Tag Archives: encouragement

A Note From Caleb



The time is upon us. The tree is lit. The presents are (almost) under the tree. #12DaysofDifferent has gone viral… And the preparations have been made for our church’s most exciting Christmas ever!

Join us on Sunday for our normal three services. They’ll feel different–special–and you’ll be glad you came. And then….. CHRISTMAS EVE….. 1, 3, 5, 7pm. Come to one service, serve at another (click here for info). Or come/serve at all of them! I’ll be there :) These memorable Christmas Eve services will help frame the rest of the holiday for you and your loved ones.

You can also join us on Saturday as we distribute food, gifts, and love to the Oak View Community. More info here.

There are two ways to approach this week: inwardly – or outward – committed to others. Join us! Life is better this way.


P.S.: Past messages here.
P.P.S: Give to Mariners HB

A Note From Jeff Maguire


People love to be invited. Your friends and neighbors who know you have a church home at Christmas Eve want to be included in it. In fact, they’ll wonder why you didn’t think to include them. Christmas is one of the rare times in the world where people make a gap in their schedule to consider Jesus. Remember that the miracle of Christmas isn’t that there were angels, or stars, or kings, or dangerous journeys, or donkeys, or Myrrh (whatever that is).

The miracle of Christmas is that God, the One who authored the creation of the universe, comes to walk among us — not the privileged few with unblemished pasts and perfect families. But, us, real us: the people struggling to cobble together a life of joy and hope amid real pain and real need. Who is it that you could include in the experience of Christmas this season at Mariners MV? Merry Christmas.

See you on Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.” – Isaiah 54:13

Regardless of what anyone thinks or says about this season, kids feature prominently in it. We recall our own childhood memories of bad sweaters and awkward pictures, road trips and dinners, and family reunions and Christmas Eve traditions. For those of us with young kids we hope to build new and lasting memories — things they’ll hold onto that connect them to Jesus. We read the Bible stories. We build anticipation. We watch the same specials on television. We know that Christmas matters — especially to kids.

At Mariners MV, we care deeply about kids. From the worship leaders, to the storytellers, to those who hold crying babies, and to the hard-working staff who hold it all together — kids matter to us. For this reason, when someone makes a transition out of our children’s ministry team, we feel it.

After many years of faithful service, Becky Lee has decided to transition off our Children’s Ministry team. For so many families and countless kids, Becky has been the face of welcome and safety. She knows kids’ names and families’ stories. She helps even the most reticent kid find a way into laughter and celebration. With Becky, Jesus is not merely taught about in stories and in clever songs, He’s lived out in her life, expressed in her unmistakable joy. While Becky will be greatly missed, our kids’ experience is our utmost priority. We are actively pursuing the search for our next Children’s Pastor
and have a plan in place for the interim.

Please join us on Sunday, December 22nd as we pray for her and Francis as they take their next steps in marriage and ministry together.

See you on Sunday,

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Wherever you are, whoever you’re with, and no matter what you’ve eaten… I hope and pray you know God’s goodness and that you have found plenty to be thankful for this week.

And this electronic intrusion into your holiday is very short. All I want to say is that I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU! I love our church. I am so glad that you are part of it. And I’m so grateful to God for all the amazing things He’s doing in our community.

…And there is MUCH more to come.

I’m very excited to share my message with you on Sunday, so fight through the food-coma and come to one of our services: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am at the Central Library Theater.

Also, we still have space available for our Thursday New Connection Vision Night. See below to RSVP for that, the Women’s Christmas Brunch and more. Make this a significant Christmas season for you and the people you love.



recent messages here
give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff


One of the defining characteristics of Mariners MV is that we’re a church seeking to live in community for the community. In other words, we believe that the beauty of the church is best expressed outside of the walls of our worship center on Sunday mornings. How we are known as neighbors, coaches, friends, school volunteers, and community leaders is a critical expression of the church to the world. Central to that effort is the relationships we cultivate with the people we live around — the people in our neighborhoods.

If ever there was a time to meet your neighbors or generate some goodwill, tonight is it. Give out the best candy. Be outside amid everyone else. Feel the freedom to ask people’s names if you don’t know them (After all, you can use the costume excuse to ask the name of someone you’re supposed to know). Be the neighbor you hope your neighborhood can become. You don’t have to love everything about Halloween. You don’t have to go over-the-top with any decorations. You don’t have to feel the pressure to staple a Bible verse to a Tootsie Roll before placing it in a kid’s “pumpkin bucket.” Simply extend genuine friendship to the people who live in your community.


Over the past few weeks, it’s been so good to hear the stories and meet the people who have been invited to our church by their neighbors. So many people are finding that the OUTSIDER’S GUIDE TO JESUS series has been a great entry point to Mariners MV. Perhaps, there are people in your neighborhood (people you’ll see tonight) who have felt like outsiders to the church and simply need an invite to a new community. Consider inviting them to join you this Sunday morning.

See you then,

A Note From Caleb


TIME CHANGE!! Don’t forget to “fall back” an hour on Saturday night. Although, if you do forget, we have services every 90 minutes, so it’s not the end of the world (8:30, 10, 11:30a).

HALLOWEEN. So…if I could include a picture of my little 9-month-old “Jack-o-lantern,” I would. Shamelessly. But, alas, you’ll have to catch the cuteness on Facebook. He can’t walk the streets for candy, but he’ll steal hearts on social media.

FACEBOOK. While you’re on Facebook, take a look at all the fun pictures we’ve posted from our Trunk or Treat event Sunday–that you made a HUGE success, by the way! Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors back to church this Sunday. Heck, come in costume for all I care! And keep coming back to our Facebook page for updates and encouragement.

SUNDAY. Sunday will be a lot of fun. I’ve invited a special guest to join me. He’s older, wiser, and funnier than me. You’ll like him!

See you Sunday!
(Remember to set your clock(s) back.)


P.S.: Past messages are here. Subscribe to the podcast–it’s simple.
P.P.S: Give to Mariners HB here. Generosity is good for the soul.
P.P.P.S: Set your clock(s) back.

A Note From Kyle


What an amazing weekend for community life at our church–kicking it off on Friday night with our annual Harvest Carnival where we got to share our campus with our community in a beautiful way, helping people see the gift of authentic relationship with Jesus and one another. (see more about it below:) This fall season gives us so many opportunities to engage our neighbors that are looking for the truth, grace and hope that a relationship with Jesus brings. I’m praying for you to be courageous in loving, serving, and inviting others to be a part of the redemptive story God is writing.

How about the example we unpacked from Mary about the cost of saying yes to follow God’s leading…isn’t it oddly comforting to know that there are others, including the mother of Jesus, that go through difficult seasons of questioning, confusion, and pain in the midst of following and trusting God? This weekend, we’ll continue our journey through the book of Luke exploring the powerful truths about God’s Kingdom expressed in Mary’s famous Magnificat. Bring your friends and family as we continue to discover and become who God designed us to be…

