Irvine Campus
Join us on the lawn after the 5p service for music, food and activities for the kids. Don’t miss our summer concert series.
Mission Viejo Campus
Stick around for some crazy good fun after our 5p service! Dinner will be available for $3.
Huntington Beach
We’ve got Block Parties and all kinds of fun stuff happening this summer.

High school students – Join us for the best week of your summer!
Get all the details and register
August 6-10

Kids, K-5th grade, are invited to join us for some summertime fun. We kick off with Water Day (7/17) followed by Cooking Day (7/31) & Science Day (8/14). Click here to register.
Tuesdays starting Jul 17
1:30-3:30p, $5/event
meet on the lawn, Irvine campus
connecting with Mariners Church