Luke 6:37-42 // Golden Eye: What If Wk 9

Lean In // 5 minutes

When was a time you mistakenly blamed someone for something they didn’t do?

Leader Note: Do your best to keep this question on the lighter side as to engage everyone in the group. Some possible examples could be when a spouse or roommate left the house a mess, or threw out some of your favorite clothes or leftovers. Set the tone to this question by answering first if possible.


Look Down // 10 minutes

Read Luke 6:37-42

What do you learn about loving people?

Sample answers may include…

  • Loving people don’t judge or condemn others
  • Loving people forgive others
  • Loving people give to others
  • Loving people receive more based on how they express love to others, there’s a cause and effect
  • The loving thing to do is to first look at your own life before looking at others
  • Loving people want to help others, not judge them
  • Loving people want to help others because they have experienced freedom.
  • Loving people are motived by compassion, not judgment

Who are the blind in this passage and what do you learn about them?

Sample answers may include…

  • They focus on the faults of others
  • They are blind to their own failings
  • They judge and condemn to get the focus off themselves, not to help others
  • As the blind judge others the reveal something broken about themselves

Commentary: Draw your group’s attention to the correlation between the log and the speck. The sawdust in one person’s eye is directly related to the log in the other person’s eye. The log creates the sawdust just as our own faults or insecurities are often projected on others. The plank in our own eyes creates damage in others and causes us to have a skewed perspective on them.


Look Out // 10 minutes

What does it look like when people are self-aware? Where have you seen it?

What does it look like when people are not self-aware? Where have you see it?

Leader Note: Use care when asking and responding to this question. Don’t allow your group to turn to judgment of others. Consider setting the tone by telling a lighter story of where you’ve seen someone not self-aware, i.e. someone walking and texting at the same time, or driving while eating on talking on the phone or eating.


Look In // 20 minutes

What are your potential spiritual “blind spots” and how can you overcome them?

Leader Note: This question will take honesty and self-awareness. Again, as a leader set the tone by answering this question authentically and with humility. Another way to ask this question may by what logs do you need to remove from your own eye?

Commentary: Remind your group that the ability to overcome these things is not found in ourselves but in who Jesus is. In Jesus we are able to choose to live out generosity, grace and freedom. Staying connected to Him and others in community to hold us accountable is of great importance!

How would your life be different if you lived this way?

Leader Note: Another way to ask this question may be “how would your life be different if you were able to identify and overcome your spiritual blind-spots?”


Live It Out // 5 minutes

How would others be impacted if you lived this way?

Commentary: When we are able to deal with our areas of sin and pain we grow in compassion for those we called to encourage in their struggles. The promise of grace and freedom become our motivation, not judgment and condemnation.

Learn More About Flow Questions: Check out Kenton Beshore’s book Ask in the Irvine Campus Bookstore for more on the Flow Question model.

Luke 6:27-36 // Golden Rule Sunglasses: What If Wk 8

Lean In // 5 minutes

What is one attribute of a friend that you most prize?

Look Down // 10 minutes

Read Luke 6:27-36

What do you learn about loving our enemies?

Sample answers include…

  • We’re called to good to people who hate us
  • Bless, wish well on, people who curse you
  • Pray for people who hurt you
  • Let your enemies see the best of you, not the worst
  • Go overboard in showing them grace and love
  • Don’t seek out revenge
  • Give people what you would want given to you
  • Give without expecting a return
  • Treat others as God treated you, with compassion

Look Out // 10 minutes

Where have you seen someone live this way?

Where have you seen people not live this way?

Leaner Note: Remember that in this question we want to encourage the group to take the principle of the passage and ask them where they see it on display in the world and in this case where don’t they see it.

Look In // 20 minutes

When was a time you were able to live this way? What did it cost you?

When was a time you failed to live this way? What did it cost you?

In what relationships do you need to live this out ,what obstacles would you need to overcome?

Commentary: Both sets of living have costs associated with them. When you don’t love your enemies you can grow in anger, bitterness and pride. When you do love your enemies you’re sacrificing your “rights” to all those things in order to display Christ. Take time think about where you’ve gotten this right and where you’ve gotten this wrong.

Leader Note: Some may respond that it would take a miracle to live like this everyday! The good news is that is exactly what we have in our relationship with our Father. Through Jesus we get to live in our God created identity. That identity is one of generosity and grace that gives without condition.

Live It Out // 5 minutes

What if you could live like this? What would be different about you, about others?

Prayer: Prayer for an awakening in each person to see the grandness of the way our Father forgives, restores and heals us. Pray that out of that understanding comes an increased readiness to love others the way we’ve been loved. Pray for a spirit of forgiveness for those that have been mistreated and not shown this type of love by others.

Get The Most Out Of Flow Questions: Check out Kenton Beshore’s book Ask in the Irvine Campus Bookstore for more on the Flow Question model.

Proverbs 1:5-33 // A Word To The Wise

This week’s questions are taken from Kenton Beshore’s book, A Father’s WisdomThis 5-week flow question based study on the book Proverbs is an excellent option for your group to use in the shortened summer session. A Father’s Wisdom includes a participant guide as well as leader notes and can be purchased in the Global Bookstore.

Lean In // 5 minutes

What is one piece of wise advice you’ve been given that paid off (or didn’t pan out)?

Sample answers may include…

  • Marriage advice
  • Job advice
  • Parenting advice

Look Down // 10 minutes

Read Proverbs 1:5-33

What do you learn about the wise?

Sample answers may include…

  • Listen to the proverbs and become wiser
  • Those with understanding receive guidance
  • Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge
  • Listen to mother and father
  • Will have honor
  • Turn their backs on sinners
  • Stay away from traps
  • Will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm

What do you learn about the unwise?

Sample answers may include…

  • Despise wisdom and discipline
  • Insist on being simpleminded
  • Are mocked
  • Hate knowledge
  • Would not come when God called
  • Paid no attention when God reached out
  • Rejected the correction God offered
  • God will laugh at them when they are in trouble and mock when overtaken by disaster
  • God will not answer when they cry for help
  • Will search for God, but not find Him
  • Hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord
  • Rejected God’s advice
  • Paid no attention when God corrected them
  • Eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes
  • Turn away from God to death, destroyed by their own complacency

Look Out // 15 minutes

Think of a person you know who seems wise and describe his/her life.

Leader Note: Allow 5-7 minutes for these questions. They will get your group to look at those around them that seem to take wise counsel, make wise choices and have lived lives that, although not necessarily charmed, have proven to be successful. Your group may think of parents, bosses, teachers or public figures. You may have group members who think of godly men or women who, although may not be successful as the world defines it, have led rich lives because of biblical wisdom.

Think of a person you know who seems foolish and describe his/her life.

Leader Note: Caution your group to not name names on this question. It is worthwhile to look at lives, whether from our personal life or in the public eye, who seem to have made unwise choices and are therefore paying the consequences.

You may want to lead your group as this may be a difficult question for members to answer. Possibly you know someone who has not been living within their means and paying the price in indebtedness or even bankruptcy, or possibly even someone who relishes in rage and has paid the price of broken relationships. Again, what we want to come out here is the difference between wide and unwise choices in our lives.

Look In // 20 minutes

What is a lesson from the passage that you will apply this week? What will that look like?

Leader Note: Take as much time as necessary to reflect on the passage that describes wise living and let each person choose a verse and explain how that verse will impact his or her choices this week. Some examples of answers could be from verse 5 that says “Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser.”

Live It Out // 5 minutes

Who could you impact by living out the truth of the passage?

Prayer: Spend the end of your time together in prayer. First thank God for the gift of wisdom and for the promise He will generously give it when you ask. Pray for one another to hear God’s voice when you need help with making choices. 

Luke 6:12-26 // Standing On The Scale: What If Wk 7

Lean In // 5 minutes

What are some truths that you’ve had to test before believing?

 Sample answers may include…

  • Hand on a hot stove
  • Speeding gets you a ticket
  • Cloudy days still equal sunburn
  • Too much sugar makes you sick
  • New parents are sleep deprived

 Look Down // 10 minutes

 Read Luke 6:12-16

 What do you learn about Jesus’ choosing of the apostles?

 Sample answers may include…

  • Jesus’ first move was to get alone with God
  • He took the decision very seriously, prayed through the night!
  • Understood what was at stake (Gospel message and the Church!)
  • He sought out the disciples and chose them to be his apostles (“sent ones”)

Commentary: It is important to remember how disciple school worked in their context.  A student had to become the best-of-the-best before they could ask a rabbi to become his disciple.  Jesus reversed this process for His Disciples.  Scripture teaches us that He chose them and they were people that were overlooked for such an important calling.  In essence, Jesus said, “I believe you can be like me.”  And, these disciples or apostles were the very ones that Jesus sent, based on His authority, to begin and build His Church, which is why Jesus got alone to pray…through the night! 

Read Luke 6:17-26

What are the surprises in the passage?

 Sample answers may include…

  • The blessings and the woes?
  • The poor // The rich
  • The hungry // The happy
  • The persecuted // The popular
  • The contrast between two kingdoms: The World and God’s Kingdom
  • The poor, hungry, heartbroken, and persecuted have an eternal reward
  • The rich, well-fed, happy, and popular already have their reward

Commentary: Jesus’ message would have been just as radical for His audience, then, as it is for us, today.  From early on in life, the wisdom of the world teaches people to seek out money, power, position, happiness, etc. in which to build and base their lives and therefore be seen as blessed.  However, Jesus teaches a radically different message that connects blessing with dependence on God and woes to dependence on stuff and circumstance.

Look Out // 10 minutes

How have you seen people make important decisions?

What are examples of things that solve problems according to the world?

Sample answers may include…

  • Government
  • Education
  • Money
  • Fame, connections

Look In // 20 minutes

What are the current decisions you are facing?  How are you making them?

What would it look like to lean more on hearing God’s Voice before moving forward with a decision?

Leader Note: From the passage, we learn how Jesus got alone with God and prayed before choosing the twelve disciples and then teaching them about blessings in God’s Kingdom.  Help your group to understand the role of hearing God’s Voice for both making decisions but also for receiving Kingdom truths like The Blessings and Woes (vv. 20-26).

Live It Out // 5 minutes

Imagine if God’s Voice was louder than any other voice, in our lives?  What would the impact be on those around you?

Prayer: Begin by thanking God for the ways He has sought you out to follow Him.  Thank God for the truths of His Kingdom and how they lead us to the truly blessed life.  Ask God to begin helping your group hear His Voice more and more each day.  Pray that His Voice would be the loudest one in your group’s lives and decisions would be made by His guidance.