Join us for an afternoon as we pour into the lives of foster children through games, sports, music, relationship, community, food and an inspiring message. You must be 21+ to volunteer. Contact Chris Meadows, cmeadows@mac.com
Sunday, July 12, 2-6p, Student Center

Come join the fun as we celebrate Christmas with our local ministry partners. Volunteers to help with games, crafts, food and more are needed! Set-up and tear-down volunteers also needed.
Sign up online or contact Monica with questions.
Saturday, December 21, 12-2p, Oakview Elementary

Help kids shop and wrap gifts for their families, as they “spend” their hard-earned homework points. For many families, these gifts will be the only ones they’ll receive this Christmas. More info and sign up online.
Saturday, December 14, 9:30-11:45a
Boys & Girls Club of SJC

Fill a bag and feed a family this holiday season! Pick up a shopping list on the patio this weekend or download online. Return donations to any weekend service by Sun, November 24.
Questions? Contact Monica.

Learn about all the ways you can get involved with the Lighthouse Community Centers. Hear more about the vision for Pacific Court and upcoming tutoring volunteer opportunities. Questions? Contact Monica.
Sunday, March 3, 12:30 – 2:30p
HB offices

Review applications, provide academic counseling, generate funding and more as part of this volunteer committee that provides college assistance to inner-city youth in Santa Ana. Find out more

Learn how you can impact the life of a child or teen in 2 hours a week by helping them with homework. Lighthouse Community Centers are located in Santa Ana and Orange.
Visit our website for info or contact Andrea 949.769.8127
Thursday, February 23, 5:15-7p (dinner provide)
1010 S. Minnie St. Santa Ana

Provide hope through relationships with foster children and at-risk youth in a few hours per month. Visit our website to learn more or contact Sheryl.
connecting with Mariners Church