Tag Archives: date night

A Note From Jeff Maguire

On Tuesday night, after my son’s basketball game, a bunch of us went to In-N-Out. I was reminded how the now almost ubiquitous fast food chain was in only a few locations 20 years ago — all of which had no indoor dining options. I remember eating a “Double-Double” for the first time, and discovering a previously unknown level of burger-joy. A new longing was formed, even if it meant eating in our car or sitting on a curb, outdoors. Previously, I had known Carl’s Jr. — good. I had experienced a “Big Mac” — fair. I had eaten a Whopper. I studied the enigmatic square-patty at Wendy’s. All of those were the best I believed life had to offer. But, In-N-Out changed all that. Something previously unknown had become known and it altered everything (Well, not everything. It is just a hamburger, after all. But, it did elevate my baseline standard on what to expect from fast food).

This Friday night, Mariners MV will host “Date Night.” The heart behind the event is to paint a picture of how any marriage could become better. It’s a shot in the arm. It is not a crisis intervention for marriages (though that shouldn’t preclude a couple experiencing a marriage in crisis from attending). Date Night is a way of revealing what “could be.” For a lot of us, we’ve made a vague peace with the way things are — good, bad, or otherwise. We’ve stopped imagining how the present state of our marriage could become better.

Come, join us. Bring friends. We won’t be weird or obnoxious — at least not more than usual. We’re not going to ramble on for hours and hours. Our intent is to breathe fresh life into marriages. Doug Fields will give some lighthearted and highly practical tips on how life with our spouse (who is, in many ways, our opposite) could be better than we might have ever imagined.

Couples can register online here. Of course, walk-ins (without child care needs) are welcome. For those of you with kids, we’re working feverishly to expand our Date Night child care to meet the demand. Check our Facebook page for the latest on child care options or email Bailey May to have your kids placed on the waiting list.

See you Friday (and Sunday),
– Jeff