A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

How have you been tuning in to God’s voice this week? My prayer is that you have been hearing Him above the noise of this world and the lies that Satan puts in front of us each and every single day – tempting us to settle for less in order to satisfy what only God and His love can provide.

My prayer is that you have been diving into His Word through the Daily Walk. God has reminded me this week of His heart for us through His message and promise of love for every generation throughout time. I know you will be encouraged as you hear God through His Word.

This week, we continue in our Tune In series. Kenton will be back and he is passionate about the message he’ll be sharing about tuning in to God’s voice. This will be a great weekend for your friends and family to join us as we all learn how to hear from our Heavenly Father, our Creator, together.

If you’ve never jumped into community – or if you have and it’s just faded over time – I want to invite each of you into a new season to join in relationship with God and His Church. I would love for each of you to jump into Rooted where you’ll hear God’s voice together in community and be known and loved by people who can walk through life with you every day. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see what living out our design with one another looks like.

2016 is going to be a great year as we choose to Tune In to God together!




Sun, Jan 17 or 24, 10:30a & 12:30p (after services), Life Dev Bld 3rd Floor Balcony
Hear about an exciting opportunity to be a part of our Mexico Home Build from March 11-13. You will need to attend the orientation to learn about and sign up for this serve experience. In just three days, we’ll build 1-2 homes for families in need alongside our church partner, Lo Mejor Del Trigo. More info here or contact Paul, phan@marinerschurch.org

Sat, Feb 6, $40/adult, $20/student under 16
Meet at the Mariners parking structure at 6:30a, Return at approx 8p
Join a team of volunteers to host a party for the children in the Mexico Child Sponsorship Ministry. This year’s theme will be “Love Your Neighbor” to help remind us to care and pray for our community. Volunteers are needed to help with games, fun activities, photos, crafts. Lunch will be served. More info here or contact Kari, kfjugstad@gmail.com


A Note From Caleb Anderson


We’re about to begin a whole new year!

I’m so grateful for miracles, lives changed, and even the challenges of 2015. How about you?

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” He might be going a tad-bit far there, but his point is valid. We want to be people of REFLECTION. Reflect on your year. Express gratitude and celebrate. Then turn to a new year and listen…pray…prepare. God has more for you.

Hopefully, you can carve out 30 minutes this week and reflect on 2015. What did God do? What happened unexpectedly? What didn’t happen that you thought would? What do you hope for in 2016? What are your prayers? What prayers are you afraid to pray? What is your path? What in your path needs to be removed?

Those are just a few questions to get you started. You’ll probably think of better ones.

I’m grateful for you, for our church, and God’s generous blessings in the past year. And I’ve got some clear, intentional plans for 2016. See you on the other side…


P.S.: Please give year-end gifts by 12/31 here.
P.P.S: Listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy New Year! I hope you guys enjoyed Christmas with your family and friends, soaking in the truth of who Jesus really is. Now we look forward to the New Year and the opportunity to reset our lives, our rhythms, and our relationships around the things that truly matter.

This weekend, I am excited as we launch our new Tune In series together. What’s the one thing you could do that would aim and change your life this year? The one thing that would guide you, encourage you, challenge you and even inspire you? This is what we will discover together as we meet this weekend.

I also want to invite you to join Rooted. Now is the time to jump in if you haven’t already! Rooted is a journey where you get to experience what it’s like to hear from God, connect with others in a loving community and be reminded of the purpose, dreams and passions God has given you. Rooted will change your life as you connect with God and others. Don’t miss out, sign up now!

Looking forward to being with you all this weekend as we start off the New Year together!

