Tag Archives: teaching

A Note From Caleb Anderson



Here’s a free New Year’s Resolution tip:

Don’t settle just for goals. Create systems!

Goal: I want to participate in Mariners’ annual Bible read.
System: I’m going to wake up each morning at 6:30a and read in the chair in my bedroom for 15 minutes.

Goal: I want to eat fewer carbs.
System: I’m going to shop on Mondays and plan my meals for the week.

Clear, practical steps take you from vision to reality.

Here’s a clear, practical step for you: be at church on Sunday. And start thinking of your friends who are in relationship turmoil (dating, marriage, parenting…). We start a bold new series called “Beautiful Mess” Jan 12.

Blessings to you in this new year. It will be a good one. God has our church on a good ride!


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


The much-anticipated Christmas season is coming to a close – trees, lights, decorations will come down, and the aftermath of parties and presents will fade as post-Christmas and new year sales start to dominate the voice of culture. The world will stop listening to and singing the songs of Christmas as the joy and wonder of the season fades away until next year. But does it have to? As followers of Jesus, maybe this is the time that we (the Church) continue to live out the truth and hope of Christmas in a world that so desperately wants and needs the healing and freedom that only Jesus can bring. Let’s continue to fearlessly become all of who God designed us to be as His children, and look for opportunities to love and invite people into the fullness of a relationship with Jesus and His Church.

I’m excited for this weekend as we gather again to remember and celebrate who God is and all He has done. This is a perfect season to invite friends and neighbors still wondering about the depth and truth of Christmas. And as we’ve talked in our weekend services throughout December about the importance of giving, I know many of you are still prayerfully listening about responding to God financially. I’m praying and believing that as you listen, God will speak and invite you to trust Him more, and as we all respond courageously, we will put the abundant love and kindness of Jesus on display throughout OC and the world.

