Tag Archives: services

A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you know??

Did you know that almost half of American New Year’s Resolutions are about relationships? (After dieting, exercise, self-discipline…)

Did you know that the top regret a person has toward the end of his/her life has to do with broken or neglected relationships?

Did you know that researchers have indicated for years that the primary driver of happiness and longevity of life is correlated to the quality of one’s relationships?

Our teaching series called A Beautiful Mess starts this Sunday, January 12. In it we’ll explore how being more intentional about your relationships will change your life–friendships, dating relationships, marriage, parenting…

Even if you’re heart-broken, burnt-out on relationships, or just not the “touchy-feely” type, A Beautiful Mess is still for you…and for your friends.

Bring someone who’s hurting. Bring someone who’s confused. Bring someone who just wants a date. I believe God will speak to us all and will heal hearts and lives.

We were designed to do life TOGETHER!

See you Sunday…


A Note From Caleb



The time is upon us. The tree is lit. The presents are (almost) under the tree. #12DaysofDifferent has gone viral… And the preparations have been made for our church’s most exciting Christmas ever!

Join us on Sunday for our normal three services. They’ll feel different–special–and you’ll be glad you came. And then….. CHRISTMAS EVE….. 1, 3, 5, 7pm. Come to one service, serve at another (click here for info). Or come/serve at all of them! I’ll be there :) These memorable Christmas Eve services will help frame the rest of the holiday for you and your loved ones.

You can also join us on Saturday as we distribute food, gifts, and love to the Oak View Community. More info here.

There are two ways to approach this week: inwardly – or outward – committed to others. Join us! Life is better this way.


P.S.: Past messages here.
P.P.S: Give to Mariners HB

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Wherever you are, whoever you’re with, and no matter what you’ve eaten… I hope and pray you know God’s goodness and that you have found plenty to be thankful for this week.

And this electronic intrusion into your holiday is very short. All I want to say is that I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU! I love our church. I am so glad that you are part of it. And I’m so grateful to God for all the amazing things He’s doing in our community.

…And there is MUCH more to come.

I’m very excited to share my message with you on Sunday, so fight through the food-coma and come to one of our services: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am at the Central Library Theater.

Also, we still have space available for our Thursday New Connection Vision Night. See below to RSVP for that, the Women’s Christmas Brunch and more. Make this a significant Christmas season for you and the people you love.



recent messages here
give to Mariners HB here