Revolution. It’s an unexpected, upside down shift that changes everything. But if you think it’s about power, politics, or the next big idea you’re going to miss it. Don’t miss it. It’s a revolution you never knew you always wanted… and it’s waiting for you.
During our weekend services.
Irvine Campus
Mission Viejo Campus
Huntington Beach Campus
Ocean Hills Campus

One of the defining characteristics of Mariners MV is that we’re a church seeking to live in community for the community. In other words, we believe that the beauty of the church is best expressed outside of the walls of our worship center on Sunday mornings. How we are known as neighbors, coaches, friends, school volunteers, and community leaders is a critical expression of the church to the world. Central to that effort is the relationships we cultivate with the people we live around — the people in our neighborhoods.
If ever there was a time to meet your neighbors or generate some goodwill, tonight is it. Give out the best candy. Be outside amid everyone else. Feel the freedom to ask people’s names if you don’t know them (After all, you can use the costume excuse to ask the name of someone you’re supposed to know). Be the neighbor you hope your neighborhood can become. You don’t have to love everything about Halloween. You don’t have to go over-the-top with any decorations. You don’t have to feel the pressure to staple a Bible verse to a Tootsie Roll before placing it in a kid’s “pumpkin bucket.” Simply extend genuine friendship to the people who live in your community.

Over the past few weeks, it’s been so good to hear the stories and meet the people who have been invited to our church by their neighbors. So many people are finding that the OUTSIDER’S GUIDE TO JESUS series has been a great entry point to Mariners MV. Perhaps, there are people in your neighborhood (people you’ll see tonight) who have felt like outsiders to the church and simply need an invite to a new community. Consider inviting them to join you this Sunday morning.
See you then,

What an amazing weekend for community life at our church–kicking it off on Friday night with our annual Harvest Carnival where we got to share our campus with our community in a beautiful way, helping people see the gift of authentic relationship with Jesus and one another. (see more about it below:) This fall season gives us so many opportunities to engage our neighbors that are looking for the truth, grace and hope that a relationship with Jesus brings. I’m praying for you to be courageous in loving, serving, and inviting others to be a part of the redemptive story God is writing.
How about the example we unpacked from Mary about the cost of saying yes to follow God’s leading…isn’t it oddly comforting to know that there are others, including the mother of Jesus, that go through difficult seasons of questioning, confusion, and pain in the midst of following and trusting God? This weekend, we’ll continue our journey through the book of Luke exploring the powerful truths about God’s Kingdom expressed in Mary’s famous Magnificat. Bring your friends and family as we continue to discover and become who God designed us to be…
connecting with Mariners Church