Introduction // 5 minutes
What’s Changed?
Select a few people to be observers and others to be the changers. The observers are given 30 seconds to survey the room after which they are instructed to close their eyes for another 30 seconds. During that time the “changers” change things around the room. Challenge the “observers” to identify all the changes.
Leader Note: The purpose of this game is to set up the idea that it is very easy to forget or loose sight of our surroundings. We often need time to refocus and remind ourselves of the things and people around us.
Observation // 10 minutes
Read Colossians 1:15-20
What does this passage say about Jesus?
Sample Answers May Include…
- He is the image of God. We see and know God through Jesus (v15)
- He is supreme over all creation (v15)
- All things were created through him and for him (v16)
- He comes before all things and holds all things together (17)
- He is the head of the church (v18)
- He is the firstborn, the heir over creation (v18)
- The fullness of God is representing in him (v19)
- He reconciles all things to himself (v20)
- His sacrifice brings peace to everything (v20)
Commentary: The most impactful truth to keep in the forefront from this passage is that in seeing Jesus we see and know God. Jesus is the fullness of God on display. He fully embodies and represents the character and nature of God. Any discussion on what God is like must be rooted in who Jesus is.
Understanding // 15 minutes
Where have you, or someone you know, been told and believed a “made up” story?
Here are a few childhood examples to use if you need help with this question
- “My mom told me there was a little man who lived in the fridge that would turn the light on for you. I believed her and I was terrified of that little man!”
- “My parents told me about Santa and how he’ll eat me for Christmas if I wasn’t a good kid.”
- “When the ice cream truck plays music, it means they’re out of ice cream.”
What was the effect or outcome of believing that story?
Sample Answers May Include…
- Embarrassment and being tricked into believing a lie
- Broken trust
- Loneliness, everyone else knew the truth
- Stupid, other people knew what I didn’t
- Betrayed and vulnerable, causes us to ask, “What else am I stupid about?”
- Anger at the one who told me the lie
Leader Note: While the majority of stories your group will share are lighthearted there can be negative effects on the person who becomes the “butt of the joke.” Those stories have a way of robbing our trust and can cause us to question reality and our own intelligence.
Application // 25 minutes
Where has your image of God become distorted?
Sample Answers May Include…
- God is an overbearing and controlling father
- God is a policeman, waiting for you to break the law
- Powerless but loving grandfather
- A genie in a bottle
- Angry raging father
- A distant uninvolved creator
What things led to that distorted view?
Commentary: The enemy works in all these things to cause us to challenge the fundamental question of God’s goodness. Past and present hurts, negative church experiences, a world in crisis and destruction. All of these things lead us to question God’s goodness.
As in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), Satan comes after our view of God and tempts us to believe that we know best and that God is holding back from us in some way making him less than good.
Leader Note: For many of us our distorted views on God are birthed out of tragedy and loss. Shepherd your group through this portion of question with care and sensitivity. Lead with listening and avoid the temptation to offer correction or answers during this time.
What could it look like for you to reclaim a right view of God?
Commentary: Colossians tells us that in seeing Jesus we come to see and know God. Jesus is the full representation of God on display. Jesus must be our starting point and ultimate authority and understanding God. Starting at any other place, whether it be our experiences or some philosophical concept of divinity will never lead us to an accurate depiction of God. We start with Jesus and we are lead to see exactly what God is like.
What’s one image of God you need to hold on to today from the passage?
Live It Out // 10 minutes
How might an accurate picture of God through Jesus change your relationships?
Prayer: Lord we are grateful that you have made yourself fully known through Jesus. We thank you for choosing to reveal yourself and inviting us into relationship. Help us to maintain a right view of you as we look to your Son, Jesus. We pray that our lives would be forever impacted through what we see in Jesus and that the impact of that view would be expressed in every area of our life. Help us to be a people who live with certainty and boldness and point to your glory and kingdom with all that we are. Amen