Tag Archives: devotional

Annual Read Week 11


This week we finished the Book of Hebrews and have started on the Book of Numbers. The book gets its name most likely from the two censuses that are taken in chapters 1 and 26. However, Jewish readers most commonly refer to the book by a word that is more descriptive of the time in Israel’s history spent in the wilderness. Though the book at some parts feels like another round of rules and regulations, similar to Leviticus, the rules given in the book of Numbers deal with the laws and regulations for Israel while they are on the march. Numbers is one of the longest books in the Old Testament and ends at the final encampment before entering the Promise Land.

At the beginning of this week you read Psalm 30 and reflected on how God treats the down and out. Notice the imagery used and how the author describes being rescued and pulled up from the grave, out of the ground and restored. Ultimately it is a psalm of confession and thanksgiving.

Spend just a few moments this week writing down what you are thankful for. When was a time when you acted as if you did not need God? Have you ever experienced God turning a season of lament into a season of dancing?

Cole Beshore

Annual Read: Reflection, Week 6


This week we finished the Book of Exodus and have now started the Book of Acts. The story of the Israelites’ exodus from Israel is central to the Israelites’ faith. Even the decalog (the Ten Commandments) begins with God reminding them that He is the God that brought them out of Egypt freeing them from slavery and therefore they should worship no other Gods. It is always amazing to me to read how the Israelites complain to God even after they have seen God do so many miraculous things. It just feels like they do not trust God.

Every time things get tough, the Israelites become afraid and doubt God’s intentions…“Did you bring us here to die?” “We were better off as slaves.” It’s amazing. Yet, if we take a good look in the mirror, we are just like them.

When have you trusted things other than God? What was the result?

In Exodus 14:13, Moses tells Israel, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and watch God do his work of salvation for you today.”

What does it look like for you to stand firm and watch God work out His salvation for you today?

As we start the Book of Acts, Read chapter 1:1-11 again. Notice that this book is the sequel to the Book of Luke, where Luke, the writer of both books recounts the life and works of Jesus up until His accession. The Book of Acts is the story of how God continues to work through His followers in accomplishing His work. It is the story of the first church. If you have fallen behind in your reading this might be a great time to jump up to the current day and start in on the Book of Acts with us. Keep at it!

Annual Read: Reflection, Week 3


Our hope is that you have decided to join us in reading through God’s Word this year! Each week, we want to encourage you in your reading by offering some thoughts for reflection. If you have not started reading with us, it is not too late! You can jump in anytime! There are still copies available at the bookstore, if you stop by after service, or get an e-version.

Daily Message, Reflection Week 3
As we have been reading Genesis, we see stories of God initiating interaction with His creation, and even His patience with them as they disobey, rebel, and run from Him. God ultimately cannot have His creation ruled by sin, it would destroy itself. Therefore, He acts out of love in attempts to rescue and restore. Continue reading Annual Read: Reflection, Week 3