Tag Archives: community

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Real talk this Sunday, friends.

“Better Sex” is the topic. I’ll answer all your long-standing questions about sex, attraction, and human anatomy. Well, maybe.

Check your kids into their classrooms, sharpen your pencils, and try not to get the giggles.

God designed it, and we’re going there.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here

P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff Maguire


A hostile world! I call to God, I cry to God to help me. From his palace he hears my
call; my cry brings me right into his presence — a private audience!
Psalm 18:6 (Day 22 of the Daily Message)

I remember once, when I was in college and my mom had driven up for a visit, she took me to dinner at the Hamburger Hamlet in Westwood Village. The dinner, served hot, and on real plates stood in stark contrast to the steady diet of Top Ramen and hot dogs comprising the bulk of my collegiate meals. As we were eating, my mom took a pen from her purse and wrote on an unwound paper napkin ring. She slid it across the table to me. It read: “Magic Johnson.”

Magic Johnson?

Puzzled, I looked up from the note. She silently mouthed the words: “He’s right behind you.” Nervous, and not all that subtly, I turned to get a glimpse of one of my childhood heroes. I was somewhat disappointed to see that he opted for street clothes, instead of the Lakers purple and gold uniform. Why would anyone, once they get to be a Laker, ever wear anything else? I turned back to look at my mom trying to figure out how to get Magic to invite me over to his house. I was certain we’d be friends. I don’t remember much of anything else at the meal. Just to be next to him, felt like I had somehow become a part of the mystique — his mystique. My life and his legendary life intersected in that moment — burgers, french onion soup, two athletes bound to be friends (I’m convinced he’s writing about it now on his own blog). The dinner had a new focus now. Before that moment, I was catching up with my mom, grateful for a meal that didn’t need to be prepared in a styrofoam cup. But now, everything was about Earvin “Magic” Johnson.

David, the Psalmist here,  writes “my cry brings me right into his presence.” For a lot of us, we tend to understand God to be primarily distant — a celebrity who might be polite to us but to whom, we’re generally unremarkable. Only, it is His delight, His desire that He would be with us. So we, rather than worrying if we’re interrupting His meal or fearing that we might be turned away for trying to get a quick picture or an autograph, we’re invited into a “private audience” simply because we cry out to Him. When we get to be with Him, it’s in His presence that everything DOES change. We were designed to be with Him and to build our lives around Him.

What does it look like to cry out to Him? In joy? In despair? In loneliness? In wonder?

Join us this week as we hear from Doug Fields in his second of three messages in the BEAUTIFUL MESS series on parenting. We heard so much great feedback last week. It is a great opportunity to invite people who are presently parents, soon-to-be parents, or people looking to receive some healing from the way they were parented.

See you Sunday,

Winter MV Life Group Session


Through March 23, 2014

Life Groups provide care and support for each other, while maintaining a broad view of how God wants to work through the group to bless others. What we experience In Community; freedom and healing, we live out For Community so that others can encounter salvation, freedom and healing.

Register online or on the patio to get connected into a Life Group.
Questions? Contact Mike Kenyon.

Have You Experienced Rooted?


Rooted is a 10-week journey that has changed thousands of lives at Mariners Church. 

Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected, life-changing ways. The experience redefines how people live life and view their relationship with God and others, giving context to what it means to be a part of something bigger.  You will begin to see God in new ways, allowing you to experience a different way of life: community, authenticity and generosity.


Continue reading Have You Experienced Rooted?

A Note From Caleb Anderson


I hope you had a merry and meaningful Christmas!

As you read this, I’m probably in a comatose state–having preached 7 times in three days. But that’s okay, I love it! I love it because of what God does. He brought hundreds of new people, many of which prayed new prayers of faith and commitment. God is changing lives in our community, and not only do we get to witness it–we get to play a part in it!

So, I’m grateful as we close out 2013. I’m grateful for my family, for our friends, for our church, and specifically FOR YOU.

I thank my God every time I remember you… Philippians 1:3

You help to make our church what it is–in big and small ways. And my prayer for you in this new year is simple: That God would take you further and deeper into His love.

May God bless you.


P.S.: Remember, if it’s Sunday, our church is meeting together. Same service times: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30a.

A Note From Jeff


One of the defining characteristics of Mariners MV is that we’re a church seeking to live in community for the community. In other words, we believe that the beauty of the church is best expressed outside of the walls of our worship center on Sunday mornings. How we are known as neighbors, coaches, friends, school volunteers, and community leaders is a critical expression of the church to the world. Central to that effort is the relationships we cultivate with the people we live around — the people in our neighborhoods.

If ever there was a time to meet your neighbors or generate some goodwill, tonight is it. Give out the best candy. Be outside amid everyone else. Feel the freedom to ask people’s names if you don’t know them (After all, you can use the costume excuse to ask the name of someone you’re supposed to know). Be the neighbor you hope your neighborhood can become. You don’t have to love everything about Halloween. You don’t have to go over-the-top with any decorations. You don’t have to feel the pressure to staple a Bible verse to a Tootsie Roll before placing it in a kid’s “pumpkin bucket.” Simply extend genuine friendship to the people who live in your community.


Over the past few weeks, it’s been so good to hear the stories and meet the people who have been invited to our church by their neighbors. So many people are finding that the OUTSIDER’S GUIDE TO JESUS series has been a great entry point to Mariners MV. Perhaps, there are people in your neighborhood (people you’ll see tonight) who have felt like outsiders to the church and simply need an invite to a new community. Consider inviting them to join you this Sunday morning.

See you then,

A Night of Fun at Harvest Carnival


Last week, many of you invited your friends and neighbors for a evening of ol’ fashioned fun at Harvest Carnival 2013. Free candy, yummy food, fall festivities, friends, kids, carnival rides, and the gift of community and relationship, all rolled into one – it doesn’t get much better than that. So, in case you missed it, or you just want to re-live the experience, check out our Photo Candids, and our Photo Booth.

Also, be sure to check out the Smile Stand pics, where so many of you stopped by to capture the moment.

And finally…to our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who tirelessly gave their time and energy to make Harvest Carnival happen – THANK YOU!