Tree Lighting


Sun, Dec 6, 4:30p, Ocean Hills Campus

Gather together to kick off the Christmas season with sledding in the snow, treats, Christmas caroling, and of course, our tree lighting! To help us keep this a free event for the community, help donate supplies listed below. Contact Jaclyn, with questions.

  • Box of waffle cones (need 10)
  • Tubs of green icing (need 30)
  • Candy (ex: gum drops, red hots, M&Ms)
  • Hot chocolate packets (need 100)
  • Hot cider packets (need 100)
  • Christmas sugar cookies (need 200)
  • Give towards snow (need $600)

Celebrate Differently


Sat, Dec 12, 7:30a-4p, Ocean Hills Campus
We’re offering free medical and dental care for our community. Be sure to grab some flyers and help us spread the word by handing them out to those in need. Then sign up to volunteer at the clinic.

Take a gift tag from a Christmas tree on the patio. Buy the gift for someone in need and return it to the collection bins on campus through Dec 6.

For more info or to give to Outreach Ministries, click here.

Christmas Candlelight Prayer Gathering


Get away from the hustle and bustle of this busy season for an evening of praise, prayer and inspiration. In the middle of our year of jubilee, join in as we celebrate our Savior in reverence and revelry. Invite the women in your life to join you as we prepare our hearts to receive the priceless gifts He has for each of us. More info here.

Tue, Dec 8, 6:30-8:30p, Chapel

A Note From Jeff Maguire


Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you…

I am frequently distracted. I have to use a series of timers, calendar alerts, and alarms to keep me aimed at any task at hand. I’m guilty of starting many things with good intentions and never finding my way to seeing any of them all the way through. I forget things. Sometimes, I forget the unforgettables. I do, however, find some solace in the company of my fellow forgetors.

At the risk of oversimplifying the Bible a bit, one way to understand the nature of the relationship between God and his people is as follows:

God remembers his people. God’s people forget him.

God is constantly in loving pursuit of people who fail to remember his work of the past. When people forget him, they wander away. They make choices they’ll later regret. They seek out weaker gods that promise everything and deliver nothing. So, God says, “be careful not to forget” — as if it would be easy to do so.

To look at the Hebrew Bible, we see a God who apparently loves to give his people a ton of seemingly bizarre festivals and rituals. All of these are simply ways of retelling the story of God’s ongoing rescue and restoring power and love. These practices help the people to remember their God. People who can remember, can be thankful.

To be thankful is a rather obvious instruction for this weekend. So instead of re-hashing the list of things for which you are thankful, consider creating a simple, annual ritual of remembering this holiday weekend. Before the chip-n-dip, before the football games, after the clean-up, before bed, whenever. Pause. Remember. Tell the story of God’s love and rescue — even when the light of that memory may have faded to a mere glimmer. Stoke the fire of that small spark and remember. Then, you may find a deeper thankfulness than you knew was there.

See you soon,


A Note From Caleb Anderson



Remember to take time to celebrate what you have (thankful), and to not need more (content).

Every good gift comes down from the Father–the God of the Universe who also happens to be your friend. He’s in the blessing business, and guess what? YOU ARE BLESSED!

And so am I.

I am thankful for YOU this season. Our church community is such a blessing to me and my family. Your kindness… Your welcoming spirit… Your commitment to Jesus and His radical love… Your generosity to our church and our community. And thank you for committing to Step In to what God has for us in the next season of Mariners HB and our new church home!

It’s a privilege to serve God and His people alongside you. Thank you for being a light in a dark world, and for sharing that light with the rest of us. We are better because of you.

May God richly bless you and your loved ones!


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty- and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
Psalm 145:3-5

I love our church verse this year and how it calls us to thankfulness and gratitude. It reminds us to speak and to tell of God’s faithfulness and goodness; to proclaim His mighty acts to one another so that we are encouraged and inspired to live our lives for Him, even in the most desperate of times. I’m praying for you as you celebrate Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Be sure to share with one another why you are grateful this year.

This weekend I invite you to join us as we turn the page on Thanksgiving and head towards Christmas together. We’ll begin our Advent series together, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Jesus while considering this question – What are you hoping for? Not a particular gift, present or vacation, but what is the deep longing that you would love to see fulfilled this season?

We’ll consider this question together and the treasure that we have in Jesus as we aim our hearts towards the truth and power of Christmas. Hope to see you this weekend!



A Note From Jeff Pries


As we enter into this holiday season we want wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. As a staff, we are so grateful for each and every one of you. We hope you have a wonderful week filled with family, laughter, and delicious food! We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we enter into the official Christmas season.


P.S.: One of the best events we do, our Tree Lighting celebration, is only two weeks away on December 6th! Be sure to mark your calendars and invite some friends to join you as we kick off Christmas with  snow, treats, and all our favorite Christmas carols!