Tag Archives: pastoral

A Word From Caleb

Check out our new welcome video! Share it with friends on Facebook!


I’m so excited about this weekend! Sunday we go to two services: 9am and 11am at the HB Central Library Theater. Over the summer, we’ve seen our weekend attendance grow to filling our theater at 75% capacity. Any time you get around 80%, people start to feel like the building is full. So….we’re going to two services to create more space. We believe that we’re entering into a growth season at our church. This is going to be a fun ride!

To celebrate the change, we’ll have tacos and a bounce house after both services. Come play!

Also, many of your friends and neighbors have received an invite to our Grand Opening in the mail this week. Now would be a great time to follow up with a personal invitation.

These next few weeks we’ll be talking about who we are as a church–what our vision is and where we believe we’re going.

Can’t wait to be with you this weekend!
