A Note From Jeff Maguire


I was at a wedding a few weeks ago. Not surprisingly, the bride was radiant. Her bridesmaids, dabbing their eyes, protecting their meticulously applied eye makeup from running, stood in solidarity with their dearest friend. The fathers were proud. The mothers were beaming. The groomsmen were, for the most part, presentable. The groom was as handsome as he’ll ever be in his life. It was the beautiful wedding everyone wants. The ceremony was humorous and tender. It was a moment to cherish.

The world paused momentarily while we were inside the echoey chamber and the glimmering stained glass. On that afternoon, so many promises, prayers, anticipations, and dreams were embodied in that chapel. But, never was a prayer uttered, nor a hope spoken that their mutual feeling of “being in love” should sustain them for the duration of their lives. Despite all the fairy tale accoutrements with which weddings are necessarily associated, the sustaining power of their marriage was never to be found in the ebullient euphoria of “being in love.” Rather, whatever will bind them together for the long-term must lie in a deeper, richer commitment to God and to each other… regardless of how they may feel.

CS LEWIS says it this way:
“Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing… Love as distinct from ‘being in love’ — is not merely a feeling. It is a deep unity, maintained by the will and deliberately strengthened by habit; reinforced by the grace which both partners ask, and receive, from God. They can have this love for each other even at those moments when they do not like each other… ‘Being in love’ first moved them to promise fidelity: this quieter love enables them to keep the promise. It is on this love that the engine of marriage is run: being in love was the explosion that started it.”

Universally, an enduring kind of love is understood to be a good thing. No one ever sees an elderly couple tenderly holding hands on a park bench and then says to themselves: “Well, that’s really too bad.” To see something like that, one has to wonder what story is held within that shared grasp. Undoubtedly, it’s a story of beauty that has transcended both the initial love-drunk stages of “falling for each other” and the mere feeling of being in love. It’s a beauty forged not in the meadows of “happily ever after” but in the twin foundries of soul-level commitment and love-against-all-odds.

This is the kind of marriage we hope to be a part of building at Mariners. As much as there’s a necessity for big interventions and massive course corrections, there’s also a need for married people to play together, to get a shot in the arm to re-center what can occasionally drift. This Friday night, Mariners MV will host a date night for married couples. Amanda and I will talk from our own experience of marriage and ministry for a few minutes before sending you out on your date. Date Night is intended to be a boost for your relationship. It’s not crisis intervention. But, it is a chance to reconnect, and perhaps, to hold hands — maybe with an eager anticipation of one day sitting on a park bench amid passersby who quietly hold in high regard the journey that got you to that good place.

Let us know if you’re coming (especially if you’re planning on utilizing the childcare) by clicking the Date Night link.

See you Friday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Can you believe we’re already halfway through December? It’s almost Christmas! We’ve been walking through this month Celebrating Differently and this weekend we get to distribute gifts and meals to thousands in our community. I love that we are delivering so much more than food and presents, we are showing up in person and demonstrating the love, kindness and compassion of Jesus to others. We have parties for single parents, foster kids and our military at Camp Pendleton, just to name a few. What a great celebration of how God is using our church – using you – to make a difference this Christmas as we Celebrate Differently!

This weekend, we’ll continue walking through our Advent series, remembering and celebrating the promises we have in Jesus. Joy is the dominant emotion we are surrounded by at Christmas and we’ll unpack it together, discovering what it looks like to live immersed in Joy. How can we walk in Joy, not just as a temporary response to the circumstances in our lives, but a deep, profound joy that we can both receive and choose every day through the power of Jesus? Be praying about who you can invite to join us as we gather this weekend.

And, it’s not too early to start inviting your friends and family to join us for our Christmas services. Our community wants to go to church this season. People in our lives are desperate for the hope, peace, and joy we experience through Jesus and want to be invited to embrace this truth for themselves. I’m praying and believing that as God continues to place people on your heart… in your workplace… in your neighborhood… at your schools, that you would invite them to experience the profound and true meaning of Christmas that we have in Jesus.

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend.



Annual Christmas Tree Lighting


Join us for a Tree Lighting at Bella Terra and a fun-filled night of Christmas Cheer! Bring your family for snow, hot cocoa, crafts, glitter tattoos and more. Festivities from 6p. Program from 6:30-7:30p at the Bella Terra Amphitheater (in front of the movie theater). Questions? Contact Jeanette, jandrews@marinerschurch.org

Friday, December 11, festivities begin at 6p
Bella Terra Amphitheatre
7777 Edinger Ave, HB 92647

Date Night


Join us and hear from Lead Pastor Jeff Maguire & his wife Amanda as they share key values to help us sharpen the tools in our “marriage toolboxes.” Before we send you out to your favorite date spot, we will provide a programmed night of serious fun with meaningful interaction and thought provoking conversation. After your date, you’ll head back to the church to grab the kids from their own night of excitement (we will even feed them!). More info and register.

Fri, Dec 11, 6:30-9:30p, $15/couple, Mariners Mission Viejo
Childcare available, $10/family

Light of the World Weekend Series


We are in this Christmas season where we celebrate God becoming man. In this series, we will be answering the question: Why? Why did God become man? Why would God do that? Why would God come to Earth to be like us? We invite you to join us as we look into the intentionality of God humbling Himself to become man.

Weekend Services:
Sun, 9 & 11a