JHM Friends Night


This is a night that is built around on-stage fun. Games, skits, bits and more. Students can bring their friends. We’ll give away prizes, eat food and have fun. This event corresponds with Date Night. More info here or search “friends night” on our website.

Fri, Feb 12, 6:06- 9:09p, Student Center Room 2 (upstairs)

Men’s Ministry G4 Desert Retreat


“God, Guys, Guns, and Grub”…in that order. Join us for our 3rd Annual Desert Shoot Out where we’ll connect with the Creator of the universe and each other. We believe that guys connect on a deeper, more lasting level when we get away from the busyness and distractions of “the big city.”  As always, safety will be a top priority. More info here or search “men” on our website.

Fri, Mar 11, Noon –Sat, Mar 12, 3p, local desert

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I love our church! For so many reasons… but one is the way people love, serve, and support the cause. There are two people in our office right now brainstorming ideas on how they can use their skills and experience with social media to help our church more effectively reach and engage an online audience.

 If you have skills, talents, experiences, or ideas that you think might benefit the greater good of our church or larger community, let us know!

Reminder: NO 6 PM service this week only! Instead, our Life Groups are hosting Super Bowl parties. If you don’t have a place to watch the Super Bowl, tell any of our staff or volunteers on the patio and we’ll find a place for you.

Since we don’t have a 6 PM service this week, I expect our AM services to be pretty full. So come early, and have patience if you run into a road blocked off for people running on Goldenwest Street in high shorts while eating goo to distract themselves from the shooting pain in their joints.

In the meantime, consider these verses from Psalm 103:

The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.”


That’s good news. Good news for YOU. Embrace it. You’re forgiven.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: 6 PM’ers, you should definitely come back to our 6 PM service next week on Valentine’s Day, 2/14. We’ll have something special for ALL to enjoy!

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’m not much of a baseball person. I do like going to the games, though. Eating overpriced bad-for-you food with forty thousand of my closest friends and then having the freedom to toss the food wrappers and empty cups on the floor in front of me is about as good as it gets. But, I have a really hard time watching it on television. Baseball, the sometimes stately and other times ornery grandfather of all American sports traditions, will start soon. Within the next few weeks, teams will start gathering together for spring training with the intent of getting all team members on the “same page.” It’s about making sure that everyone is prepared for what is coming in late May: the start of the season — when it all counts.

Some players, I’m sure will be overjoyed to be back on the field. For others, it’s just more practice: more drills that have been done and redone countless times. Yet, it’s out of practice that freedom to play comes more naturally and with greater aptitude. In other words, hitting baseballs and running bases, and working out in the gym enable a greater likelihood of success when real opponents are faced.

Lent, like baseball has a spring-training air about it. Lent is a season of spiritual practice. Spiritual practices, or disciplines, prepare and free us. Lent is the 40 day run-up to Easter. It involves a heart-preparation and a tuning in to God. It is a time to free ourselves from things that have mastery over us by fasting (going without certain things) from the little comforts we deem to be necessities. It is a time to identify with Jesus’ ministry, suffering, and journey toward the cross. It is not, as some have come to know it, a second shot at unfulfilled New Year’s diet resolutions. It is not a way to garner spiritual brownie points or later-to-be-used indulgence credits. The Lenten season starts next week at what is called “Ash Wednesday.” As such, Mariners MV will hold an Ash Wednesday service at 7pm on February 10th.

For people in a number of Church traditions, Ash Wednesday services may be familiar to you. For others, like myself, who grew up in churches that eschewed such practices on the belief that things that felt like “ritualistic” were either irrelevant or perhaps harmful, we have often overlooked the power characterizing such gatherings. We’ll sing. We’ll hear a brief teaching from the Bible. We’ll respond by receiving the mark of the ashes upon our foreheads (an identification with our own mortality and a traditional symbol of our need for a spiritual u-turn). Then, we’ll make personal commitments to surrender some things during the next 40 days that may have mastery over us (traditionally called a “fast”).

Everyone is welcome. For people with kids younger than kindergarten age, child care will be provided.

See you soon,

A Note From Jeff Pries


My challenge to you last Sunday was to “choose the loving thing to do.” When we’re at a fork in the road, choosing which way to go, try choosing the loving thing. Wow, I had no idea how many times I would be faced with that decision during the week. I imagine many of you faced the same dilemma. So, how are you doing? I’m doing pretty good, not bad, but far from perfect.

We are now heading into week two of our series Art of Relationship. I promise I won’t give you such challenging homework this weekend, but we will be looking at another topic that affects relationships more than you might think. It’s something we are faced with all the time, but seldom think has an impact on how we connect with other people.

In addition, we have some awesome events happening this week. Friday night is Date Night. This is an opportunity for couples to come and enjoy yummy appetizers, a short fun talk, and really inexpensive childcare. Oh yeah, it’s also a good chance for you to go on a date for a couple hours. Don’t miss this engaging evening and be sure to point someone you know to this great event.

Also, this Saturday is our church work day. Show up at 8:30a and do some fun work around the church. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “fun” and “work” don’t belong in the same sentence, but believe me, this will be both. No matter what your skill set is, we will have something for you to do. And of course, we’ll have donuts and coffee as well.

I look forward to seeing you this week. Blessings to you.

Take care,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Every Tuesday morning, our staff gets together and shares stories how God is at work in our community. It’s amazing to hear and celebrate how God is using our Art of Relationships series, Rooted, and our Life Groups to bring healing and freedom into people lives. The stories are powerful – stories of forgiveness, healing and honesty, bringing transformation and renewing hope in all that God has designed for us relationally. I’m so grateful to be walking with you through this series!

This past weekend, Doug Fields taught us how to fight against busyness, one of the greatest obstacles to healthy relationships. I can’t wait to be with you this weekend and give you one of the greatest “builders” of healthy relationships! We’ll look at practical, biblical truth that will transform our relationships. I love how you are inviting your friends and family to join us in this series and I believe their relationships and lives are being impacted. Invite someone to join you this weekend as we continue to walk into everything God wants for us.

Looking forward to being with you all!



Date Night

DateNigh2015-Irvine-Compass (1)

Whether you are a newlywed or have been married for decades, join us for Date Night. Enjoy an hour of socializing, appetizers, laughter, and community with an encouraging message, followed by two hours of free time. Search “Date” or click here for more info and registration. .

Fri, Feb 5, 6-9p, meet in the foyer