Hear about this great opportunity to be a part of our Mexico Homebuild on March 27-29. In just three days, we’ll build 1-2 homes for families in need alongside our church partner, Lo Mejor Del Trigo. Trip departs at 6a on Friday and returns Sunday afternoon. Orientation required for this serve experience. More info here.
Info Meeting
Sunday March 8, 12:30-2:30p, Life Development Bld, 3rd Floor Reception

Explore the footsteps of the Apostle Paul on this trip led by Pastors Shelly Juskiewicz and Eric Heard.
Last chance to sign up! Find out more.
Oct 2-Oct 13, 2014

Hear about our next phase of ministry with our Uganda church partner and how you can get involved as we begin planning our June 2014 Faith Adventure. Contact Maher.
Sunday, January 26, 12:45p
Upper Room (lunch provided)

Join other Drive 20-30s Singles for a Mammoth adventure! Skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and tubing are just a few of the fun activities you can experience. Find out more and sign up.
Thu-Sun, March 22-25, 2012
connecting with Mariners Church