Tag Archives: care

Care & Recovery


Grief Support
Mondays, Sep 14-Oct 26, 1-3p, $20
Tuesdays, Sep 15-Oct 27, 6:30-8:30p, $20
Community and practical coping techniques for individuals who have lost loved ones. Register at www.marinerschurch.org/care

Mariners Recovery Ministry Mondays
Mondays, 6p, Chapel, 7p, Breakout groups
Mariners Recovery Ministry offers a wide variety of both Christian Recovery Groups and traditional Anonymous meetings. Redemption of the Cross and power of the 12-step model can create transformations in every area of life, ultimately leading to wholeness and well being. Contact Katie, kballou@marinerschurch.org

Care Ministries


For those in need of help or simply searching for hope and healing, we invite you to find support and community in an upcoming Care Ministry Group:

Women’s Abuse Support
Thursdays 6-8p
Life Development Bld Conference Room 3rd floor

Divorce Care
Thursdays through April 10, 7-9p
Port Mariners 221, $25

Career Support Network
Thursday, February 20, 5:30-7p
The first topic in this six session career transition workshop is Establishing a Transition Plan.

For more info on upcoming groups and classes go online.

High school and College student serve experience


MCHB is sending 30 HSM (seniors) and college students to Lost Canyon to serve at a camp for teen moms and to support them in the community. Student volunteers will extend love to the children of the teen moms through activities and fun, freeing up the moms to rest. Camp dates are June 29-July 3 in Lost Canyon Arizona, $496 (support raising opportunities available). Application deadline is Tuesday, April 1. Contact Jordan Lynch with questions.