Date: January 5-6, 2013
Passage: Acts 2:42-47
This week we would like for you to take time as a group and set goals for this year. Use the questions and Scripture below for this. You may want to have a calendar where you can actually set dates for certain activities and events as you go through the year. If you have someone with the gift of administration you can give them the task to take the notes and distribute them to the group.
Do you prefer individual or team sports?
Leader Note: This should be a fun and easy question for your group to answer. You may want to start out telling about your favorite type of sport and why you like either the individual aspects or team dynamics.
Read Acts 2:42-47. What activities do you see the early believers participating in as a group?
Commentary from the passage:
- They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching – studying Scripture
- They devoted themselves to fellowship – and sharing meals (including communion)
- They were devoted to prayer
- They were in a deep sense of awe and they performed miracles and wonders
- They met together, they shared everything they had
- They were generous
- They worshiped together at the Temple
- They met in homes
- They shared their meals with great joy and generosity
- They praised God and enjoyed the goodwill of all the people
- Each day the Lord added new believers to their fellowship
What did participating in those activities look like in their lives?
Leader Tip: Look at each activity and ask “What do you think it meant to devote themselves to studying Scripture?”
Leader note: It will be interesting to hear your group members answer what these activities would have meant to the early believers as it will reveal what they want from a life group. They will most likely talk about the activities that are important to them.
Which of these activities have you experienced in your group? Which haven’t you?
Leader note: Go through the list that you made in the previous question about the early believers activities. As you go through them have your group highlight those that your group has experienced together. As they answer ask them what it has meant in their lives to experience those things. Make a special note of those things your group says they haven’t experienced as a group. As a leader you may want to see how you can work those activities into your group plan for the next year.
Which activities are you looking forward to as a life group? Which seem more challenging?
What will be different in our community if we live the “Acts 2” church?
PRAY: End your group time together thanking God for bringing you all together to form a group as described in Scripture. Pray specifically for those areas your group highlighted that they wish were better within the group, and for opportunities to make the group stronger and to live out all aspects of Acts 2:42-47.