A Note from Caleb Anderson



I’m on my way home from Israel and I can’t wait to be back with you. This Sunday is really important, as it’s the last sane weekend before the chaos of the holidays. I have a message I pray will tune our hearts to hear from God so we don’t miss out on the beauty of the days ahead. Bring someone with you!

Don’t forget commitments cards! We’ll also announce the Step In film festival winner and celebrate the incredible month.


Listen to recent messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note from Jeff Pries


It’s so great to see all that’s going on at our church right now. Last week, it was such a blessing to baptize 12 people. Not only is it a blessing for the individual person, it also blesses the families and the church. I cannot even imagine how pleasing it is to God when people make a public proclamation of their commitment to follow Jesus. There is nothing better than seeing authentic life change happen!

This past week was the finale of our Community Nights series. We had six incredible weeks where we experienced relationship building, as well as spiritual growth. The feedback has been so positive that we are now trying to figure out how many times a year we can bring Community Nights to you.

You won’t want to miss this Sunday. It will be the last weekend before the chaos of the holiday season begins. Make sure you join us as we take a peek into our lives and discover what truly makes us grateful. Speaking of the holidays, don’t forget our Annual Tree Lighting. It is always a fun night for our church. It’s the perfect night to invite friends of all ages. We always want to be a church that invites and this is a fun, eventful evening for all.


A Note from Kasaundra Domen


Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.​​  Psalm 95:2 (NIV)

Tears. Joy or sadness, suffering and pain, exuberance and hilarity; a salty liquid response to the array of emotions we often experience sometimes even in a matter of moments.

I used to say I wasn’t a “crier.” I would still like to think that, however, my closest friends have recently begun to tease whenever I share stories about Mariners MV… “Oh, yeah. Don’t mind her. She cries when she talks about our church.”

Three years ago I moved to Orange County for a career position I had accepted. My best friend from college lived here, and her roommate invited us to check out Mariners MV when she heard I was looking for a church community to call home.

The first weekend I attended a service I was overwhelmed in the best way. I felt immediately welcomed and invited in, even before I stepped inside. A woman roughly my age was walking from the parking lot at about the same time. She hurried a bit to grab my attention—she just wanted to compliment me on the boots I was wearing, and we started to chat on the way in. From our small talk she discovered it was my first time at Mariners MV so she made sure to show me the coffee area and where to sit so I had the best view of the stage (remember, there was still a wall in the middle of the room).

I began to watch the seats fill in around me as people walked in. There were individuals of all ages and life stages, hugging and laughing and worshiping together.

As I watched this community in front of me, I started to cry.

It was hard to get the words out as I sang through the tears, “Thank you Lord,” I whispered.

Over the last three years since that day, I have been blessed to spend time as a volunteer on the youth ministry teams and recently transitioned to a staff position on the Mariners MV team. My story inside these walls has had the full range of tear evoking emotions, and I know so many of us could say the same for reasons similar or perhaps opposite.

During this time of year, we pause as a church family to share our stories – stories of gratitude and generosity, loneliness and trial, joy and restoration, thankfulness and hope. Next week we will gather on Thanksgiving Eve to reflect and worship together. I encourage you to invite a friend to experience the same thing we experience when we come—a church family. Come rest in thankfulness with us this week.

See you on the patio,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Celebrate Differently!

I love how over the next two months we have the privilege to celebrate differently and lead the charge against the consumerism and materialism that surrounds us. We have the opportunity to declare to the world (and ourselves:) that we have enough, and because of the unconditional, abundant love we’ve received from God, we get to unleash that love through generosity to those who need it most.

Last week was a beautiful beginning to this season as over 2000 tags (representing gifts) were taken for children who would otherwise not receive anything this Christmas. Over 2000 lists (to provide much needed hygiene items as well as a small toy) were picked up for Syrian Refugee Children. And, hundreds of you have already gone online and signed up to serve our community over the next two months. That is awesome and we’re just beginning! This isn’t about a weekend – or even a week – this is about making a mark of love and generosity on the world around us. We get to live out the gospel that Jesus modeled for us – one that is relational and generous. There’s still time to walk through this season together with me and the 1000’s of us from our church… just go online to CelebrateDifferently.org and Give, Tag, Bag, and Serve generously. Let’s make Jesus and His Church famous in our lifetime!

This weekend is going to be great – James Choung will be here to teach us. James is a great communicator of the truth and grace of the gospel. He has spoken on many occasions to our staff and I can’t wait for you to meet him. It’s a great weekend to invite friends and family to come and hear the hope that’s found in a relationship with Jesus.

Praying for you this week as we love our community together this season by Celebrating Differently!

