Celebrate Differently


This Christmas, as a church, we are committing to caring for people experiencing poverty or crisis through our time and resources: giving Christmas gifts locally, caring for Syrian refugees globally, and serving in our community.

For Syrian Refugee Children
Provide much needed hygiene basics and small toys for children affected by the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Pick up a list and shop with your kids, family or friends. Return items to the collection bins during weekend services through Dec 20.

Oak View Christmas Festival & Holiday Store
Sat, Dec 19, 9a-5p (volunteer shifts vary), Oak View Family Resource Center
In our continued partnership with the Oak View Community, we will be hosting a Christmas store and party for families in need. Come serve with us as a store volunteer or in the many other stations of gift wrapping, snacks, games & crafts. Contact Monica, mbannister@marinerschurch.org

Syrian Refugee “Comfort & Joy Box” Packing Event
Sun, Dec 20, 12:45p, HB Library Parking Lot (after 11:30a service)
Family friendly! Join us to pack boxes with the donated supplies to bless Syrian refugee children. Lunch will be provided!

To give to Outreach Ministries, text “celebratehb” to 949-267-3131 and a link will be sent to your phone or you can GIVE ONLINE HERE.

Children’s Volunteers Needed for Christmas Services


Join the fun and help out in Port Mariners Children’s Ministry during one of our Christmas Eve services. We are offering a children’s program for birth-5 years old. Serve the many visitors that will be coming to Mariners MV for Christmas! Contact Susan, shulse@marinerschurch.org

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed for Christmas Eve Services
Wed, Dec 23, 6p and Thu, Dec 24, 4&6p

Care and Recovery


Mondays, 6-7p, Program, Chapel; 7-8p, Breakout Groups
A wide variety of both Christian Recovery Groups and traditional anonymous meetings where the redemption of the Cross and power of the 12-step model can create transformations in every area of life. More info here.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Christmas is about what HAPPENED; not what’s happening.

Amid all the darkness in our world and chaos in our lives, it’s important to remember that light still shines in the darkness, and darkness doesn’t win.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it… (John 1:4-5)

Don’t miss this Sunday. I believe God wants to re-frame our view of this Christmas season.

Remember the serve opportunities and the Christmas Tree Lighting(s). Make this a special year—not just for your own family, for someone else, too.

Merry Christmas, and see you soon…


P.S.: As you’re considering your year-end gifts and offerings, you can give regularly or one-time through this link.

P.S.: You can listen to recent messages here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


To say last weekend was great might be an understatement. We had such a wonderful service with our Children’s Ministry and Deanna leading us in worship – celebrating the joy of Christmas! Having the kids in service is always such a blessing. It reminds us all of that child-like faith! Then, Sunday night, we had our tree lighting which was so fun. We enjoyed snow, cookies, and hot chocolate, and sang Christmas carols together. It was such a great event. I loved spending time with you all and meeting your friends and family.

If you missed last weekend, I challenged us to choose one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to read in the next few weeks and then write down who God is on the boards located in the foyer. They will be out as we talk about this leading up to Christmas, so participate when you can. This weekend we’re continuing in our Light of the World series, considering the idea that God actually humbled Himself to become man and answering the question: Why? Why would God do that? Why would He come to Earth and choose to become one of us? This is one of those profound questions that anyone would think about, so be praying about who in your life needs to hear how much God loves them and who you can invite in these upcoming weeks. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
