Love our neighbors with a meal. Serve food with a friendly “hello” and/or provide a portion of the 60 needed sack lunches. Partnering with Welcome Inn. Contact Melissa.
Tuesday, January 21 (every 3rd Tue of the month) 4:15-5:15p
Cul-de-sac near 26010 Domingo Ave, Capo Beach

Medical, dental and vision volunteers needed, along with translators, to serve families in Mexico. Non-medical volunteers are also needed. Register online.
Saturday, January 25, 6a-8p, Rojo Gomez, Mexico
$40 adults/$20 under 18 yrs

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” Matthew 25:35
Experience an extraordinary morning of fellowship and serving with women of all ages.

Together, we will be the hands and feet of Jesus. Find out more.
Questions: Martha Campbell
4th Saturday of every month
8a-12p, Global Cafe (January mtg only), $5

Come join the fun as we celebrate Christmas with our local ministry partners. Volunteers to help with games, crafts, food and more are needed! Set-up and tear-down volunteers also needed.
Sign up online or contact Monica with questions.
Saturday, December 21, 12-2p, Oakview Elementary

Join us as we provide a special church service, warm meal, and lots of love to the homeless in our own community. Register online.
Saturday, November 16, 2-5p
Lighthouse Church, Costa Mesa

Mariners and Christian Arabic Church are hosting a free medical/dental/vision clinic. Volunteers are needed to help with medical/dental services and festival activities.
Sat, Nov 10, 9a-5p, $20
2219 Orange Ave, Anaheim
Find out more

Medical and non-medical volunteers are needed, along with translators, to serve our Rojo Gomez families.
Find out more and register.
Saturday, September 15
6:30a-8p, $40
Rojo Gomez, Mexico

Help raise money for our HB group who will be building a home for a family in need during our trip to Rojo Gomez at the end of June. Contact Emily with questions.
Sun, June 10, after the service
connecting with Mariners Church