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Annual Read Week 8


We hope you are enjoying the Books of Acts and Proverbs. As we have learned in our reading this week, the start of the early church was not without its moments and trials, even what felt like failures. In Acts 18, Paul is in Corinth preaching and teaching to the Jews of the city, but he finds himself in an endless and seemingly fruitless debate. He leaves exasperated and possibly feeling defeated. However, that very night, God speaks to Paul in a dream. He tells him to keep it up no matter what anyone says or does, to stay at it and know that “ I am with you.” Paul stays for another year and a half.

Can you think of a time when you have experienced God saying, “good job, keep it up,” even though you felt like quitting?
Perhaps, you can think of a time when you wanted Him to say it and He did not.

Spend some time in prayer this week asking God how He would like to use you to share the good news of His Kingdom.

As we continue reading through Acts, gaining wisdom from the Proverbs, it’s wonderful to know and see how God uses people that don’t always have it together. It is also great to see just how reliant the early church leaders were on the Holy Spirit and what God was able to do in and through that community.

Grace and Peace,

Cole Beshore