Tag Archives: weekends

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Who are you? When we look at that question through the lens of culture, we tend to start with what we do, the relationships we have, what we possess, the things we’ve accomplished, how we look…or the places where we fall short of the world’s or our own expectations. That’s why I loved where we started our Beautiful Mess series last week…our identity. Who we are – that we were designed and created by a loving heavenly Father to walk in the fullness of a relationship with Him and one another. I can’t wait to see how this series continues to unfold and the healing that will take place as our lives are reshaped by our Creator.

I’m looking forward to this weekend and all that it holds for our church and community. There are so many opportunities to love the people around us and invite them to see the beauty of the Church on display. The Beautiful Mess series continues. Kenton will be laughing and mocking me as I swim across the lake after our Saturday night service (I can’t believe I lost the bet:), and of course our winter session of Rooted begins next week. If you’ve never been to Rooted or there are folks in your life looking for a place to dive into understanding more about who they are, who God is, and how His story gets lived out through His Church in this world, we’d love to have you join us.



Heroes: Our New Weekend Message Series

Heroes Message Series

We are a society that is enamored with heroes and deep down we all want to be heroic. For every one of us, we hope that when the moment comes to step up into the gap, we have what it takes to be heroic. Not only are heroes all around us, but the Bible is full of heroic people. Join us for our new weekend message series as we look at what it takes to be a hero.

Ocean Hills Campus
Sundays @ 10a
directions and more info

A Note From Caleb


TIME CHANGE!! Don’t forget to “fall back” an hour on Saturday night. Although, if you do forget, we have services every 90 minutes, so it’s not the end of the world (8:30, 10, 11:30a).

HALLOWEEN. So…if I could include a picture of my little 9-month-old “Jack-o-lantern,” I would. Shamelessly. But, alas, you’ll have to catch the cuteness on Facebook. He can’t walk the streets for candy, but he’ll steal hearts on social media.

FACEBOOK. While you’re on Facebook, take a look at all the fun pictures we’ve posted from our Trunk or Treat event Sunday–that you made a HUGE success, by the way! Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors back to church this Sunday. Heck, come in costume for all I care! And keep coming back to our Facebook page for updates and encouragement.

SUNDAY. Sunday will be a lot of fun. I’ve invited a special guest to join me. He’s older, wiser, and funnier than me. You’ll like him!

See you Sunday!
(Remember to set your clock(s) back.)


P.S.: Past messages are here. Subscribe to the podcast–it’s simple.
P.P.S: Give to Mariners HB here. Generosity is good for the soul.
P.P.P.S: Set your clock(s) back.