If you were King of the World, what would your world look like? 

Leader note:  Have fun with this.  What would you change about the existing world?  Try to steer away from politics.



Read Matthew 4:17, 10:7, 11:2-5, 12:28, 2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2.  What do you learn about the Kingdom?


Leader note:  This topic is abstract; there is no single passage that gives a complete description of the Kingdom of God, its timing, the responsibilities of those under the reign of the King, etc.  Therefore we are using several passages which incorporate the Kingdom language, the fact that it is near (at hand) which explains the “now” and “not yet” aspects of the Kingdom.  It was ushered in by Jesus, but the world has divided it’s loyalty between God (light) and Satan (darkness) and both reign on the earth.  At some point, of God’s choosing, Satan will be completely thrown out, and the Kingdom of God will reign, solely for all of eternity.  Until that time, we live in the tension of experiencing some of the Kingdom in the midst of this world, but struggle with sin and a world dealing with the consequences of sin.


Commentary:  In the passages you will see Jesus talk about the Kingdom coming “near” and the ministry done in the Kingdom of God – there is a responsibility for those ruled by the Lord – a responsibility of reconciliation, healing, proclamation of the gospel, to be coworkers of God, receive and give God’s grace, salvation is now. 


Leader note: Include the words and works of Jesus in your observations, as well as the responsibilities for those who follow Him.


Commentary: (some of the answers your group should find)

The Kingdom is “of God” – ruled by God
The Kingdom of God is upon us (Jesus was healing in the Spirit of the Lord…)
There is healing
There is restoration of sight
The good news goes to the poor
Those in the Kingdom are to be reconcilers
Those in the Kingdom are to be God’s co-workers – we would work within His desires – His reign



What evidence do you see that the Kingdom of God is upon us (now)?

What evidence do you see that the Kingdom of God is not yet complete?


Leader note:  There is evidence all around us of both a kingdom of light – reconciliation, serving, evangelizing, healing, restored lives, restored marriages etc., and then the repercussions of sin and immorality are pervasive as well.  Have your group talk about both, think of specific things that affect your home, your family, your community and the world.



Where are you living as if you are part of ushering in the Kingdom of God?

Where are you struggling with the “not yet”?




How can our group usher in the Kingdom of God in our community?


You may have some in your group who just revealed areas they are struggling with, where they are wavering.  Pray for victory over these areas, pray specifically for them.  Lay hands on them if you are comfortable doing that.  Thank God for the victories you have seen and for those areas in your life and community where you have seen evidence of the Kingdom and that God reigns in your life.  Pray for the Kingdom come, now and completely.

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