Tag Archives: weekends

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I was in Kenya for the weekend…

No, seriously. Holiday and I left last Wednesday and returned Monday. Our church partner, Mavuno, was having a grand opening celebration for the new land and facility God has blessed them with, so we went to surprise them and represent you. It was such a gift as the “power of presence” is everything in Kenyan culture. Pastor Muriithi, the staff, and the people of Mavuno felt so honored and loved by our church. And we were able to personally distribute “Be Fearless” funds to the ministries of Mavuno, loving and caring for those in and around Nairobi!

#CatalystWest  I love how God is using our campus to bless over 3500 young leaders this week as we host CatalystWest. It’s amazing to see how the generosity of our church over the years is able to bless and empower the Kingdom in this way, at this time. It’s just another example of how God leverages every sacrifice and every dollar into building His People to bring the Good News into every corner of the world.

This weekend, we’re continuing our “How to Start a Revolution” series, examining the revolution of love and transformation initiated by Jesus. I believe your life and your relationships are being changed as you become more of who you were created to be, and I know there are many in your life who are desperate to find hope and healing. I’m praying that God will reveal someone around you to invite to church with you this weekend, and you’d have the willingness to walk into the conversation confidently and boldly, knowing that God is already at work. Let’s give the gift of freedom to those around us…let’s help them see Jesus.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


Last Sunday, we began our BE FEARLESS journey. We asked, “What does radical generosity (without strings attached) look like?”

Here’s what we saw: Mariners Church Mission Viejo is committed to the poor and marginalized. We raised money to help fund the efforts of great local organizations that are doing an outstanding job among the poor. Mariners people are committed to serving. Because we’re a community of people unwilling to see life pass us by as merely spectators, many of us signed up to serve, making people a priority in our lives.

Last night I participated in a serve-opportunity called “Soccer and Snacks” in Santa Ana at the Lighthouse community center. Apart from feeling my age and my rapidly diminishing soccer skills, I got a glimpse of the good that people can do when they invest their time. There were a number of committed volunteers who knew kids and families by name. There was a feel of genuine neighborliness in the midst of a community known more for its high crime rate than anything else. Serving together is one of the great joys we get to be a part of as a church community.

Below, are a number of opportunities in which the Mariners MV staff has committed to serve:

Jordan Maslyn: Father Serra Food Pantry, March 29th (9am)
Kim Alexander: Vintage Senior Center, April 6th (3pm)
Hilary McCullough: Families Forward, May 3rd (11am)
Jeff Maguire: Soccer and Snacks, March 20th (4pm)
Catherine Bair: Uganda Child Sponsorship Celebration, May 18th (12:45pm)
Mike Kenyon: Vintage Senior Center, April 10th (6pm)
Bailey May: Safe Families, April 13th (12:45pm)
Ethan Hulse: Chili Van, April 8th (4:15pm)

Serve with us. Go here to find your serve opportunity. Be Fearless.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon. Psalm 31:24

This weekend, across all Mariners’ campuses, we’ll familiarize ourselves with a phrase that has become one of our rally cries: BE FEARLESS.

That idea is somewhat unconventional in a world governed by fearfulness. Corporations spend exorbitant amounts of money to artificially create fears that can be (for a small price) alleviated by the purchase of the goods they sell. The statistics on the use of anti-anxiety medication are quite telling – up 30% from a decade ago. People generally resign themselves to a life that is, at least somewhat, centered on coping with fear. Foremost of the anxiety creating factors in peoples’ lives: money. People talk often about how money-issues create a kind of captivity that feels virtually inescapable. School loans, car loans, mortgages, saving for the future, keeping a roof over our heads, and an occasional Starbucks all add up. We find ourselves fearful that we’ll never be able to get out from underneath it all.

While the issue of money is a broad conversation, with a multitude of implications, one of the most compelling remedies for the grip money (or, the stuff we’ve accumulated with it) has on our lives, is learning to release our control over it by taking courageous steps toward generosity. This Sunday, we’ll take those steps together. We’ll look into the face of the needs surrounding our church community – big needs like: feeding and clothing at-risk families and children, education programs for the underprivileged, extending basic medical care here and abroad, job training and literacy classes, homeless shelter renovations, and improving the living conditions of kids in foster care among others.

Perhaps you’ve heard us use the phrase: “The beauty of our church is always best expressed outside the walls of the worship center.” We believe in it wholeheartedly. This weekend, we’ll put that idea into practice. We’ll raise money and keep NONE of it for our interior church needs. The church never looks more beautiful than when it’s generous. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we bravely live out generosity

See you Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


With the close of the Sochi Olympic Games, we too are bringing our series, A Beautiful Mess, to a close this weekend. We promise, no ring-fails or drawn out historical tributes. Just good people, great music, and a message that will make you think all week. You don’t want to miss this.

In our commitment to promoting healthy relationships we’ve made several special opportunities available:

Fight Night: A perfect date — learning, laughs, and childcare. Learn more and sign up here.

Ballroom Dancing: There are still a few spots available for ballroom dancing (hosted at the YMCA in HB), but you have to sign up on the patio, or email Kevin White.

Marriage Mentoring: Get paired up with a couple who cares. Sign up on the patio or email Eric and Lori Johnson.

See you Sunday.


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A Note From Jeff Pries


As we continue in the series Heroes, last week was great as we talked about the idea of seeing ourselves like God sees us, and not how we are seen by others, or how we see ourselves. I felt like last week was a powerful moment for us as a church. It was inspiring to see people heroically stand up and share the new name that God had given them. Many people either did not have the opportunity to share, or did not feel like God had given them a name at that very moment. So, if that’s you – we want to give you the opportunity to share your name. Please feel free to reply to this email and share the name that God has given you, and why you feel God has called you to that name. Or, you can email it to us.

We’ll continue to learn this week about what it means for us to live a heroic lifestyle. We look forward to seeing you.

Take care,

A Note From Jeff Maguire


It is one of my great hopes — passions really — that we would be a church of people who are committed to reading the Bible. So many people have their image of God shaped by everything except the Bible. Yes, the Bible is occasionally confusing. Yes, God appears to do things that don’t make sense. And, yes, without context some of it can be a bit tedious. But, the broadly sweeping story of God is one in which He longs to rescue people out of captivity (whatever that might be) leading them into wholeness, becoming the people He intended them to become. We miss that story when we only read the Bible in excerpted form.

We may hear about God’s goodness from something quoted to us. We may hear about Jesus’ life during a Sunday sermon. We may get wise insight on how to live from a devotional website. But, generally, we aren’t forced to wrestle with the difficult stuff of the Bible when we encounter it in tiny chunks. Our faith grows when it is stretched. We need to ask big questions and wrestle with weighty doubts. I want us to be a church where people can own their faith — not with arrogance but with humble confidence — with a persistent heart for people who don’t yet know the full story of God’s great love. Let’s read together. Pick up a Daily Message at the bookstore or download the mobile app.

Last week, I mentioned something in my note about the “mobile-app” version of the Daily Message (Mariners’ daily Bible reading plan). A number of people either stopped me and asked about it on Sunday or called the church to ask about the mobile app. So, let me walk you through the process of downloading the mobile plan for reading your Bible on an Apple device. I know many of you do not have an Apple (iOS) device. But, the process should be virtually the same for those of you with Android and Windows smartphones as well.

  1. Visit the app store and search: “YOUVERSION.” Then, add the app to your phone.
  2. Open the app and search: “PLANS”
  4. Start your reading. 


See you Sunday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Ephesians 3:20, 21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

I love this promise and how it speaks to a loving Heavenly Father who is not just able, but desires to surprise His kids (us:) with transformation beyond anything we could ever think to dream or anticipate. I believe we are experiencing this truth together in powerful ways this season through our Beautiful Mess series. Each week we’re hearing stories of healing, reconciliation, and hope through the power of Jesus. If you missed last week (or any of this series) you can always listen online here. And make sure to invite your friends and family to join us for the last couple weeks of Beautiful Mess – they will be forever grateful that you loved and cared enough to bring them.

Also…Happy (almost) Valentines Day! I know we’re all looking to affirm and express love for those we care about, and if you’re searching for a last-minute gift idea consider inviting someone to join you at Fight Night on February 28. Fight Night is a fun event for couples of any age or stage. Filled with humor, fresh insight, and new strategies for turning conflict into a means to more intimacy, Fight Night is for everyone wanting to make a good relationship great! To find out more and register click here. 



A Note From Jeff Pries


Question for you – What kind of person do you want to be?

That is what we have been answering in our recent weekend series called Heroes. Not only has it been a great series on what it looks like to be heroic, but we are reminded how the Bible is so remarkable, full of amazing stories that were relevant thousands of years ago as well as today. This week, we will be looking at a story that was a defining moment in my life, and I’m praying that it will be powerful for you as well.

Also, it is an exciting weekend because we will be welcoming back Jon Ramsay. As you know, Jon went through surgery for a brain tumor four months ago, and has been sharing his journey with his wife Deanna on her blog. We are thrilled to have him back, and look forward to hearing from Jon and encouraging him as he continues on his journey toward healing.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron and said, ‘Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the man who got us out of Egypt—who knows what’s happened to him?’” Exodus 36:1

I read this passage this week in the Daily Message (We discovered, incidentally, that the mobile-app version of the Daily Message finishes the year of reading 16 days earlier than the paperback version. In case you’re wondering why I read Exodus 36 this past week). But, this hit me. At some level, it’s a passage about impatience. It’s more than the feeling of not getting stuff when we want it. It’s a passage about this – WHAT WE DO when we don’t get what we want when we think we deserve to have it.

To recap: God’s people have been miraculously rescued from captivity in Egypt. They’ve walked through the Red Sea. They’ve followed a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day. They’re standing at the foot of a mountain where God’s full pyrotechnic array has been on display. Moses has gone up to meet with God. And… he’s taking too long. God’s people reason, not only that God had abandoned them, but that they need something else — something that will capture their hearts. Clearly, God-who-rescues isn’t around anymore.

So, they create something to worship, something to which they can dedicate themselves: “gods…who will lead us.”

This is us. This is me. I suppose none of us have actually melted our jewelry into molten liquid so that it can be reshaped into a literal idol for worship. But, we do get impatient. When God isn’t operating on my schedule, when He’s decided my need for traffic abatement isn’t His priority, or that my need to have that thing everyone else has isn’t something I ought to have, I bow down to other some lesser gods who promise to deliver much more quickly. I kneel before the idols of my own desires. I bow to the gods of my own self-gratification. I lay down before the statues of my own ego — the ones I’ve built with my own hands.

For us, when our needs (so often confused for our desires) aren’t met the instant we can think of them, we find the most troubling thing about God — He tends to take way too long. Clearly, He must be confused, not only about our time table, but about what actually constitutes real need. We run to the lesser gods who give us everything, no matter the damage to our souls. We run to the gods who leave us emptier and hungrier than we’ve ever been. We keep building idols, hoping that the next one will fill us. It is in those idols that we lose our true humanity. We self-sabotage. We sabotage others.

We need a re-rescue from God. We need a rescue from the mess we continue to create for ourselves. We need a rescue from the mess we create for others. We believe God can and wants to restore brokenness. We’ll continue to look at this God who rebuilds and restores and re-rescues this Sunday morning as we continue in our relationship series: BEAUTIFUL MESS.

See you Sunday,