Care & Recovery


The holidays are a time when families often come together for tradition, connection and joy. But for families who have lost the life or vitality of a loved one, the prospect of moving through the holidays can be daunting. You are not alone! Join us for an evening of worship, encouragement, and practical ideas for reducing stress this season. Register online. Contact with questions.

Tuesday, Nov 10, 6:30-8:30p Life Dev Bld, r208 (Irvine Campus)

Care & Recovery


Coping with the Holidays
Tue, Nov 10, 6:30p-8:30p Life Dev Bld r208
The holidays are a time when families often come together for tradition, connection and joy. But for families who lost the life or vitality of a loved one, the prospect of moving through the holidays can be daunting. You are not alone! Join us for an evening of worship, encouragement, and practical ideas for reducing stress this season. Register online. No charge.

Orange County Job Fair, College Fair and Veteran Fair
Wed, Nov 18, 10a-2p, Community Center
Join us as over 50 employers gather to look for people to hire. A great way to find seasonal help. Pre-Register at

JHM Adventure Camp


We want to make camp available to students throughout the whole year, so we’ve created JHM Adventures! These 2-3 day retreats (at different locations) will never cost you more than $40…guaranteed. All 6th-8th grade students are invited, but space will be limited. Register online.

Want to know more or is cost an issue? Email See you on our next Adventure!

Fri-Sun, Nov 13-15, Saddleback Butte State Park, $40

A Note From Jeff Pries


It’s been fun to hear how so many of you are loving our Transformed series. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about this battle of sin that we all face. And, we have been learning that Jesus came to free us from sin. He came not only to free us from the penalty of sin, but to free us from the power of sin. We talked specifically last week about the battle of wanting to live the right way and do the right thing, yet we find we just can’t at times. We don’t do what we want to do, and to make matters worse, we actually do what we hate. We learned we’re not the only ones struggling with this (this was the Apostle Paul’s battle too). So we do what we think is the answer: try harder. Then we fail and feel guilty. What a miserable cycle! This weekend we’ll be talking about how we can combat this vicious cycle. It’s an essential part of the whole series – one you will not want to miss. I’m excited about it…and I’m excited because we all get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday!  Looking forward to seeing you.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Happy Halloween! Harvest! Dress-up Day! Sugar Rush!

Change how you view Halloween. It’s an incredible opportunity to get to know neighbors and engage kids. Few days of the year are this easy to meet people in your neighborhood and help kids have a fun and safe experience. Kids should think we are the coolest and most fun people to be around.

Be intentional. Be fun.

And join us for our annual fall event TRUNK OR TREAT in the Sports Complex parking lot (adjacent to the Library Theater) on Saturday, Oct 31, from 3-5p. It will be a great time. More details below…

Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Saturday evening. Yes, it’s an extra hour of sleep! Charge up and show up ready to go on Sunday (8:30, 10, 11:30a & 6p).

I believe that God will speak to you this Sunday. Begin to pray now, inviting Him to get your attention and reshape your thinking. Start by reflecting on this verse:

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 (NLT)

Are you open to a mind-shift?


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– To watch recent Step In short films, click here.
– To keep up with our 30 days of prayer, follow along with us on Facebook or Instagram.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I got a great picture of the Church this past week. It’s a perfect example of being “in the community for the community.” I was inspired:

Two nights ago, I heard a knock during dinner. It was John. He lives a few doors down. His son and mine have become fast friends. As I opened the door, John peered through the window to our dinner table. He saw we had guests over. It was obvious he felt the imposition he may have been making. Nevertheless, he motioned for me to come outside as he asked for some “pastorly” advice.

“Ok. Sure, John. What is it?” I say.

After closing the door and making our way outside, away from curious ears, John explained to me about his neighbor. She’s elderly. Her husband died about a year ago. And, for the past few years, as her husband’s health was on the decline, John has helped around the house. To this day, he helps carry in groceries. He does a bit of handy-man work when needed. He takes her trash out to the curb every week. Apparently, she gave him the moniker “Good Neighbor John.” John explained that she’s recently received some tragic health news. It’s serious. Hospice care has been called.

I nod.

“What am I supposed to say?” he asks. His furrowed brow and deeply concerned eyes say a lot.

He’s like so many of us (myself included) — afraid he’s not going to be able to say the right things to a hurting person. He told me he’d written some things down that he might say to her. But, he’s frozen with the fear of not knowing how to piece together the correct words. It’s almost as if he believes what he says will make or break his relationship with this family he’s loved dearly.

“John, you don’t have to say anything specifically. You have loved her and her family for a very long time. People always wonder what they’re supposed to say in a situation like this one. You don’t have to have perfectly crafted words. Your best words have already been spoken in the compassionate love you’ve demonstrated. Let the family know you’re heartbroken at the news that things have taken a turn and that every time they hear the rattle of the trash can lids being dragged out to the curb, you’re praying for them.”

“That’s it?” He asked again.

“Yeah. John, you’re more a pastor to them than anyone has ever been. You’ve been given a great gift of compassion and love. You’re being the Church. You’re showing them Jesus. You’ll know what to do, and even what to say, if there’s something more required of you.”

Very rarely are there perfect words. But, there is always an opportunity for compassion. Given the choice between words of precision and great compassion… I hope I choose the way of “Good Neighbor John.”

See you soon,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


… your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Matthew 6:10

This prayer is deeply inspiring and incredibly challenging to me. I love that it represents a heart of total surrender – complete obedience and overwhelming dependence upon a loving Father. At the same time, I believe this is one of the most challenging prayers for us to pray, as it’s so easy to move through life thinking we have to make it happen…we have to be enough… we can overwhelm whatever problems or difficulties come our way building our kingdom on our own strength and on our own power. This is a prayer that invites God to move in powerful and supernatural ways. This is the prayer we will be praying together as a community this weekend in our healing services. These services are a beautiful expression of the power of the Holy Spirit on display, as people come in total surrender and dependence to trust and believe that God can and will bring healing into their lives, into your life. Be praying with anticipation about how God will move this week. Also be praying in anticipation about who God wants you to invite into this powerful experience as we get to see the love of God on display through His presence, His power and His people.

