Tag Archives: weekend

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, we finished up our Heroes series in a wonderful way. What a great weekend as we watched people respond to God’s call and heroically stand to follow Christ. This Sunday, we will have a great opportunity to be “fearless” in the form of generosity. We will discover how we are blessed in so many ways, and how God has called us to “do good” with all we have been given.

It’s an exciting weekend for our church as we bless those both locally and globally who are in need.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


The USA medal count in Sochi is modest, but YOU can still be a hero. Pick up a gift for your loved one for Valentine’s Day. It’s Friday. You’re welcome.

Also, sign yourself up for FIGHT NIGHT. It will be an awesome date night filled with humor and insight about how to fight fair and develop great communication. Details are below.

And then I’ll see you on Sunday for an important message. I’m titling it “How to Get a Divorce.”

Invite somebody. It could be a game-changer for present or future relationships. (If you want to read ahead, look at 1 Corinthians 13.)

See you soon…


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A Note From Caleb Anderson


Real talk this Sunday, friends.

“Better Sex” is the topic. I’ll answer all your long-standing questions about sex, attraction, and human anatomy. Well, maybe.

Check your kids into their classrooms, sharpen your pencils, and try not to get the giggles.

God designed it, and we’re going there.

See you Sunday.


P.S.: catch up on past messages here

P.P.S.: give to Mariners HB here

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’ve already run for dear life straight to the arms of God.
PSALM 11:1 (Day 12 of the Daily Message)

This past weekend we talked about living in the reality of being God’s “dearly loved children.” Most of us understand the idea of being children. We were once kids. Some of us have kids. But, for a lot of us, it seems, we’ve got no real concept of what it means to be “dearly loved.” Consequently, most of how we view what God intends for our relationship with Him centers around our ability to be good, do good, and generally try not to ask for too much. But, that’s not how dearly loved children live.

I had a number of conversations with people after church last weekend (as did the Mariners staff) about this idea. So many of us have broken relationships with our own dads. Because our first and most lasting impression of who God is, stems from the relationship with our own fathers, a lot of us are in need of repair. We’re longing to be understood and heard. We’re longing to live in the reality of being God’s loved children. It turns out, that is the critical component in all of our other relationships. Being deeply loved enables us to deeply love.

It is my prayer that you would know this kind of love. It is my hope that you wouldn’t settle for bland religious moralism. There are far too many people masking deep loneliness in wonderful and admirable veneers of career, beauty, parenting, goodness, and hard work. This week, consider that you are God’s dearly loved child; that in Jesus we don’t have to live as orphans, we can be known and loved the way we were intended to be.

I’m looking forward to this weekend as Doug Fields continues in our series on relationships called Beautiful Mess. Continue to be the great invitational and inclusive community that we are by bringing people who, like us, are a “beautiful mess.”


P.S.: For those of you who were here this past Sunday…
I mailed the picture to my dad.

A Note From Jeff Pries


From all of us at Ocean Hills, we hope that this past year has been a blessing for all of you, and we pray that you will have a sense of God’s leading in your life this year. As a church it has been quite a year, and we are excited for all that God has in store in this next season. This past weekend we started our new series called Heroes. In life, we all look for heroes and at the same time, we have a desire in one way or another to be heroic. The Bible is full of heroes, some are obvious, some are incredibly unlikely. Either way, we have a lot to learn from the many courageous men and women in the Bible. This series will inspire us to live in new and courageous ways. I can’t wait to experience this with you!

And, don’t forget to pick up the Daily Message, our 2014 annual read. What a great commitment to make in the new year!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Did you know??

Did you know that almost half of American New Year’s Resolutions are about relationships? (After dieting, exercise, self-discipline…)

Did you know that the top regret a person has toward the end of his/her life has to do with broken or neglected relationships?

Did you know that researchers have indicated for years that the primary driver of happiness and longevity of life is correlated to the quality of one’s relationships?

Our teaching series called A Beautiful Mess starts this Sunday, January 12. In it we’ll explore how being more intentional about your relationships will change your life–friendships, dating relationships, marriage, parenting…

Even if you’re heart-broken, burnt-out on relationships, or just not the “touchy-feely” type, A Beautiful Mess is still for you…and for your friends.

Bring someone who’s hurting. Bring someone who’s confused. Bring someone who just wants a date. I believe God will speak to us all and will heal hearts and lives.

We were designed to do life TOGETHER!

See you Sunday…


A Note From Jeff Maguire


I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us?
PSALM 8:3-4 (MSG)

Somehow, in all of what God has made (and is presently sustaining), he BOTHERS with us — with me. We live in a world where we are constantly being reminded that we are mostly bothersome. Even more honestly, we’ve become trained that other people are mostly bothersome to us. Somehow the God-given dignity inherent in all people loses its primacy the moment we get a little annoyed. This is the reason flight attendants, restaurant servers, families slowly pushing a double-jogger stroller on a sidewalk, and inattentive drivers lose their “human being credentials” when we get annoyed… bothered. They are an obstacle to our real, true, full experience of life.

Yet, God chooses to “bother” Himself with us. If there is anyone capable of causing annoyance, it’s us. We are perpetually needy. We are always unsatisfied. We live under the belief that we need and deserve more. But, God chose us. He still chooses us everyday. He willingly chooses to listen to us. He chooses to continue to give gifts. And, when the rest of His majestic creation continues to treat us like we’re somehow in the way of their full experience of life, He welcomes us in His presence, treating us as though we were “a little lower than the angels” PSALM 8:5 (NIV).

This Sunday, we’ll begin our series on relationships called “Beautiful Mess”. All those people we love (and someday hope to love) — the ones that drive us crazy — they’re the ones who help to create both the beauty and the mess of being together. It is my hope, that at least in some small way, that reality — that God finds us worthy enough to bother himself with us, will sink in. Because, it is in the experience of being deeply loved that we are able to love deeply, transforming the mess (however messy it is) into beauty.  Be sure to include someone in need of relational hope or help.

Looking forward to being together this Sunday,

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


The much-anticipated Christmas season is coming to a close – trees, lights, decorations will come down, and the aftermath of parties and presents will fade as post-Christmas and new year sales start to dominate the voice of culture. The world will stop listening to and singing the songs of Christmas as the joy and wonder of the season fades away until next year. But does it have to? As followers of Jesus, maybe this is the time that we (the Church) continue to live out the truth and hope of Christmas in a world that so desperately wants and needs the healing and freedom that only Jesus can bring. Let’s continue to fearlessly become all of who God designed us to be as His children, and look for opportunities to love and invite people into the fullness of a relationship with Jesus and His Church.

I’m excited for this weekend as we gather again to remember and celebrate who God is and all He has done. This is a perfect season to invite friends and neighbors still wondering about the depth and truth of Christmas. And as we’ve talked in our weekend services throughout December about the importance of giving, I know many of you are still prayerfully listening about responding to God financially. I’m praying and believing that as you listen, God will speak and invite you to trust Him more, and as we all respond courageously, we will put the abundant love and kindness of Jesus on display throughout OC and the world.



A Note From Caleb Anderson



Wherever you are, whoever you’re with, and no matter what you’ve eaten… I hope and pray you know God’s goodness and that you have found plenty to be thankful for this week.

And this electronic intrusion into your holiday is very short. All I want to say is that I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU! I love our church. I am so glad that you are part of it. And I’m so grateful to God for all the amazing things He’s doing in our community.

…And there is MUCH more to come.

I’m very excited to share my message with you on Sunday, so fight through the food-coma and come to one of our services: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am at the Central Library Theater.

Also, we still have space available for our Thursday New Connection Vision Night. See below to RSVP for that, the Women’s Christmas Brunch and more. Make this a significant Christmas season for you and the people you love.



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