no mistake — there will be detractors and naysayers. There will be critics and cynics. There will be those who make no effort to understand. And there will be us… those who have signed on for an adventure of epic proportions.

I’m grateful for our church. I’m grateful for the courageous many who make up our church community.

See you soon,


Building Healthy Marriages


To celebrate and put together all we’ve learned in Art of Relationships and Building Healthy Marriages, we’re inviting couples to reaffirm the covenant of marriage by renewing their marriage vows at the conclusion of our series on Mar 4. Kyle Zimmerman will lead us in recommitting to our marriage vows with a celebration immediately following. More info and register.

Fridays, Feb 19, 26 & Mar 4
6:30p-8p, Community Center

light dinner, childcare available for $10/family
please feed children dinner before dropping off in Port Mariners

Guest speakers:
Feb 19, Doug Fields
Feb 26, Jeff Maguire
Mar 4, Kyle Zimmerman

Foster Bus Experience

Outreach-Compass-2016Join us as we take you on an interactive, educational, and spiritual adventure around Orange County. Learn how you can provide hope, and make a difference, in the lives of abused, abandoned and neglected children. Hear God’s voice about what your next step will be! Lunch is included. This is a family friendly event. RSVP here or search “foster” on our website.

Sun, Mar 13, 12:30-3:30p