Tag Archives: encouragement

A Note From Jeff Pries


Question for you – What kind of person do you want to be?

That is what we have been answering in our recent weekend series called Heroes. Not only has it been a great series on what it looks like to be heroic, but we are reminded how the Bible is so remarkable, full of amazing stories that were relevant thousands of years ago as well as today. This week, we will be looking at a story that was a defining moment in my life, and I’m praying that it will be powerful for you as well.

Also, it is an exciting weekend because we will be welcoming back Jon Ramsay. As you know, Jon went through surgery for a brain tumor four months ago, and has been sharing his journey with his wife Deanna on her blog. We are thrilled to have him back, and look forward to hearing from Jon and encouraging him as he continues on his journey toward healing.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron and said, ‘Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the man who got us out of Egypt—who knows what’s happened to him?’” Exodus 36:1

I read this passage this week in the Daily Message (We discovered, incidentally, that the mobile-app version of the Daily Message finishes the year of reading 16 days earlier than the paperback version. In case you’re wondering why I read Exodus 36 this past week). But, this hit me. At some level, it’s a passage about impatience. It’s more than the feeling of not getting stuff when we want it. It’s a passage about this – WHAT WE DO when we don’t get what we want when we think we deserve to have it.

To recap: God’s people have been miraculously rescued from captivity in Egypt. They’ve walked through the Red Sea. They’ve followed a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day. They’re standing at the foot of a mountain where God’s full pyrotechnic array has been on display. Moses has gone up to meet with God. And… he’s taking too long. God’s people reason, not only that God had abandoned them, but that they need something else — something that will capture their hearts. Clearly, God-who-rescues isn’t around anymore.

So, they create something to worship, something to which they can dedicate themselves: “gods…who will lead us.”

This is us. This is me. I suppose none of us have actually melted our jewelry into molten liquid so that it can be reshaped into a literal idol for worship. But, we do get impatient. When God isn’t operating on my schedule, when He’s decided my need for traffic abatement isn’t His priority, or that my need to have that thing everyone else has isn’t something I ought to have, I bow down to other some lesser gods who promise to deliver much more quickly. I kneel before the idols of my own desires. I bow to the gods of my own self-gratification. I lay down before the statues of my own ego — the ones I’ve built with my own hands.

For us, when our needs (so often confused for our desires) aren’t met the instant we can think of them, we find the most troubling thing about God — He tends to take way too long. Clearly, He must be confused, not only about our time table, but about what actually constitutes real need. We run to the lesser gods who give us everything, no matter the damage to our souls. We run to the gods who leave us emptier and hungrier than we’ve ever been. We keep building idols, hoping that the next one will fill us. It is in those idols that we lose our true humanity. We self-sabotage. We sabotage others.

We need a re-rescue from God. We need a rescue from the mess we continue to create for ourselves. We need a rescue from the mess we create for others. We believe God can and wants to restore brokenness. We’ll continue to look at this God who rebuilds and restores and re-rescues this Sunday morning as we continue in our relationship series: BEAUTIFUL MESS.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Will you join me in loving OC?

I want every single person who interacts with kids – parents, teachers, coaches, friends, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles (you get the idea) – to know that the next 3 weeks at Mariners Church are going to be amazing! Doug Fields will be here to give biblical wisdom and practical insight in the most relevant way that promises to bring healing, hope, and transformation into our relationships as we walk with the next generation(s). I gathered our team earlier this week and we prayed that every family in OC would hear about this, believing that God is faithful and when we show up, He shows up in powerful and surprising ways. Please pray with us and invite your friends and neighbors (you can forward an invitation from the link below) to be a part of the story God is writing here.

Also this weekend – I would love for you to join us this Sunday Night as we worship and pray together as One Church.  God is at work, and the way we join Him is through prayer and worship. Central to the heart of God, worship is our way through this world as we celebrate all that He is doing, and as we seek Him to meet us in our places of need.

I can’t wait to see you and meet your friends and family this weekend as we journey together…



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman



Beautiful Mess checklist:

Week 1:  Embracing the truth that we were created for relationship with God and one another.
Week 2:  Becoming the person God intends rests on believing the best in others.
Last weekend:  Learning about and living in the gift of sexuality in God’s design.
This weekend:  The key to guarding everything we’ve talked about thus far.

What has God been saying to you during this series? How are you walking in the grace and freedom God intended? I love how Beautiful Mess is providing the conviction and opportunity to really become the people and the church God designed us to be…to live in loving relationship with Him and one another. I know there are people in your life who are desperate to hear the inspiring message of hope we’re discovering each week in this series. I’m believing that God will provide an opportunity and you will have the courage to step into the conversation and invite them, knowing they will have a chance to experience the transforming power of the gospel.

Looking forward to another amazing weekend together…



A Note From Jeff Maguire

On Tuesday night, after my son’s basketball game, a bunch of us went to In-N-Out. I was reminded how the now almost ubiquitous fast food chain was in only a few locations 20 years ago — all of which had no indoor dining options. I remember eating a “Double-Double” for the first time, and discovering a previously unknown level of burger-joy. A new longing was formed, even if it meant eating in our car or sitting on a curb, outdoors. Previously, I had known Carl’s Jr. — good. I had experienced a “Big Mac” — fair. I had eaten a Whopper. I studied the enigmatic square-patty at Wendy’s. All of those were the best I believed life had to offer. But, In-N-Out changed all that. Something previously unknown had become known and it altered everything (Well, not everything. It is just a hamburger, after all. But, it did elevate my baseline standard on what to expect from fast food).

This Friday night, Mariners MV will host “Date Night.” The heart behind the event is to paint a picture of how any marriage could become better. It’s a shot in the arm. It is not a crisis intervention for marriages (though that shouldn’t preclude a couple experiencing a marriage in crisis from attending). Date Night is a way of revealing what “could be.” For a lot of us, we’ve made a vague peace with the way things are — good, bad, or otherwise. We’ve stopped imagining how the present state of our marriage could become better.

Come, join us. Bring friends. We won’t be weird or obnoxious — at least not more than usual. We’re not going to ramble on for hours and hours. Our intent is to breathe fresh life into marriages. Doug Fields will give some lighthearted and highly practical tips on how life with our spouse (who is, in many ways, our opposite) could be better than we might have ever imagined.

Couples can register online here. Of course, walk-ins (without child care needs) are welcome. For those of you with kids, we’re working feverishly to expand our Date Night child care to meet the demand. Check our Facebook page for the latest on child care options or email Bailey May to have your kids placed on the waiting list.

See you Friday (and Sunday),
– Jeff

A Note From Jeff Pries


We continue with our series on Heroes. Last week, Denny did great teaching us about Esther. What an amazing story! And, just another reason we are reading through the Bible together – there are so many stories we can overlook. This week, we will be looking at a powerful man in the Bible – so amazing – you may see him as a “super hero” by the name of Samson. He too has an incredible story. You will see that we are more like Samson than we thought.

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


We’ve received a lot of positive feedback around the “sex” talk from last Sunday. For those of you inquiring, let me remind you that you can listen to all recent messages–and pass them on–here.

This Sunday is going to be very unique and special. I have two guests who will share the stage with me, and you’re not going to want to miss it. (Try to leave your house a few minutes early, as the marathon run will be closing some local streets and causing minor delays.)

Also, continue to keep an eye out for numerous ways we’re promoting healthy relationships. Our Life Group Connection event had record attendance, with lots of people finding new groups. (If you missed it, contact Mike to get plugged in.) Next week, Date Night, with CHILDCARE. Sign up in advance at the Welcome Center.

Lastly, I hear that there’s a big sporting event going on Sunday afternoon. I don’t know anything about that, as I just read the Bible and go from closet to closet praying. However, if I were a sports fan, I’d be convinced that the Seattle Seahawks were going to break the spirit of the Broncos and win their first Superbowl. In a spirit of humility and grace, let’s remember the Broncos players and their wives in our prayers :)

BTW: If you’d like to help decorate the patio this Sunday to show support for your team, contact Christen.


Daily Message: Reflection, Week 5

This week we finished reading The Gospel of Mark and have started into the book of Exodus and how God used Moses to deliver the people of Israel out of slavery. As you reflect on the end of the Gospel of Mark and Jesus’ last hours with his disciples, notice how much He speaks about them not falling asleep, both literally and figuratively. Jesus wants His disciples to be ready and looking for what God is doing.

Part of you is eager… but another part is as lazy as an old dog.” if Jesus said this to you , what would you say or do? Mark 14:37-38

What are some areas of your life that you feel eager and attune to what God is doing?
Where are some areas in your life that you have “fallen asleep” or are not letting God have is much say in?

A Note From Jeff Pries


We hope you are enjoying our third week in the series Heroes, where we have been looking at what it means to trust God and live life heroically. It’s encouraging to hear how God can use the unexpected – people, encounters, your weakness – to do heroic things. Invite a friend or someone you know who could use some encouragement and join us.

Rooted kicked off last week with 45 people jumping into this ten-week adventure. I know God will change their lives in powerful ways, and they will grow in community with others. The Junior High Ministry came back from an exciting winter camp – join us this weekend to hear some of the stories.

Over the course of the week, you will be running into people at work and in your neighborhood who are looking to connect with a church and with Jesus. More often than not, all it takes is an invitation, and you may be changing someone’s life in a powerful way. We want to be a church that reaches our community, so please always be thinking about who you can invite.

It’s fun doing life and ministry with you.

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Real talk this Sunday, friends.

“Better Sex” is the topic. I’ll answer all your long-standing questions about sex, attraction, and human anatomy. Well, maybe.

Check your kids into their classrooms, sharpen your pencils, and try not to get the giggles.

God designed it, and we’re going there.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here

P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here