Introduction // 10 minutes
You’ve been given a free ticket to 3 destinations anywhere in the world. Where do you go and why?
Observation // 20 minutes
Read Matthew 25:14-26
What do you learn about the servants who invested what they had been given?
Sample Answers May Include…
- They saw the master as generous and trusting
- They believed that they would have to answer for what was given
- They lived out of thankfulness
- They understood that what was given didn’t belong to them
- The master counted them as faithful and rewarded them with more responsibilities
- They were invited to celebrate with the master
What do you learn about the servant who buried what he had been given?
Sample Answers May Include…
- He saw the master as harsh and unfair
- He was motivated by fear and selfishness
- He wanted to protect himself
- He had a lack of trust in the master
- The master calls him called lazy
- He loses everything and is left in isolation and darkness
According to this passage, what is the one way to miss out on what God has given you?
Commentary: There are only two types of people in the passage… those that try and those who do not. The only way to fail and miss out on what God has for you is to not try. There is no failing in trying.
Understanding // 15 minutes
Where have you seen a person not live up to their full potential?
Leader Note: This question can be a tricky one to answer as measuring ability and potential can be a both subjective and sensitive discussion. It may be helpful to think in terms of athletic ability or some other kind of skill, like musical ability, that is often associated as a “God given” talent. Also, ensure that this question is answered by looking out in our world and not within the group.
What contributed to that person’s inability to maximize their gifts?
Sample Answers May Include…
- Lack of risk taking
- Lack of discipline to develop/work hard at that skill
- Inability to dream big
- To hard on themselves, couldn’t live up to their own expectations
- Fear of failure, fear of success
Application // 20 minutes
What treasures have you been given?
How are you using what God has given you?
Where are you “burying” what has been entrusted to you?
Leader Note: Many of us tend to hide the shame or brokenness in our life as something that God heals, but cannot use. The reality is that people learn just as much if not more from our stories of failure and brokenness than from our stories of triumph. Lead your group to see that every aspect of their story is significant and has the ability to impact others for His Kingdom.
Others of us may hold on to what we have been given because we have a false view on stewardship versus ownership. We have been called to steward what we have for God’s glory not our own. All we have and are belong to Him. We are entrusted with what we have, good and bad, not for our sake but for the sake of others.
When we burry our treasures (for whatever reason we do so) we burry the value of our lives. God is not concerned with how much we have and what we keep but with what we do with what we have been given. The value of a life is always measured by how much is given away.
What causes you to hold back on using all that you have given?
Live It Out // 10 minutes
How might God be calling you to use all of who you are to impact those around you?
Prayer: We thank you Lord that you are generous, kind and entrust us with so much. Help us we pray to understand more fully what it means to steward all we have for the purpose of your Kingdom. Free us from fear where it is present. By the power of your Spirit build trust and risk in us where it is lacking. Further develop our passion to share your gospel through the whole of lives as a response of worship for all that you are and all that you have done. We pray these things to you our Father, through the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.